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II. In each set of words and word combinations spot the one which does not relate to the others. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
3. a) lewd b) mysterious c) obscene d) bawdy 4. a) big spender b) squanderer c) spendthrift d) rascal 5. a) to cover up b) to disclose c) to testify d) to attest
III. Insert prepositions where necessary: 1) The distinct glint in Mona Lisa’s eyes attests … her bawdy sense of humour and her eyes spell … a clear message: if another woman was … her lover, she would punish the enemy by any means. 2) Supportive parents praise whatever level of achievement results … their children’s pet interests. 3) The long and hard slog will definitely pay … when children grow up into successful adults. 4) A great number of women are employed … a part-time basis and are expected to supplement … the husband’s income. 5) Marriage was traditionally looked … as a sacred bond between man and woman. IV. Translate from Russian into English: 1. юношеская преступность 2. воспитывать ребёнка 3. изнурительный период работы 4. гениальный ребёнок 5. подавлять способности 6. исследовать гены 7. кратковременный союз 8. дискуссия о том, что важнее в формировании личности—гены или воспитание 9. светские манеры 10. дать детям хорошую подготовку, которая обеспечит им преимущество перед другими 11. быть отмеченным божьим перстом (idiom) 12. «мягкое» наказание в суде 13. родители, воспитывающие ребенка самостоятельно 14. иметь полный рабочий день Key to Home Test 2 I. 1. unreliable friend 2. to disadvantage; to make it difficult for children to do something that they want or need to do 3. hard work 4. living with another person and having a sexual relationship with them without being married 5. judging human character by facial features 6. a family unit that consists only of a husband, wife and children 7. studies of the genes and those qualities that are passed from a parent to a child before the child is born 8. something that causes worry, difficulty or hard work 9. a situation in which a poor person without a job cannot afford to take a low paying job because they would lose the money they receive from the government 10. to try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve something that is important to you
II. 1d; 2d; 3b; 4d; 5a
III. 1. to; out; after 2. from 3. off 4. on; - 5. upon
IV. 1. juvenile crime/delinquency 2. to bring up/nurture/raise a child 3. a gruelling period of work 4. a child prodigy 5. to inhibit one’s aptitudes 6. to track down one’s genes 7. a transient bond 8. the nature/nurture debate 9. worldly ways 10. to give children a head start 11. to be touched by the divine finger 12. lenient sentence 13. single parents 14. to work full-time/to be employed on a full-time basis Home Test 3 CHARACTER AND CHARACTERISTICS (after the text Attitudes) I. Find in the text the words and phrases meaning the following: ü old-fashioned, but elegant ü an ability to remain calm when in trouble, pain, etc. ü plays set in a historical period ü too public, too confident in a rude and aggressive way ü claiming importance, value, esp. without good cause ü an expensive and elegant raincoat ü fixed idea of a person’s character ü people from whom sb is descended especially those more remote than grandparents II. Find the synonyms from the text: · agitated · self-control, self-restraint · virtuous, respectable · attractive, charming (Am and Br variants) · marvelous, fabulous, excellent
III. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions: ü to have respect and affection … sb ü to be jealous … sb/sth ü money matters … Americans ü to approve … sth ü it influences … their opinion … Americans … general ü to talk loudly... strong accents ü they have no culture … … a few intellectuals ü to be welcoming … visitors ü experiences are common … people who are not … British origin ü to be covered … fog ü to be wary … doing sth ü to progress … leaps and bounds
Key to Home Test 3
Guide for the tape WHO KILLED EVELYN? Pre-listening. Imagine you are a police detective who is supposed to investigate a murder case. The victim- Evelyn, a rich and eccentric old widow - was found strangled on the living-room sofa in her luxurious apartment, though there was no evidence of any kind of struggle. You are going to hear extracts from statements made to the police by five people who knew the victim. These people (Paul, Veronica, Jeremy, Gerald and Tom) are the main suspects in this murder case.
General listening. After listening to each extract for the first time note down:
Extensive listening. Here are some possible motives for committing a murder like the one in this case. Copy the following table in your notebook. And listen to the extracts for the second time. Against each motive write the name/names of any of the five suspects who might have committed the murder for that reason. Note that some of the suspects may have a number of motives!
Detailed listening. Language Focus. While listening to the extracts for the third time, pick out from the suspects’ statements the parenthetical phrases (To tell you the truth, …) and write down the English equivalents to the following Russian ones:
Follow-up. Who do you think killed Evelyn? Write down your answer. Give your reasons. Guide for the tape LEFT – RIGHT Before you listen to the tape, answer the following questions, with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Do the questions help in reflecting your personality type? 1. At school, were you better at arts than at science subjects? 2. Were you better at handicraft than learning languages? 3. Do you prefer to solve problems step by step, logically? 4. When you feel you have done something well, is it mainly because you feel what you have done is original? 5. Are you good at presenting spatial relationships, distances, when you draw maps or pictures? 6. When you get intuition in your work or personal life, do you follow them only if they seem logical? 7. Have you ever had a genuine premonition, which later proved correct, that someone you knew was going to be ill or have an accident, or that a particular unexpected event was going to happen? What do you know about the functions of the two hemispheres of our brain? Listen to the interview with the author of the book “Joining the Hemispheres” and answer the questions.
What was said about:
· a disorderly teenager’s bedroom? Sum up the functions of the two hemispheres and say which one you use more effectively. What are some other jobs where the best use of the right hemisphere is essential? Guide for the tape BBC ENGLISH: BRITISH FAMILY Listen to the following speakers: 1) Two elderly ladies 2) A couple in their 50s 3) Three teenagers 4) A young couple expecting a baby 5) A lone mother 6) Sue Slipman, the director of the National Council for one-parent families. 7) The leader of the organization “Parents’ Link”.
What do they say about the changes that took place in British family life? Fill in the table
Guide for the tape LIVING IN NEW-YORK AND LONDON. In the first part of the recording listen to Bob and Sheila talking about when they lived in New York. They spent 2 years there and now they live back in England in a small village outside London. In the second part of the recording you will listen to Terry. She is an American who lives in London. What do they say about the following things? Fill in the table.