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Memorize the following vocabulary units.

buoyancy, fixed aerodynamic surfaces, propulsion, performance, hypersonic, jet fighter, fuel, refueling, straight wing, sweep wing, subsonic, transonic, supersonic

2. Transcribe the words:

aircraft, airplane, buoyancy, aerodynamic, propulsion, hypersonic, altitude, design

3. Match the words from the texts (1-5) with their synonyms (A-E):

  speed A sailplane
  buoyancy B productivity
  glider C velocity
  performance D carrying capacity
  maneuverable E easy-to-handle

4. Match the words from the texts (1-10) with the definitions (A-J):

  craft A pushing forwards
  altitude B a type of aircraft which derives both lift and propulsion from one or two sets of horizontally revolving overhead rotors
  lift C spaceship
  propulsion D the capabilities of a machine, product, or vehicle
  helicopter E a rigid horizontal structure that projects from both sides of an aircraft and supports it in the air
  performance F upward force exerted by the air on an aerofoil or other structure
  wing G rapidity of movement or action
  speed H material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power
  fuel I a fast military aircraft designed for attacking other aircraft
  fighter J the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level

5. Explain in English and translate the words and expressions into Russian:

airplane, aircraft, propulsion, regimes of flight, hypersonic speed, sound barrier, passenger airplane

6. Complete the text with the words from the box

fixed shape engines pressure
wings surface propeller. forward
blades air nose steer

An airplane is a heavier-than-air craft with (1) wings (that is, wings that don’t move) and one or more (2). In many airplanes, the engine turns a (3). Propellers are found mostly on a plane’s (4) or (5). The propeller is made of several (6) around a center, or hub. The front (7) of each blade is rounded. It has an airfoil (8). As the propeller rotates, it causes (9) to move faster in front of the blades than behind them. The air (10), then, is lower in front than in back. This difference pulls the propeller (11). The airplane is pulled forward, too. But there’s more to flying than moving forward. An airplane pilot also needs to (12) the craft. For this, the plane has “control surfaces.” These are moveable flaps on the plane’s wings and tail.

7. Find in the texts the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

(1) vehicle, (2) motor, (3) power plant, (4) rotor plane, (5) airfoil, (6) tempo, (7) supersonic Mach number, (8) hypersonic velocity, (9) efficiency

8. Answer the following questions. Begin your answers with such introductory phrases as: as far as I know; as far as I remember; to my mind; certainly; it's hard to tell; probably; of course; if I am not mistaken, etc.

1) Is every aircraft an airplane? Why?

2) Why are there so many different types of airplanes?

3) What are four basic wing types?

4) What are the speed classifications?

5) What does the term Mach mean?

6) What purposes are airplanes designed for?

7) Can you compare the performances of passenger airplanes and jet fighters?

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