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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Complete the table with information about yourself.


Full name:  
Early life:    
Later life:    


b) Use the information in the table to speak about yourself.

EXERCISE 8 Change Place, Change Face

Students are standing in rows lined up to face another row, with enough room for them to change places.

On the board: discussion issues

Birthday Native place

School life Friends

University life Living in a hostel

Likes and dislikes Plans

Time: 20 min.


· Teacher asks students to find a seat. For an odd number of students, add an extra chair at the end of one row, making a ‘threesome’.

· Teacher explains to students that they will have a chance to speak with different students and to develop their fluency. They will discuss the question on the board for several minutes until Teacher says ‘change’. They will then get a new question and also change partners. To change, students in one row stay in the same place, whilst those in the opposite row move along one space every time.

· Teacher writes the first question on the board, reading it aloud if not all students can see it, and asks them to start speaking. Soon everybody is engrossed in conversation, finding ways to communicate with their partner, despite all the surrounding noise.

· After two/three minutes, Teacher taps on the board and asks students to ‘change’. Students on one row each move down a seat, with the person in the last position moving back up to the top of that row.

· At the end, Teacher does a short feedback session, for example asking students which question they most enjoyed discussing. Feedback could also focus on error correction, an opportunity to pick up on problems common to several learners.


Create free accounts on websites for job seekers:

www.linkedIn.com, https://www.freelancer.com, www.odesk.com/find-work. Complete your personal profile. Find a job you would like to sign up for.





Match English words and word combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1. to rest

2. current

3. trade

4. nephew

5. duke

6. a fortress

7. raiders

8. settlement

9. manufacturing

10. enterprise

11. governmental scientific

production association

12. firearms and small arms

13. public corporation

14. a multi-product corporation

15. ferroconcrete constructions

16. a plant

17. parts

18. confectionery

19. technology service firms

20. urban

21. educational establishments

22. citizens

a) фортеця

b) поселення

c) вогнепальна і стрілецька зброя

d) завод

e) міський

f) торгівля

g) загарбники

h) залізобетонні конструкції

i) фірма, що надає послуги у сфері ІТ

j) жителі

k) казенне науково-виробниче об’єднання

l) освітні заклади

m) розміщуватись

n) сучасний

o) племінник

p) виробничий

q) князь

r) відкрите акціонерне товариство

s) запчастини

t) підприємство

u) кондитерська фабрика

v) багатопрофільне підприємство



Choose the appropriate answer:

1. Who built a fortress in Vinnytsia in 1363?

a) Tatar raiders

b) the Lithuanian Duke Olgerd

c) Fedir Koriatowicz

2. What does the Governmental scientific and industrial association “Fort” successfully produce?

a) firearms

b) firehands

c) nuclear weapon

3. Which plant produces heating devices?

a) Budmash

b) Maiak

c) Pnevmatyka

4. What kind of transport is trolleybus?

a) long-distance

b) urban

c) suburban

5. Which educational establishment doesn’t exist in Vinnytsia?

a) conservatoire

b) professional school

c) University


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