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Review 1: Religion of Peace? Islam’s war against the world - Islam 101
Islam 101 is meant to help people become better educated about the fundamentals of Islam and to help the more knowledgeable better convey the facts to others. With the aim of lending clarity to the public understanding of Islam and of exposing the inadequacy of prevailing views.
Table of Contents
The Basics
a. The Five Pillars of Islam
i. Battle of Badr
d. Sharia Law Jihad and Dhimmitude
a. What does " jihad" mean?
i. al-Taqiyya -- Religious Deception ii. How al-Taqiyya is a central part of the Islamisation of Europe iii. Quranic abrogation (Naskh)
d. Jihad Through History
i. The First Major Wave of Jihad: the Arabs, 622-750 AD
e. The Dhimma
Frequently Asked Questions
a. What about the Crusades?
Further Resources
The Basics
A. The Five Pillars of Islam The five pillars of Islam constitute the most basic tenets of the religion. They are:
1. Faith (iman) in the oneness of Allah and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad (indicated by the declaration [the Shahadah] that, " There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah").
2. Keeping of the five scheduled daily prayers (salah).
3. Almsgiving (zakat).
4. Fasting (sawm).
5. Pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca for those who are able.
The five pillars in and of themselves do not tell us a lot about the faith or what a Muslim is supposed to believe or how he should act. The second through fifth pillars -- prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage -- are aspects shared by many religions. The finality of the prophethood of Muhammad, however, is unique to Islam. To understand Islam and what it means to be a Muslim, we must come to understand Muhammad as well as the revelations given through him by Allah, which make up the Quran.