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Match the verb forms in the sentences (1-6) to the correct use (a-f).

The usage of verb to be in Present Simple

1. Use to be to give and ask for information

I am Tom

The story isn’t true

Is he in England?

2. Use to be with ages

Two boys are 15 years old

3. Use to be and a/an with jobs

She’s a teacher

4. Use to be to describe the weather

It’s cold

5. Use to be to talk about time and place

It’s six o’clock

Edward is in London


Match the verb forms in the sentences (1-6) to the correct use (a-f).

1 She worksin a bank. a a general truth
2 They usually eatout on Saturdays. b a timetable
3 Wool comesfrom sheep. c a permanent situation
4 The Sun risesin the east. d a programme
5 The bus arrivesat 5 o'clock. e a repeated or habitual action
6 The film startsin ten minutes. f a law of nature



a) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple.

Jason is 12 years old and he 1).... lives.... (live) in York. He 2)................... (go) to school every day by bus. Jason 's mother 3)......................... (teach) German at university and his father 4)....................... (work) in a bank. In his free time, Jason 5) ……………….. (play) football with his friends. He 6) …………………. (want) to be a football player when he grows up. At weekends, Jason 7) ……………..... (not/wake up) early. After lunch, he and his dad often 8) ……………. (play) board games or 9)................ (ride) their bicycles. Later in the day, his mum usually 10) ……………. (take) him to visit his best friend, Henry, and they 11) …………… (spend) the evening watching films.

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