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Text 2. Telephoning
v Task 5. Learn the following words and expressions from the text below: сalls - телефонные звонки make a telephone call – позвонить note down information -записать identify yourself – представьтесь take the call – принимать телефонный звонок dial - набирать номер dial a wrong number – набрать не тот номер put throught – соединять a reply – ответ unsolicited call – неожиданный, непрошенный звонок assume – принимать во внимание v Task 6. Read and translate the text:
The phone is probably the most used tool in modern business. 25 million business calls are made every day in the UK. Not everyone admits to being confident or totally proficient in their use of the phone so it is worth looking at why phone skills are vital for effective business communication. The rules for answering a telephone are simple but they need to be continually reviewed and practised. Following are the most basic ones, which should always be employed: 1. Answer the phone in as few rings as possible. No one likes to be forced to wait. 2. Prepare yourself with a pen and paper while taking a call so that you can note down the information of the customer. 3. Identify yourself and the company you work for (if at work) as soon as you answer. 4. By taking control of the call and asking 'the right' questions you have gathered as much information as possible before transfering a call and hopefuly illuminated the chance of an unsolicited call be put through but also you are able to supply 'Bill' with the information he needs before accepting the call. Avoid opening your questions with " can I" or " would you mind if I" if you open with these you risk loosing control of the call the caller could easily say " yes I do mind" or " no you can't" so just ask direct questions be polite and remeber you are within your rights to ask questions, if the caller gets irritated just explain: " thank you for your understanding I am sure you can appreciate we/I deal with a large number of calls by asking you these questions I can ensure your call is directed swiftly and correctly to the right person or department, thank you". 5. Always assume someone from your organization is listening in on the conversation. Organizations adding this ability in will usually announce it AFTER they have installed and used it. 6. Always ask before putting someone on hold, and wait for a reply. 7. Check that the intended recipient is happy to take the call. If somebody asks if they can speak to someone specific, tell the caller that you will " try their line" before putting them on hold and checking that the recipient is a) available and b) ready to speak to them. 8. Try to solve the problem within the call time. 9. Phone conversation lacks the obvious input of body language; the recipient on the other end will receive your true intentions through the actual tone of voice you use during the call. Your tone will say more than the actual words that come out of your mouth. Having said this, smile when you speak on the phone! This point of smiling really hit home with the senior management of a call center, and they placed little mirrors at each of the Agent's stations that said: " What you see is what they hear." 10. Use the caller's name, whenever possible. It shows that you are a good listener and adds a personal touch " I'm sorry John, but Mark isn't available at the moment. Can I help you with anything or take a message? " 11. When calling another person, identify yourself first. For example, say " This is Mary Hunter calling for Louis Meyer, please." 12. Remember to close your conversation with a professional closing. End your conversations with a sincere " Good-day", or " Thank you".
v Task 7. Read and translate the dialogues. Give Russian equivalents to the expressions in bold: 1. Telephone: connecting A. Michelle: Hello, you've reached the marketing department. How can I help? Male: Yes, can I speak to Rosalind Wilson, please? Michelle: Who’s calling please? Male: It’s Richard Davies here. Michelle: Certainly. Please hold and I’ll put you through. Male: Thank you. B. Michelle: Hello, marketing. How can I help? Male: Could I speak to Jason Roberts please? Michelle: Certainly. Who shall I say is calling? Male: My name’s Mike Andrews. Michelle: Just a second - I’ll see if he’s in. Hello, Jason, I’ve got Mike Andrews on the phone for you... OK - I’ll put him through. Hang on a moment, I’m just putting you through.
