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м. Первомайськ
Обговорено і затверджено На засіданні комісії гуманітарних та соціально-економічних дисциплін протокол № ____ від «___» _________ 2013 року Голова ЦМК _______ __________ Шушняєва Ю.В.
м. Первомайськ
І. Актуальність теми: Вивчення теми «My Future Profession» займає одне з важливих місць серед інших тем навчальної програми. Вивчаючи цю тему, студенти поширюють свої знання про англійську мову, про сфери її вживання, вдосконалюють свої знання з термінології. II. Навчальні цілі: Знати: лексику по темі Вміти: вірно вимовляти лексичні одиниці; вживати їх в мовленні. III. Матеріали для підготовчої роботи: 3.1. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для самостійного вивчення теми. Матеріали доаудиторної самостійної роботи.
3.2. Зміст теми: My future profession Medicine is a respected sphere of life. Being a doctor is a noble job and it is required in all times. In Ukraine thousands of young people study at different medical institutes. They study numerous theoretical and special subjects. They have practical training during which they do the work of nurses and assistant doctors. Such a course of studies helps them to gain much knowledge of medicine, which will give them the possibility to diagnose different diseases and treat people. A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a paticular field of medicine such as surgery or therapy. He must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, all his talent, and all his time to people, to the protection of their health. Becoming a doctor Ten people apply for every place in medical school. How can the interviewers choose those who will become the best doctors? People sometimes criticise medical schools for selecting the best students and ignoring qualities such as maturity, adaptability and common sense. But it is impossible to say which of all students being interviewed will develop these qualities. How, then, should you decide if medicine is the right career for yon? Often, the most intelligent children in a school are encouraged lo study medicine. But the study of medicine does not demand great intellect. It demands a good memory, and the willpower to read many long and boring textbooks. It demands great physical strength, for you must sometimes stay awake all night and go for hours without food. It also demands humility, for you will make many mistakes. Salary, security and status are important to most people. But they are not themselves good reasons lo study medicine. Love of science is a more honorable aim, but doctors who love only science will not find fulfillment in clinical medicine. A fascination with diseases is essential, but the student must also care about the people who suffer from those diseases. Ask yourself: does the human side of medicine attract or repel me? In the past, doctors did not show their emotions. Patients could live or die, but the doctor remained unemotional. Nowadays, doctors know that their work often needs laughter, tears and anger as well as science. The good doctor can use his own emotions as part of the therapy. When a child dies in the hospital after a car accident, the parents' only comfort may be the sweat and the tears on The face of the doctor who tried to save him. Good doctors can be extroverted or shy, ambitious or modest, radical or conventional, brilliant or mediocre. People with disabilities and/or diseases -including deafness, paraplegia, diabetes and cancer-have studied medicine. They can become particularly sensitive doctors To be a good doctor, you will need a love of life and living things if you can ignore a crying baby, you have never looked forward to spring, if you find uneducated people dull, if you are happiest when you are alone - medicine is not the career for you. When I was a young medical student, I was once rude about a patient. My professor took me aside to discipline me. " From today." he said, " yon will begin to think and act as a doctor but remember, you will never cease lo be a medical student." The old professor meant this: first, I must acquire a professional and compassionate approach lo patients, and second, that medical science is continually changing and my studies would not end when I graduated. The first two or three years of medical school arc the pre-clinical years. The student learns anatomy (the bones, muscles and organs of the human body), physiology (how the body works), biochemistry (the chemical reactions occurring in the body's cells), pharmacology (the chemistry of drugs) and pathology (the study of diseases). There is much to learn. The body has over 50 organs, 100 joints, 200 bones 400 nerves 500 arteries and 600 muscles, as well as meters of gut And 100 square meters of lung. Every cell carries 10, 000 'genes on 'two meters of DNA in 46 chromosomes. There are 3, 000 known inherited diseases and another 50, 000 acquired diseases. More than 20, 000 drugs are available to treat these diseases. Only the foolish medical student tries to learn all this. The wise student learns only the basic facts. He tries lo view the whole, rather than the details of its parts. He must gain a " feel" for how the body works and heals. In future years, this feel for the body will remain when the details are forgotten. The Inter (clinical) years at medical school are spent in hospitals learning about illness. Illness is what the patient feels is wrong with turn. A disease (for example, diabetes) can produce a wide spectrum of illness, depending on how the patient copes with the problem. Some people with diabetes feel that they are crippled and worthless; other people with the same disease live normal and active lives. One person who has a cold goes lo bed for a week; another person goes to the doctor for some medicine, another person does not even think that he is ill The sludent must learn how The patient's beliefs, personality and culture influence the disease. He must learn to use his personality lo reassure and comfort the patient. When he can do this, he will be ready to perform operations and prescribe drugs. The medical course in Britain lasts five years; in the United States it lasts eight. After the final examinations, the student may call himself a doctor, but he cannot practice medicine alone yet. He does a residency (one or two years), working under supervision, usually in a hospital. Residents work long hours for a small salary. Their status in the hospital is low. Much of their work is administrative and boring. They arc usually look inexperienced lo win the patients' respect. They live cat and sleep within the hospital, which sometimes feels like a prison. The exciting areas of medicine, such as heart transplants and " wonder drugs, " seem a long way away Residents learn that a degree in medicine is the beginning, not the end, of the road lo success. Whatever branch of medicine the young doctor enters, he must study for at least three more years as well as doing a full-time job. To be a good doctor, you will need a love to life and living things. The good doctor can use his own emotions as part of the therapy. Every doctor must acquire a professional and compassionate approach to patients. Medical school is not a passport to a glamorous and exciting life, and there are certainly easier ways to earn a high salary. But the rewards of understanding, and occasionally curing, the diseases of the human body and mind, have no parallel in any other profession. 3.3. Рекомендована література: Основна: Козырева Л. Г. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие / Л. Г Козырева, Т. В. Шадская. — Изд. 7-е. — Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007. Допоміжна: С.А.Тылкина «Пособие по английскому языку» М: 1985 ст.57 3.4. Орієтновна карта для самостійної роботи з літературою з даної теми:
3.5. Матеріали для самоконтролю: Питання: 1. What must a good doctor know? 2. What are difficulties of future profession? 3. What can you say about the motto of the future doctors? 4. What does the study of medicine demand? 5. Does the human side of medicine attract or repel you? 6. Can the good doctor use his own emotions as the part of the therapy? 7. Enumerate some personal qualities of the doctor. 8. How many inherited diseases do you know?
Complete the following sentences: 1. Medical students have practical training during which they do the work of nurses and... 2. The course of studies helps them to gain much.... of medicine. 3. The doctor must love people and have a kind.... 4. Medical students must understand well all... of their future profession. 5. A good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient's.... Doctor's profession requires a real....
6.Вправи. Завдання. Виготовити наочність з теми.
VI. Література: Основна: Козырева Л. Г. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие / Л. Г Козырева, Т. В. Шадская. — Изд. 7-е. — Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007. Допоміжна: С.А.Тылкина «Пособие по английскому языку» М: 1985 ст.57