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Study the essential vocabulary. Give the Russian equivalents for every unit and translate the examples into Russian.


2.Translate the following sentences into Russian:


A. 1. " You are making too much fuss of me, don't worry", he said, with a smile, suggestive of annoyance. 2.1 had seldom seen him like this. He seemed, indeed, annoyed with me for having asked this question. 3. He was annoyed at the way she tried to take over the whole meeting. 4.1 want you, Lady Wil-



lard, to ascertain for me exactly how much is newspaper chat­ter, and how much may be said to be founded on facts. 5. The woman kept chattering in and out as she prepared the table. In a nearby tree a squirrel chattered. 6. The noise of old-fashioned computer printers chattering away gave me a head­ache. 7. Then the fever came on again and his teeth chattered. 8. His friends cheered him on when he was about to give up. 9. No one could help but cheer the verdict " not guilty". 10. " See you tonight then. Cheers! ", I said and put down the receiver. 11. You can hear the cheers of the crowd two miles away from the football ground. 12. He gave me a cheery greeting. 13. His cheerful acceptance of responsibility encouraged us all. 14. You could never be unhappy in such a cheerful house. 15. A cheerful fire was burning in the grate. 16. " It's not a wrestling match, not a contest of strength", he said. 17. She contested five of seven titles. 18. There is always a contest be­tween the management and the unions. 19. She's won a lot of dancing contests. 20. The championship is being keenly con­tested by seven athletes. 21. In tonight's quiz the contestants have come from all over the country to fight for the title of " Superbrain". 22. The contest for leadership of the Party is gathering speed. 23. He became seriously depressed and suicidal, and applied for emergency psychotherapy. 24. She emerged from the sea cold but exhilarated and toweled herself vigorously. 25. The method of this comprehensive study is to highlight the issues that emerged in the 1960s in University life. 26. The President has emerged unseated from the scan­dal. 27. He seemed to emerge from his reverie. 28. His profes­sional training enabled her to act swiftly arid decisively when faced with an emergency. 29. My wife had to open the tins we kept for an emergency. 30. It has emerged that secret talks were under way between the two companies.

B. 1. He wanted to be left alone to go about his business. 2. His new book was going along nicely. 3. The breakfast arrived and he went at it like a starving refugee. 4. I'll try to go by reason as far as possible. I'm sorry, madam, but we have to go by rules. 5. " I think my presentation went down rather well, don't you? " 6. In spite of going down badly with the critics, the film has been a tremendous commercial success. 7. I'd rather not go into that now. 8. Don't sign anything until you have gone over it thoroughly. 9. Go easy on salt, it's bad for



your heart. 10. Some jokes go round year after year. 11. Could I have a glass of water to help these pills go down? 12. They were looking for a minute at the soft hinted green in the branches against the sky. 13. Although it was a raw March afternoon, with a hint of fog coming in with the dusk, he had the window wide open. 14.1 coughed politely as she lit a cigarette but she didn't take the hint. 15. There's only a hint of brandy in the sauce, so I don't think it'll make you drunk. 16. This was a large low-ceilinged room, with rattling machines at which men in white shirt sleeves and blue aprons were working. 17. Druet was rattling on boasting about his recent victories and Hurstwood grew more and more resentful. 18. The quiet deliberate fpotsteps approaching my door rattled me/got me rattled. 19. She seemed rattled about my presence/by my ques­tion. 20.1 had taken a taxi which rattled down the road. 21. He was left alone except Rachel rattling pots in the kitchen. 22. Reduced to extreme poverty, begging, sometimes going hungry, sometimes sleeping in the parks, Hurstwood admitted to himself the game was up. 23. The Education Department had threatened the headmaster with a reduction in the staff, which meant more work and reduced salaries for the remain­ing teachers and himself. 24. Every building in the area was reduced to rubble. 25. The captain was reduced to the ranks for his dishonorable action. 26. The contractor had reduced his price from sixty to forty thousand dollars. 27. Mr. Lamb resent­ed these intrusions and reduced them to a minimum. 28. They were reduced to selling the car to pay the phone bill. 29. They have made substantial reductions in the labor costs. 30. By the, end of the interview Martin was reduced to almost speechless anger.


3. Give the equivalents for:


досаждать кому-л. до смерти; наскучить, надоедать; было досад­но (неприятно); недовольный голос; раздраженный тон;

стучать зубами; болтуны; щебетанье птиц;

радостные мысли; веселое лицо; веселая комната; яркий, свет­лый день; бодрое настроение; жизнерадостный человек; приятная беседа; веселье, оживление; возгласы одобрения; поддержка, уте­шение; аплодисменты;

спор, состязание, борьба; международное соревнование; музы­кальный конкурс; бороться за каждую пядь земли; соперничать; до­биваться избрания в парламент;



внезапно появиться; неприкосновенный запас; запасной выход; стоп-кран; крайняя необходимость; критическое положение; вы­нужденная посадка; чрезвычайные меры; чрезвычайное положение; непредвиденный случай; спасательная шлюпка; чрезвычайные пол­номочия;

расхаживать; продолжать; предшествовать; пересматривать; проанализировать заново; посредник; пасть, быть побежденным;

оставаться в веках; быть принятым, одобренным (кем-л.);

бросаться, нападать на кого-то; возвращаться к чему-л.;

основывать свое мнение на чём-л.; платить (за обед) поровну, (пополам); продать дешево (даром);

нравиться (о чем-то); потерять сознание; просмотреть что-л. (бегло ознакомиться);

слегка намекнуть; прозрачно намекнуть, намекать на что-л.; гру­бо намекнуть; быть признаком (надвигающейся грозы);

трещать, грохотать, греметь; барабанить (о дожде); болтать, тре­щать, говорить без умолку; мчаться с грохотом; отбарабанить урок; погремушка; гремучая змея;

снижать цены; снижать зарплату; укоротить юбку; уменьшить влияние; довести до крайности; довести до нищеты; довести до ми­нимума; довести до абсурда; сократить военные расходы; сбавить скорость, понижать температуру.


