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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE. Nicole glanced to the west, staring at the mountains as they were silhouetted against the setting sun
Nicole glanced to the west, staring at the mountains as they were silhouetted against the setting sun. She was leaving work much earlier than normal, but Catherine had practically pushed her out of the office. Which was fine. Tomorrow, group sessions would start, and her days would again become shorter. But is that necessarily good? Since her return from the mountains, she'd welcomed the extended hours. It left little time to think. Like now. She pulled her eyes from the sunset, focusing instead on the highway. She hated times like this, when images of Jake crept in. " Forget her, " she said out loud, meeting her eyes in the mirror. She wished she could forget the whole episode, but it stayed with her, vivid images coming to her time and again. Images of her and a stranger doing incredibly intimate things to one another. Well, she had to get over it, and perhaps dinner tonight was just what she needed. Debra Fisher was someone she'd known and admired for several years. The fact that she was now single added a new dimension to their friendship. But really, Debra was only a friend. Nicole had never entertained her being anything other than that. Attractive? Sure. In fact, she was glamorous. She'd never been out in public with Debra and had known her to never be less than impeccably dressed. Which caused Nicole to glance at her own clothing. She hadn't been up to hose and pumps this morning and had settled on slacks and loafers. And no doubt Debra would be in one of her power suits. " I really hate attorneys, " she murmured. Then why go out with her? Well, because she couldn't very well turn down a dinner date from one of the most powerful lesbians in the city. Catherine had nearly fainted when she told her. Debra Fisher was rumored to be running for mayor. The fact was, no matter how attractive Debra was or how powerful, she still was just a friend who stirred zero romantic interest in Nicole. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Debra was not unlike the women she normally went out with. Business women, doctors, lawyers--Nicole knew them all. She felt like she'd dated half of them. All just like her, semi-closeted professional women, putting on a straight face in public. And Nicole frankly was sick of it. She envied those women who had the courage to announce to the world that they were gay. And a handful of women in their own circle had done just that, despite protests from their friends. Nicole knew that the protests were mostly based on fear. Fear that they would out them all. Nicole pushed her thoughts aside when she saw the black Mercedes, and she pulled her more modest Lexus next to it and parked. Debra flashed a charming smile, and Nicole matched it. " Good to see you again, Nicole. It's been ages." Nicole leaned forward, accepting the quick hug from the other woman, noting her perfect makeup and hair, and just the barest scent of a very expensive perfume. " Hello, Debra. You look as beautiful as ever." " Thank you." She looked at Nicole's slacks. " Did you have casual day at the office? " Nicole laughed, ignoring the little voice in her head that urged her to tell Debra the truth. That she hated dressing the part, day after day. But instead, " Sort of. It was a slow day and I thought I'd take advantage of it." " I wish I could have slow days. Especially now, I doubt I'll have a moment to myself. That's why I chose this restaurant. Quiet, out of the way. I'm sure we won't be recognized." " Recognized? Who are we hiding from? " Debra stared. " Haven't you heard? I'm announcing my candidacy tomorrow." " No. Just rumors, really." Nicole squeezed her arm. " Congratulations. You must be very excited." " Yes, of course I am. I think I have a legitimate shot. That's what my team tells me, anyway." She held the door open for Nicole, then ushered her in with a warm hand at her back. Nicole rolled her eyes. Sometimes it just didn't work when lesbians tried to play it straight. " Two, please, " Debra said. " Booth in the back, if you have it." " Yes ma'am, of course. Follow me." " Have you been here before? " Debra asked. " No, I haven't." " Best authentic Italian in the city. You'll love it." " Ladies, will you need a wine list? " Nicole took her seat opposite Debra, deferring the question to her. " I think we would like a bottle of pinot grigio. Give us your best." " Of course. I will bring it right out." Debra leaned back, smiling. " They make a wonderful pesto. I'll have him bring some out with the bread." " Sure. That would be lovely." " You're probably wondering why I invited you to dinner." " Well, I know you and Ashley..." " Yes, it was messy. But, I knew I had to do it. I couldn't very well have a roommate, now could I? How would that look to voters? " Nicole leaned forward. " You broke up with Ashley because you're running for mayor? " " Yes, of course. It cost me a small fortune, but I did it." At Nicole's blank stare, Debra shook her head. " And don't turn into Dr. Westbrook, please. I've already discussed it with Dorothy. She agreed with my decision." " I didn't realize that your relationship with Ashley was simply one of convenience, I guess. I thought you genuinely cared for one another." " Of course I cared about her. But she knew of my political aspirations. It was just a matter of time." " I see." Nicole paused as their bottle of wine was delivered, allowing Debra to taste and nod her approval. When they were alone again, Nicole continued. " If you're concerned about your political future, why are you here with me? " " There's nothing suspicious about you, Nicole. We're just old friends. You have a thriving practice, you're well respected in your field. There's no reason we can't have dinner." " And Ashley was what? A liability? " " I hate that word, but yes." " She's a teacher." " She's a high school coach. How much more stereotypical could you get? " At one time, Nicole had the utmost respect for Debra Fisher. She was one of the best young assistant DAs in the city. She could mold the jury with just a smile and make witnesses crumble with the arch of an eyebrow. Yes, she was going places. And now Nicole wanted no part of it. " She was in love with you, " Nicole said quietly. " Debra, you can't just discard people to suit you. You knew she was a coach at the beginning. Why did you let it go so far? " Debra flashed her trademark smile. " Because she was young and fabulous in bed, of course. But I didn't come here to talk about Ashley. I wanted to talk about you." She poured more wine into Nicole's glass. " You seem to be perpetually single. I need to be single, as well. At least for the time being. Of course, there will be occasions where I'll need a male escort, but I'm sure I can find someone to fill that role. But, since you're not seeing anyone..." " Wait a minute, " Nicole said, interrupting her. " You're not suggesting that I... that we, " Nicole said, motioning between them. " It'll just be sex, Nicole. I don't expect anything else. But I can't very well date, now can I? " " With me? " Nicole asked, eyes wide. " Of course with you. As I said, you're single. It's perfect. It would just be a physical relationship for both of us. No strings attached." Nicole was absolutely speechless. " Is that a yes? " " Are you out of your mind? " she hissed. Debra seemed taken aback, and Nicole realized that she didn't really know this woman at all. All these years that they had known each other, it was simply an act. A show. She felt like she was sitting with a stranger. " Nicole, I thought you'd be receptive to this." " Why in the world would you think that? " Nicole moved her wineglass out of the way and folded her hands together. " First of all, I'm not the least bit attracted to you." At Debra's startled look, Nicole shrugged. " Sorry, but I'm not. And secondly, I'm not really into sex for the sake of sex." She shrugged again. " Call me old-fashioned." It was Debra's turn to stare. " You're not attracted to me? " Nicole shook her head. " No. What gave you the idea that I was? " " Well, nothing. I just assumed..." Ah. Of course. Debra wasn't used to being turned down. Well, Nicole could muster up a little sympathy. She would stay and at least finish their dinner, even though what she really wanted was to run. And fast. And part of her wanted to run from herself. Not into sex for the sake of sex? Old-fashioned? Jesus, had it even been two months since... Jake?