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Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.
2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
A. 1. My son has begun to come along very well in French since the new teacher was appointed. 2. The attempt did not come off as well as we had hoped. 3. The picture I took of the baby did not come out. 4. He has come down in the world. 5. The old aunt's coming along nicely. 6. The food didn't come up to my expectations. 7. I'd like to know how she came by that black eye. 8. I tried telling a few jokes but they didn't come off. 9.I have no objection whatever to having the Smith girls in. 10. She objects to muddy shoes in the house. 11. All our objectives were won. 12. For a millionaire like him, money is no object 13. Don't mention his health: it's forbidden ground. 14. Once we'd found some common ground we got on very well together. 15. She didn't overlook a thing in planning the party. 16. June went there sometimes to cheer the pld things up. 17. That was an unkind thing to say. 18. She's got a thing about fast cars. 19. I’m having trouble paying attention — I have a thing or two on my mind.
B. 1. Initially she opposed the plan, but later she changed her mind. 2. She's turned out to be the exact opposite of what everyone expected. 3. We sat at opposite ends of the table to/ from each other. 4. She worked her initials in red. 5. The young man after initial shyness turned into a considerable social success. 6. I initialled the documents to show I approved of them. 7. When she began the job she showed initiative and was promoted to manager after a year. 8.1 shouldn't always have to tell you what to do, use your initiative for once! 9.1 had very attentive and loving patents. 10. After an hour my attention started to wander. 11. There's no point in your coming to my classes if you're not going to attend to what I say. 12. The meeting was designed to reassure parents whose children were taking exams that summer. 13. The nurse tried to reassure the frightened child. 14. He spoke in his usual assured tones. 15. Despite the Government's repeated assurances to the contrary, taxation has risen over the past decade. 16. Over the past 50 years crop yields have risen steadily by 1-2% a year. 17. Baby toys are usually made out of yielding materials. 18. They were forced to yield up some of their lands during the war.
3. Give the English equivalents for:
входить в моду; оторваться/отскочить; случайно встретить; возвращаться; очнуться; доходить до колен (оплатье); подходить к концу; кончаться; упасть в глазах; удаваться; обнаруживаться (о факте); трудно получить; решить проблему; непредвзятое мнение; отдаленный предмет; объект насмешек; не иметь цели в жизни; не любить сырую погоду; возражать из принципа; не одобрять грубость; быть против насилия; футбольное поле; запретная тема; стоять на своем; устраивать во всех отношениях; чувствовать твердую почву под ногами; затрагивать много вопросов; не иметь оснований беспокоиться; пройти большое расстояние; беспричинные страхи; обоснованные опасения; чайная посуда; сладости; духовные ценности; положение дел; бедняжка; крошка; тупица; сказать не то, что надо; дело в том, что; как раз то, что нужно; нечто не совсем подходящее; единственное; возражать против плана; не одобрять чеи-л. брак; (сильно) противиться переменам; полная противоположность; дом напротив; быть в оппозиции; выступать против законопроекта (в парламенте); сидеть друг против друга; начальная стадия; ранние симптомы заболевания; одинаковые инициалы; первоначальное преимущество; брать на себя инициати-
ву в чём-л.; сделать по собственной инициативе; проявить инициативу; первый шаг; инициативный человек; уделять внимание; следить за воспитанием своих детей; ухаживать за больным; присутствовать на лекциях; посещать школу; обращать внимание на; привлечь чье-л. внимание к; внимательно относиться к кому-л.; оказать помощь пострадавшему; обслужить клиента; невнимательный ученик: успокоить пациента; убедить кого-л. не беспокоиться о своем здоровье; чувствовать себя уверенным; удостовериться в том, что; утешительные вести; успокаивающий голос; уверенные манеры; говорить уверенно; заверять кого-л. в своей преданности; твердый доход; давать хороший урожай; приносить большой доход; сдать свои позиции; поддаться искушению; уступить перед силой; испугаться угроз; поддаваться лечению; податливый характер.
4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:
1. Can you tell me how the accident happened? 2. A good job that you enjoy doing ishard to find. 3. She held a large round thing in her hand. 4. Your suggestion pleases me in everyway. 5. I can't do anything with him. 6. I am against this trip. 7. His first reaction was one of shock and resentment. 8. Are you listening to what is being said? 9. I was relieved to hear his words. 10. What reason do you have for thinking that he is to blame?
5. Answer the following questions. Use the essential vocabulary:
1. What do we say about a patient who is doing well? 2. What do we say about a doctor who gives his attention to the patient? 3. What sort of person tries to be unaffected by personal feelings or prejudices? 4. What is another way of saying that we disapprove of rudeness? 5. What does one say to reassure a person who is frightened? 6. What is another way of saying that people sit facing each other? 7. What do they call a political party opposed to the government? 8. What is the usual affectionate way of referring to a small child or an annnal? 9. What phrase is often used to emphasize an important remark which follows? 10. Is it considered socially correct nowadays to call people by their first names? 11. What do we call capital letters at the beginning of a.name? 12. What do we say about a person who does things according to his own plan and without help? 13. What is the teacher likely to say to an
inattentive pupil? 14. How is one likely to feel on hearing that he is out of danger? 15. How can one inquire about the amount of fruit gathered (produced)?
6. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and postlogues:
1. When I lifted the jug up, the handle came ....2. The child loved to watch the stars come... at night. 3. Her hair come... to her shoulders. 4. Come..., child, or we'll be late! 5.The meaning comes... as you read further. 6. I've just come... a beautiful poem in this book. 7. How did this dangerous state of affairs come...? 8. At this point, the water only comes... your knees. 9. Can you help me to open this bottle? The cork won't come.... 10.1 came... an old friend in the library this morning. 11. I'm going away and I may never come.... 12.I hope he came... all that money honestly. 13. It was a good scheme and it nearly came.... 14. When he came... he could not, for a moment, recognize his surroundings. 15. How's your work coming...? 16. Will you come... for a walk after tea?
7. Choose the right word: