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Active Vocabulary. Confectioner [kən'fekʃ(ə)nə] – кондитер

Confectioner [kə n'fekʃ (ə)nə ] – кондитер

occupation [, ɒ kjʊ 'peɪ ʃ (ə)n] – заняття; рід занять, професія, фах

wholesale ['hə ulseɪ l] – оптова торгівля

mankind [mæ n'kaɪ nd] – людство

toffee ['tɒ fɪ ] – іриска

biscuit ['bɪ skɪ t] – бісквіт

large-scale [, lɑ: ʤ 'skeɪ l] – великомасштабний

schedule ['ʃ edju: l] – графік; план; програма

measure ['meʒ ə ] – міряти, вимірювати

weigh [weɪ ] – зважувати

knead [ni: d] – замішувати, місити тісто

interweave [, ɪ ntə 'wi: v] – тісно сплітати, переплітати

dough [də u] – тісто

batter ['bжtə ] – збите тісто

mould [mə uld] – форма для випікання

icing ['aɪ sɪ ŋ ] – цукрова глазур

glaze [gleɪ z] – глазур, полива; глянс

culinary ['kʌ lɪ n(ə)rɪ ] – кулінарний; кухонний

nutrition [nju: 'trɪ ʃ (ə)n] – годування; харчування; живлення

sanitation [, sæ nɪ 'teɪ ʃ (ə)n] – поліпшення санітарних умов

aspire [ə s'paɪ ə ] – прагнути, домагатися

costing [kɒ ̱ stɪ ŋ ] – розрахунок собівартості продукції

trainee [treɪ 'ni: ] – стажер; практикант; той, що проходить підготовку

Task 1

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions


1. The first McDonald’s restaurant was opened ____ Dick and Mac McDonald ____ the 15th _____ May 1940.

2. The best selling products _____ their restaurant were hamburgers.

3. So the McDonald brothers thought ____ a way to produce hamburgers more quickly.

4. This was introduced ____ 1948 and became known ____ the Speedee Service System.

5. The first franchised McDonald’s restaurant was opened _____ 1953, and today you can find McDonald’s restaurants _____ more than 100 countries.

6. The meats _____ the burgers vary _____ the culture _____ the country.

7. Franchisees and future managers _____ McDonald’s restaurants are trained ____ Hamburger University, which is located _____Oak Brook, a suburb _____ Chicago.

8. McDonalds is also known ____ its sponsorship ___ various international sport events.



Task 2

Match words with their meanings

  confectioner a the selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by others
  wholesale b a small baked unleavened cake, typically crisp, flat, and sweet
  mankind c a thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread or pastry
  biscuit d the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
  dough e a person whose trade is making or selling confectionery
  icing f estimate the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units
  nutrition g a mixture of sugar with water, egg white, or butter, used as a coating for cakes or biscuits
  culinary h turn moistened flour into dough or paste with the hands
  measure i used in the kitchen or in cookery
  knead j human beings considered collectively; the human race


Text 2

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