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List of Vocabulary
assistant chef – помощник шеф-повара busboy – помощник официанта cashier – кассир concession basis – на основании концессии concessionaire – концессионер dishwasher – посудомойка establishment – зд. штат fixed rent – фиксированная оплата hostess – зд. сотрудница ресторана или кафе, встречающая и усаживающая гостей kitchen helper – помощник на кухне kitchen supplier – поставщик sommelier – старший официант, заведующий винами storekeeper – кладовщик to be leased – сданный в аренду (внаем) bartender – бармен cocktail lounge – коктейльный зал counter – стойка pantry – буфетная, кладовая snack-bar (BrE), Snack bar (AmE) – закусочная space for storage – место для хранения to cut down on – сокращать, снижать to fill out а slip – заполнить бланк (карточку) bill – счет
Special terms: Maitre d’ – а person in charge of а restaurant who tells guests where to sit and waiters what to dо, etc. Chef – а skilled, usually male cook, especially the chef cook in а hotel or restaurant. Steward – а restaurant employee who serves wines and sometimes other drinks. (syn. sommelier) Waiter – an employee in а restaurant who goes to the customers’ tables, takes their orders and then brings the prepared food to the tables. Room Service – the supplying, on demand, of food and beverage service to the guest rooms of а hotel. Captain – the employee who seats а guest in а restaurant.
COMPREHENSION I. Answer the following questions. 1. What kinds of food and beverage service are offered by hotels? 2. Why is food and beverage service а major factor in hotel operations? 3. What can the food and beverage income be increased by? 4. Why is the food and beverage manager а key member of the management staff? 5. What is the food and beverage manager responsible for? 6. What employees does the food and beverage staff include? 7. Who is the head of the kitchen staff? What is his main responsibility? 8. Who report to the chef? What does the job of an assistant chef consist of? 9. What the food and beverage staff is under the supervision of the chefs? 10. What are the other employees in the kitchen hierarchy? 11. What are the duties of the captain in а restaurant? 12. What are the duties of the waiters and waitresses? 13. What are the duties of the busboys? 14. Who takes orders for wine and other drinks in the restaurants? 15. What are the cashiers in the restaurant in charge of?
II. Tell the group about the plot of the text (5-7 sentences).