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III. INDUSTRY (sum of many perfectly competitive firms)

Perfect competition and cost industry

I. P erfect competition

· Number of sellers is large, individual seller cannot influence the market (price)

· Homogeneous (nearly identical) product

· Free entry and exit

· Perfect information about prices

II. Main results

P=MC(q) In LR equilibrium: π LR=0 π SR can be different from zero Perfect competition firm has CRS in LR equilibrium (produce at point where ACLR is constant=minimal)

III. INDUSTRY (sum of many perfectly competitive firms)

Industry demand is horizontal sum of individual Marshalian demands curves of all individuals

Industry supply SR is horizontal sum of MCSR curves of all firms in the industry (:

IV. Type I problem: Initially Demand increases (shifts to the right)

Firm CCI Industry

SR: Assume initially we begin from the points where a typical competitive firm breaks even π LRSR=0. (point A)

Initial shock: D↑ => Q↑ P↑ => сдвиг вдоль Industry supplySR (Σ SRMC-1). As firms are price takers they begin to produce at point B: π SR> 0; q2> q1

LR: 0) На графике фирмы нарисовать первоначальные долгосрочные издержки (ACLR; MCLR): пересечение ACLR и MCLR находится в том же месте, что и пересечение ACSR и MCSR; ACLR –является нижней огибающей ACSR; MCLR более эластичная (flatter), чем MCSR, так как капитал становится переменным фактором производства в LR. На графике индустрии нарисовать Σ LRMC-1 более пологой, чем Industry supplySR (Σ SRMC-1) и пересекающей её в точке А.

1) Other firms see that it is possible to gain profits on that market=> other NEW firms ENTER the market Σ LRMC-1↑ => Σ LRMC-1 moves to the right until Pnew=Pinitial (ACLR min)

2) Выбрать cost industry:

· Constant cost industry (CCI): In the case of constant costs industry, an increase in the industry output (Q) does not affect factors' prices (ACLR; MCLR; Σ LRMC-1stay the same=> point C)

· Increasing cost industry (ICI): In the case of increasing costs industry, an increase in Q leads to an increase in factors' prices (ACLR; MCLR shift up a bit=> Σ LRMC-1 moves to the left until P = new ACLR min=> point C)

· Decreasing cost industry (DCI): In the case of decreasing costs industry, an increase in Q leads to a decrease in factors' prices (ACLR; MCLR shift down a bit=> Σ LRMC-1 moves to the right until P = new ACLR min=> point C)

ICI, DCI => Сказать, что произойдет с индивидуальным выпуском фирмы (minimum efficient scale) точно нельзя, так как MC может сдвигаться меньше/=/больше, чем AC (q3-?) Соединить и точки А и С на графике Industry и получить Industry supplyLR

Horizontal Industry supplyLR Increasing Industry supplyLR Decreasing Industry supplyLR
Firm DCI Industry
Firm ICI Industry

Вывод: P depends on the industry; Q must increase

V. Type II problem: Initially cost of capital (r) increases (SR: AC↑; LR: AC↑ and MC↑)

Firm CCI Industry


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