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What is a Movie Critic?


A professional movie critic may sound like a dream job. It is true that a movie critic does get paid for watching movies every week, but that’s only part of the actual job. The product may look promising on the surface, but a movie critic’s role is to give an honest assessment before the release of the movie to a general audience. A movie critic bases his assessment of a film on a number of elements, including the work of the director, the level of acting, the casting, the faithfulness to source materials, the editing and the quality of the screenwriting.

A movie critic may not like horror films, for example, but he or she should be able to tell the difference between a good or bad slasher film. Most movie critics understand that their personal opinions influence potential ticket buyers, so they make an effort to offer both the pros and cons of the films they review.

Criticizing a movie professionally is not simply a matter of voting yes or no on a new movie release. Sometimes a professional movie critic may have to do a great amount of research in order to put the movie in a proper context. A very complex movie may need criticism on psychological, dramatic and sociological levels, which means a movie critic also has to have very strong analytical and literary skills. Movie critics such as Pauline Kael and Roger Ebert are well known for their in-depth critiques of iconic motion pictures, as well as the directors, screenwriters and actors.

The working conditions for a professional movie critic can be challenging. Watching several films in a single day can be physically and mentally difficult, especially when the critic also has other obligations such as television and radio interviews, newspaper deadlines and personal appearances at film festivals. A professional movie critic can often become just as famous as the filmmakers themselves.

A film critic watches new films and writes critique s about the various aspects of the film, from the acting to the pacing; from the plot to the chemistry between characters. Once the film critic makes an interpretation of the film, he or she must write a well-worded and honest assessment that will be published in one or more publications. Some critics write only for one specific magazine or newspaper, while others write for more than one outlet. A film critic may also present his or her film assessment on a website, television programme, or trade publication.

Becoming a film critic is not as glamorous or easy as it sounds. A critic must know many, if not all, aspects of films and film production. Some critics have college degrees in film studies. Other critics may have training in literature. Some critics are simply film fans.

Writing skills are essential for a film critic. The critic often has to view several movies a day, take notes and write an accurate review of specific scenes in the movie. Critics often must meet strict deadlines for several publications, and the process can be mentally challenging. They should keep a clear head while they are watching a film and maintain objectivity especially when the film critic must write a review of a movie that features a writer, director, or actor he or she does not particularly like. It can sometimes be quite difficult or impossible.

There are a lot of media outlets. Websites are one of the most common outlets for film critics, and while written articles are very commonly published on websites, audio clip s and short video clips also present one of the strongest review methods. These days a film critic must know different methods of delivering their materials and be willing and able to reach audiences in all the ways possible.

The life of a film critic is full of duties and responsibilities. As a film critic, you have to answer burning questions such as the following:

· How do you decide which movie to review?

· What is your literary approach or reviewer approach to the film you are going to write about?

· What are you going to do to protect yourself from other critics’ influence without compromising your own review of the film?

· How do you influence your readers as you review films?

· How do you identify yourself as a film critic amidst a great number of film critics?


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