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Exercises. 1. Transcribe the words:


1. Transcribe the words:

hypothetical, exploration, scientist, theoretician, calculus, trigonometry, imaginative, experience, gravity, satellite, resistance, gasoline, atomic

2. Match the words from the texts (1-5) with their synonyms (A-E):

  spherical A faraway
  obvious B ball-shaped
  imaginative C usual
  distant D creative
  conventional E evident

3. Match the words from the texts (1-10) with the definitions (A-J):

  gravity A a device used for storing direct current electricity
  theoretician B the section of an aircraft which contains the pilot, instruments and flight controls
  landing gear C a sudden good idea
  cockpit D the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other, especially that by which a large mass pulls a smaller one to it
  altitude E an aircraft with only one wing on each side
  inspiration F the pushing power of an aircraft engine which makes the plane move forward
  battery G the height of an object or place above sea level
  monoplane H an instrument that guides aircraft, spacecraft, or ships without needing human operation
  thrust I the extendable wheel and leg assembly usually mounted beneath the wings which, together with the nosewheel, enables it to land safely
  autopilot J a person who forms or studies the theory of a subject


4. Explain in English and translate the words and expressions into Russian:

verst, differential calculus, weightless, artificial Earth satellite, free space, zero-gravity, air resistance, heavens, interplanetary ships, liquid-fuelled rockers

5. Find in the texts the English equivalents for the following expressions:

(1) учёный-самоучка, (2) овладеть высшей математикой, (3) слуховой аппарат, 4) история не даёт нам ключа к разгадке, (5) погружённый в размышления, (6) реактивный межпланетный космический корабль, (7) перегрузка, (8) запускать ракету, (9) совершить мягкую посадку, (10) предсказывать, 11) далёкие космические путешествия, (12) многоступенчатая ракета, (13) замкнутый экологический цикл, (14) пополнить запасы воздуха и воды, (15) конструкция космического корабля


Give a 5-minute presentation on the following topics. Organize your material into a definite structure. Remember that the conclusion of any speech is very important. It is the final impression on an audience, so present your remarks assertively, with confidence, and without reading. Do not introduce new points in the conclusion.

1) The life of Konstantin Eduardovitch Tsiolkovsky

2) Scientific achievements of K.E.Tsiolkovsky

3) The works of K.E.Tsiolkovsky («Free Space», «On the Moon», «Dreams of Earth and Sky», etc.)

Structuring a Speech The traditional structure of a speech contains the following elements: · Introduction In the introduction the speaker grabs the attention of the audience, introduces the subject, his purpose and himself to the audience. · The body of the speech The body contains the outline of the major ideas and information that supports and clarifies the ideas · Conclusion The conclusion contains a summary or a conclusion from the information presented and helps the speaker to end his speech gracefully. 2. In the actual process of speech writing it is recommended to stick to a different order: The body of the speech è The conclusion è The introduction should be written.

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