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Chapter 8
Incense that is fragrant, incense that is fragrant! yea, for the mighty, first, sublime Life from, worlds of light, the Ineffable above all works! for the ancient Radiance and for the Primal Light, for the Life which emanated from Life and for Truth (Kushta) that was pristine, from the beginning. Incense that is fragrant, incense that is fragrant! yea, for Yukabar-Ziwa who was mighty in his radiance, and came in his light and his glory (as) messenger to the first righteous elect (people). He crossed over the worlds and came and rent the firmament and revealed himself. Incense that is fragrant, incense that is fragrant! yea, for Yuzataq-Gnosis-of-Life, source of Life, who interpreteth silence and giveth hope and taketh the prayers of spirits and souls of righteous and believing men, the virtuous and well pleasing, into the Place of Light and into the Eternal Abode. Incense that is fragrant, incense that is fragrant! yea, for the Father of 'uthras, the Ancient, Lofty, Occult and Guarded, the Man who is high (yet) remaineth deep and hidden. He seeth and understandeth that which the worlds and generations do in the worlds of darkness. Incense that is fragrant, incense, that is fragrant! yea for the dwelling of Life and the planting of 'uthras. Incense that is fragrant, incense that is fragrant! yea, for the dwelling of four beings, sons of Perfection. Incense that is fragrant, incense that is fragrant! yea for the Dwelling of Abathur. Incense that is fragrant, incense that is fragrant! yea, for the dwelling of Hibil, Shitil and Anush, sons of a living, brilliant, healthy and steadfast stock, beings not removed by sword, nor burnt by flames of fire, nor drowned in water-floods; whose (very) sandal-straps on their feet are unwetted by water. They sought and found, went to judgment and were vindicated, spoke and were heard. They are complete, lacking in nought; perfect are they and not imperfect. They came from a pure place and go to a pure place. Incense that is fragrant, incense that is fragrant! yea, for the lives of the men who were our ancestors, of righteous and believing men who rendered up (their souls) and departed from their bodies; and of those who yet live in their bodies. They testified and the door of Sin will be shut to them and the door of light open to them and they will be knit together in the union of Life, in which there is no separation. Pray ye for us from there, and we will pray from here for you! All fruits perish; all sweet odours vanish, (but) the perfume of Life is established for ever and unto world's end upon those who love His name of Truth. Those souls who descend to the jordan and are baptised shall be without sins, trespasses, follies, mistakes and evil deeds: they will rise and behold the great Place of Light and the Eternal Abode. And praised be the Great Life in light. And Life is victorious. [This saying, " Incense that is fragrant, yea for the First Life" recite over both incense and sandalwood and put them before thee on the jordan-bank in a new incense-pan. And make a fresh fire on the copper incense-pan -- (these) are aids of all order which ye carried, put (lit. " performed") at the jordan. Then read the baptismal " We acknowledged" " Praises", " Thee, Life, ", " I sought to raise eyes" (Prayer 77) and " Raising eyes".]