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Варіант № 8
1. Використовуйте артикль де це необхідно (a, an, the). 1.1 Where are... books in your... room?... books are on... shelf.... shelf is on... wall. 1.2 There are many... schools and... institutes in my... city. 1.3 My father often rests on... Sunday. 1.4 If you go to... Edinburgh in... August, you can't miss... Edinburgh Arts Festival. This event attracts visitors from all over... world.
2. Утворіть множину з поданих речень. 2.1 There is a chair in my room 2.2 Is that sheep your? 2.3 Is there a flower in the vase? 2.4 Is this a good tooth?
3. Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи дієслова у потрібному часі. 3.1 My sister (to wash) the dishes every morning. 3.2 When you (to go) to school? 3.3 What you (to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow? 3.4 You (to invite) your cousin to stay with you next summer?
4. Вставьте some, any, no або їх похідні. 4.1 Are there... desks in the classroom? - Yes, there are many. 4.2 There are... books on this desk, but there are...._ exercise-books. 4.3 Did he say... about it? - - No, he said.... 4.4 What shall I do now, Mom? I, have done my homework. - You can do... you like.
5. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову. 5.1 По вечерам он имел обыкновение читать вслух своему сынишке. 5.2 Она готовилась к экзаменам. 5.3 Мы посмотрели пьесу, а затем обсудили ее. 5.4 Я был в Лондоне в прошлом году. Раньше я там не бывал. 5.5 Ему не нравилось письмо, которое он пытался написать уже два часа. Слова казались ему неубедительными (unconvincing). 6. Перекладіть текст на українську мову та поставте 5 запитань до будь-якого речення. Legal Professions m Great Britain
Who is who in the law? If you are prosecuted for a crime in Britain, you may meet the following people during your process through the courts: Magistrates. Magistrates are unpaid judges usually chosen from well-respected people in the local community. They are guided on points of law by an official, the clerk. There are magistrates' courts in most towns. Solicitors. After the accused person has been arrested, the first person he or she needs to see is a solicitor. Solicitors are qualified lawyers who advise the accused and help prepare the defence case. The solicitor may represent the accused in court. A person who is too poor to afford a solicitor will usually get Legal Aid — financial help from the state. Barristers. In more serious cases it is usual for the solicitor to hire a barrister to defend the accused. The barrister is trained in the law and in the skills required to argue a case in court. The barrister for the defence will be confronted by his or her opposite number, the prosecuting barrister who represents the state. Jurors. A jury consists of twelve men and women from the local community. They sit in the Crown Court with a judge and listen to witnesses for the defence and prosecution before deciding whether the accused is guilty or innocent. In Britain the person is innocent unless found guilty: the prosecution has the burden of establishing guilt. Judges. Judges are trained lawyers, nearly always ex-barristers who sit in the Crown Court and appeal courts. The judge rules on points of law and makes sure that the trial is conducted properly.
Контрольна робота № 2