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Active Vocabulary

Muscle – мускул; м'яз

edible – їстівний

tissue – тканина

mammal – ссавець

cattle – велика рогата худоба

consumption – споживання

associate – асоціюватися

daunt – залякувати

salting – засолювати, консервувати

sophisticated – витончений (про смак, манери)

ratio – пропорція; коефіцієнт;

preservation – консервування

veal – телятина

utility – корисність; вигідність

saturated fat – насичені жири

flavor – аромат; запах

drastically – рішуче



Task 1

Match words with their meanings

  meat a the flesh of the calf used as food
  pork b any domesticated bovine mammals
  veal c taste perceived in food or liquid in the mouth
  cattle d the flesh of various bovine animals, esp. the cow, when killed for eating
  flavor e the flesh of mammals used as food, as distinguished from that of birds and fish
  steak f any of a class of naturally occurring soft greasy solids that are esters of glycerol and certain fatty acids
  fat g the science or occupation of cultivating land and rearing crops and livestock; farming
  agriculture h expenditure on goods and services for final personal use 3) the quantity consumed
  beef i any of various cuts of beef of varying quality, used for braising, stewing, etc
  consumption j the flesh of pigs used as food

Task 2

Fill in the gaps with the given words to complete the text

source preservation flesh packing consumption lamb poultry countries domesticated rituals traditions popularity

Meat is animal 1)_____ that is eaten as food. In commerce, meat is generally used by the meat 2)_____ industry in a more restrictive sense – the flesh of mammalian species (pigs, cattle, lambs, etc.) raised and prepared for human 3)_____, to the exclusion of fish, 4)_____, and other animals. Usage varies worldwide by culture, and some 5)______ such as India have large populations that avoid the consumption of all or most kinds of meat.

The consumption of meat has various 6)______ and 7)_____ associated with it in different cultures. 8)____ is just now becoming popular in America, and pork is gaining in 9)_____ as a lean meat option. But by far, the favorite meat in the United States is beef. Historically, the cow’s size made it more valuable as a draft animal than a 10)_____ of food. The logistics of slaughtering such a large animal were daunting. 11)_______ methods revolved around salting, and such methods were not very sophisticated.

Unless there was a real crowd to feed, lamb was a more popular choice. But modern Americans love cows. They no longer harness the strength of the cow, but the meat, milk, and hide easily make it the world’s most important 12)_____ animal.



Unit 6

Text 1

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