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Land Administration Certificate

If you prefer working in a fast paced office setting with a company in the energy, utilities, environmental or transportation sectors and are interested in the organization and administration of land acquisition and record keeping, then the eight month Land Administration certificate is for you. You will work closely with land agents and land managers and may travel occasionally in your capacity as liaison between government agencies, corporate offices, and other oil and gas companies. Industry demand for highly qualified and motivated land administrators is extremely positive.

What People Say About Us:

“I chose the Land Administration program at Olds College because of its excellent reputation in the oil and gas industry. The curriculum is current, interesting and challenging. Besides being helpful during class time, the instructors are excellent for introducing students into the industry, helping them to form relationships with prospective employers right from the beginning.”

Deana Murphy


Olds College offers programs in seven broad areas:

· Agriculture

· Animal Sciences

· Business Administration

· Fashion

· Horticulture

· Land and Water Resources

· Trades and Technology

1. Skim through the text and say which of its paragraphs gives the information about:

a) Land Administration certificate;

b) study’s period;

c) the staff of a college.

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