v Task 8. Imagine you are calling a company and want to speak to someone who works there. Can you think of any phrases you might use, or that you might hear? Use these helpful expressions to make a telephone conversation: Could I speak to N… please? I’d like to speak to… N speaking… Who is calling? I’m calling from… This is NN from… I’m calling about… Hold on the line, please. Hang on a second. 2.Telephone: messages In this section we'll learn some phrases you might hear if the person you wish to speak to is busy. v Task 9. Read and translate a telephone conversation between the finance department of a company and Jennifer McAndrews. Jennifer wants to talk to Adrian Hopwood but he's not available so she has to leave a message: Claire: Hello, finance department. Female: Hello, can I speak to Adrian Hopwood, please? Claire: I’m afraid he’s in a meeting at the moment. Can I help? Female: No I need to talk to Mr Hopwood, I think. What time will he be out of the meeting? Claire: In about an hour. Can you call back later? Female: Okay, I’ll do that. Claire: Or can I take a message? Female: Actually, would you mind? Could you tell him that Jennifer Andrews called and that I’m in the offfice all day if he could call me back. Claire: Can I take your number, please? Female: Yes, it’s 5556872. Claire: 5556872. Okay, I’ll make sure he gets the message. Female: Thanks very much for your help, bye! Claire: Goodbye! v Task 10. Imagine you work as a receptionist and you receive a call for someone who isn't there. What might the caller say, and what would you say in reply? Use these phrases to make a dialogue: I’m sorry he isn’t in at the moment. I’m afraid he isn’t in the office now. I’m sorry he isn’t available. He is in the meeting right now. Could I speak to someone else? Could you give him a message? Do you know when he/she‘ll come back? Please tell him/her… Would you like to speak to his/her assistant? Can I take a message? Would you like to leave a message? Shall I ask him to call you back? 3.Telephone: wrong number If you dial the wrong number it can be confusing and embarrassing. But how do you find out that you've made a mistake? And how can you check to be sure? v Task 11. Read two telephone conversations. Both conversations contain phrases you might hear if you dial a wrong number: A. Male: Hello, this is the press office. Michelle: Rachel Allsop, please. Male: I’m sorry. You must have the wrong number. There’s no-one of that name here. Michelle: Oh. Can I check the number I’ve got…. is that not 5568790? Male: No, it’s 5558790. Michelle: Oh sorry about that. I must have dialled the wrong number. Male: No problem! Bye! B. Male: Hello, press office, can I help you? Ruth: Hello. Paul Richards, please. Male: I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number, but he does work here. I’ll try and put you through. In future his direct number is 5558770. Ruth: Did I not dial that? Male: No you rang 5558790. Ruth: Oh, sorry to have troubled you. Male: No problem. Hang on a moment and I’ll put you through to Paul’s extension. Ruth: Thanks. v Task 12. Imagine you've dialed the wrong number. What might the person who answers your call say? What would you say in reply? Make your conversation.
4.Telephone: appointments Making an appointment can be complicated if two people are very busy. How do you find a time that is convenient for both of you?
v Task 13. Read how someone making a business appointment over the telephone:
Michelle: Mr Hibberd’s office! Peter: Hello, can I speak to Brian Hibberd, please? Michelle: I’m afraid he’s in a meeting until lunchtime. Can I take a message? Peter: Well, I’d like to arrange an appointment to see him, please. It’s Peter Jefferson here. Michelle: Could you hold on for a minute, Mr Jefferson. I’ll just look in the diary. So when’s convenient for you? Peter: Some time next week if possible. I gather he’s away the following week. Michelle: Yes, that’s right; he’s on holiday for a fortnight. Peter: Well, I need to see him before he goes away. So would next Wednesday be okay? Michelle: Wednesday. Let me see. He's out of the office all morning. But he's free in the afternoon, after about three. Peter: Three o'clock is difficult. But I could make it after four. Michelle: So shall we say 4. 15 next Wednesday, in Mr Hibberd's office? Peter: Yes, that sounds fine. Thanks very much. Michelle: Okay, then. Bye.
v Task 14. Once again; imagine you are making a telephone call. This time you are arranging an appointment to see someone. Choose phrases you might use to fix a meeting and your dialogue: I’d like to arrange appointment… Sorry, but he’s fully booked for the day… What time would be convenient to you? I have an appointment with Mr. B but I can’t make it.. Could Mr B. see me other time later in the day? We’ll try to fit it tomorrow after lunch… Would that be suitable for you? That suits me… That would suit me perfectly… 5. Telephone: closing the conversation When you finish your telephone conversation there are some appropriate statements that should always be made. Look at some closing statement examples:
" Thank you for calling. We appreciate your business» " Thanks for your order." " Feel free to call us anytime." " I'm glad we were able to help." " Goodbye and thanks for calling." " I enjoyed talking with you." " If you have any additional questions please call me." v Task 15. Make some dialogues according to the rules you have learned in the module and dramatize them with a partner. UNIT 2. BUSINESS MEETINGS