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Составьте текст «Tonsillitis »используя следующие выражения и


-tonsillitis– ангина

-separate – отдельно




2. Переведите текст на русский язык «Biochemistry» -50%

The chemistry of life, or " biochemistry" as chemists call it, is an area in which the classical fields of chemistry and biology meet. It can be called, molecular biology. Biochemistry is known to be the study of the structures and reactions of the thousands of compounds involved, in life process. It is considered to be the most complex area of chemistry. Living things are supposed to represent the most efficient, sophisticated, compact chemical " factories" ever known. When we compare the nervous system to man- made electronic computers the efficiency and complexity of the biological systems become even more impressive. A computer can perform mathematical operations million of times faster than a person, but think of some of the things the nervous system can do. For example, it can cause your arm to reach out and touch an object. The brain can translate signals from the retina of the eyes into three dimensional colour images. As to the storage capacity the brain really wins out. The largest computers have storage capacity of about one million " words" but some experts believe the brain, to store up all the signals it receives. The next few years of research may bring much increased understanding of chemical processes in cells.

Подготовил преподаватель________ Казыбаева А.А.


Экзаменационный билет №22

По предмету «Профессиональный английский язык»

Специальность: «Фармация»

Курс 2 Семестр 4


1. Составьте текст «Tablets» используя следующие выражения и перескажите-50%

-the most common form of medication – распространённая форма препаратов

-without the addition – без добавления

-auxiliary substances – вспомогательные вещества

-to overcome difficulties – преодолеть трудность

-friction – трение

-lubricants – смазывающие вещества

-glidants – скользящие средства

-flow property – скользящее свойство

2. Переведите текст на русский язык «Plant»-50%

Plants are highly important sources of food for man. They supply us with clothing and many other things as well. Plants are grown and used for many purposes. The principal parts of a plant are: 1) the root system 2) the stems and leaves 3) the reproductive part made up of flowers of seeds. The roots have two main functions- to absorb plant nutrients and water from the soil. To support the leaves and to connect them with the roots are the main functions of the stem. A flower is the part of the plant where seeds are produced. All parts of a plant must be developed well and proportionally enough to function properly.


Подготовил преподаватель________ Казыбаева А.А.


Экзаменационный билет №23

По предмету «Профессиональный английский язык»

Специальность: «Фармация»

Курс 2 Семестр 4


1. Составьте текст «Teeth» используя следующие выражения и перескажите-50%

to erupt – прорезываться

incisor – резец

gum – десна

tiny – крошечный

spot – пятно

to appear – показываться

rapidity – скорость

jaw – челюсть

cuspid - клык

2. Переведите текст на русский язык «Ester»-50%

It has already been explained, that an ester is the product formed by the reversible reaction between an acid and an alcohol. If an acid and an alcohol are mixed a condition of equilibrium will eventually be setup when the rates of the direct reaction and reverse reaction are equal. Any excess of water will diminish the proportion of ester present at equilibrium. An ester may be almost completely hydrolysed if it is heated with water, provided that a large enough proportion of water is used. The hydrolysis is usually slow, but is catalysed by acids. It becomes complete if a dilute solution of an alkali is used instead of water, for the acid produced by hydrolysis is neutralized by the alkali as fast as it is formed, and so can take no further part in the reaction. Most esters of organic acids are pleasant-smelling, volatile liquids and many of them are used in perfumery and in the production of artificial flavouring agents.



Подготовил преподаватель________ Казыбаева А.А.



Экзаменационный билет №24

По предмету «Профессиональный английский язык»

Специальность: «Фармация»

Курс 2 Семестр 4


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