4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:


1.The girls talked very quickly without stopping as if un­aware of my presence. 2. The sounds of approval of the audi­ence filled the theatre. 3. Don't be sad, I've got good news for you. 4. You shouldn't argue a point or a statemeat trying to show that it is wrong, when you don't rely on facts. 5. Let's rehearse this scene again. 6. How did you happen to find out about it? There wasn't even a slight suggestion of it in his letter. 7. An old cart passed by quickly making a lot of noise. 8. If you don't want to get some lung disease you must give up smoking or cut it to a minimum.


5. Use the essential vocabulary in answering the following questions. Give full answers repeating the words of the question:


1.Howwould you feel if somebody persistently interrupts your work by repeating the same question over and over again? 2. What do you do to try to raise the spirits of your sad friend? 3. What do you call a happy and contented person? 4. What do people say when soldiers put up a fearless fight not to


retreat? 5. What should a pilot do if serious problems with the plane's engine arise midflight? 6. Do you agree that failing health too often accompanies old age? 7. Do students have to examine a deeper level of the writer's words while preparing for the interpretation of the text? 8. What kind of cars usually move noisily and not very quickly? 9. Why did Hurstwood have to start to beg for his living?


6. Mike up and act out short dialogues or stories using the essential vocabu­lary.


7. Replace the phrases in bold type by suitable phrasal verbs based on the verb " to go":


1. I'll have to examine those papers closely before I can say anything definite. 2. I had the idea of making a raft but couldn't figure out how to start it. 3. The engineers examined the machine carefully trying to establish the cause of trouble.

4. In his report the speaker attacked the hedgers who were forever trying to shift the responsibility onto somebody else. 5. As you get better in English, you'll find it easier to com­municate. 6.I hope I can base my judgement of these events on your information. 7. He didn't fulfil his promise to work harder. 8. How did your pupils accept your first lesson? 9. My opinion of him dropped considerably when I found out the truth. 10. Be kind to the dog, he didn't mean to hurt you. 11. I wouldn't dare criticise him to his face. 12. You shouldn't make your feelings so obvious to everyone.


8. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of the exercise:


1. A lamb... 2. A mouse... 3. A pigeon... 4. A bird... 5. An owl... 6. A crow... 7. A tiger... 8. A rattlesnake... 9. A nightingale... 10. A monkey...


(warbles, rattles, roars, croaks, squeaks, chatters, chirps, hoots, bleats, cooes)


9. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of the exercise:


1. The brakes... as the driver brought thecar to a sudden stop. 2. The dry leaves... in the wind. 3. The hail … on the roof. 4. Old Thomas heard little feet... down the corridor and then stopping at his door. 5. The clock... twelve. 6. The bells... mer-



rily as the horses drawing the carriage broke into a steady trot. 7. His teeth... with cold. 8. The air... as it escaped the punctured tyre. 9. She heard the door... and sighed in relief.


(bang, chime, chatter, patter, jingle, rattle, grate, hiss, rustle)


10. Which words given in brackets denote:


1. a clumsy, awkward person; 2. an offensively inquisitive person; 3. an impudent person who thinks he is clever; 4. a per­son who doubts everything; 5. a person who discourages hope, enthusiasm or pleasure; 6. a person who's always in the compa­ny of others even when he is not wanted


(smart alec, doubting Thomas, butter-fingers, wet blanket, Nosy Parker, a hanger-on)


11. Translate the following sentences into English using the essential vo­cabulary:


а) 1. Закрой окно, пожалуйста, шум меня раздражает. 2. Вода была такая холодная, что Том начал стучать зубами от холода. 3. В лесной тиши было слышно щебетанье птиц. 4. Безрадостные мысли не давали ему спать всю ночь. 5. Через всю жизнь он пронес юно­шеский оптимизм и радостную веру в людей. 6. Молодой неизвестный музыкант, принимавший участие в международном конкурсе Чай­ковского, стал впоследствии знаменитым пианистом. 7. Рыба, наконец, появилась на поверхности воды. Старик был поражен ее размерами. 8. Он появился в городе, когда его менее всего ожидали. 9. Адвокат нападал на свидетеля, задавал ему бесконечные вопросы, так что в конце концов свидетель стал противоречить самому себе. 10. Мистер Волтер шел по набережной. Все вокруг было спокойно. И. " Я знаю, что сейчас ты солгал мне, но я не буду на это обращать внимание, уверен, ты сам обо всем мне расскажешь", — сказал Геральд устало.


b) 1. Я намекнул, что ему причитаются кое-какие деньги, но, кмоему удивлению, мои слова не дошли до него. 2. Далли прозрачно намекнули, что в ее услугах больше не нуждаются, но она продол­жала приходить каждый день. 3. Окна дребезжали от ветра. 4. Я не понимаю, зачем вы доводите мои слова до абсурда. 5. Долгая бо­лезнь мужа и безработица довели миссис Хартвуд до крайней нище­ты. 6. Вы должны снизить скорость. Мы въехали в город; 7. Полковника разжаловали в солдаты за то, что он сдал город.



12. a) Give the Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs:


Familiarity breeds contempt.

Experience is the best knowledge.

Who chatters to you will chatter of you.


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