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Vocabulary. Day of the Defender of Motherland –День Защитника Отечества

Christmas - Рождество

Day of the Defender of Motherland – День Защитника Отечества

Independence Day – День Независимости

National Reconciliation Day – День примирения и согласия

Father Frost – Дед Мороз

Snow Maiden – Снегурочка

to see the New Year in – Встречать Новый Год

sparkling champagne – искрящееся шампанское

to make merry – веселиться

renewed – новорожденный

Jesus Christ – Иисус Христос

Bethlehem – Вифлеем

wise men – волхвы

worship - поклоняться

frankincense – ладан

myrrh – мирра

Trade Union – профсоюзы

summer cottage – дача

ally – союзник

military parade – военный парад

to lay wreath – возлагать венок

eternal – вечный

inscription – надпись

to perish – погибать

newly-married couple – молодожены

missing in action – пропавший без вести

Easter – Пасха

resurrection – воскрешение

Christ is risen! – Христос воскрес!

expected answer – ожидаемый ответ

He is risen indeed! – Воистину воскрес!


There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have spe­cial celebrations.

The major holidays are; New Year's Day, Christmas, Day of the Defender of Motherland, Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day, Independence Day and National Reconciliation Day.

New Year's Day is the first holiday of the year. It is very popular. There is a New Year tree in every house and in the streets. Father Frost and Snow Maiden present children and adults with the gifts. People see the New Year in at midnight on the 31st of December. They greet the New Year with wine glasses of sparkling champagne and say toasts " Happy New Year! ", " Here is to you", etc. It's time for eating, drinking and making merry. People consider New Year's Day to be a family holiday.

Christmas is a renewed holiday in our country. It's celebrated on the 7th of January. The holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ. On that day Jesus Christ Was born in Bethlehem. When Jesus was born, wise men from the East came to worship him. They gave the child presents — gold, frankincense and myrrh. That's why people nowa­days give their friends and relatives Christmas pre­sents.

Day of the Defender of Motherland is celebrated on the 23rd of February. We congratulate our fathers, grandfathers and young men with the little presents

and cards.

Women's Day is celebrated on the 8th of March. We congratulate all the girls, mothers and grand­mothers with this holiday. Usually they get flowers, cards and presents. On the 8th of March all the boys and men try to be very polite, they help to cook meal and do everything about the house. Usually there are very good TV programmes. All of them are about love, spring and beautiful women.

May Day is celebrated two days. It is called now the Day of Spring and Labour. The members of the Trade Unions have their demonstrations on this day. Many people go to their summer cottages and spend this holiday there.

Victory Day is the greatest national holiday in our country. On the 9th of May 1945 the Soviet Army and its allies completely defeated the German fascists and the Great Patriotic War ended for our peoples. We lost 30 million people during this war. Many vet­erans meet on this day. They also participate in the military parade on Red Square and lay wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There is an Eternal Flame there and the inscription " Your name is unknown, but your deed is immortal". This is a mon­ument to all those, who were perished during this war. We have a very nice tradition: the just married couple always puts flowers there. In such a way they show their respect and gratitude to the people, who were killed and missed in action. On the 9th of May there are very many people in the streets, squares, parks. Young people usually give flowers to the vet­erans and thank them for the victory. You can hear everywhere music and songs, which were popular during the war. A lot of guests from different coun­tries of the world come to Moscow and other places to participate in the celebrations.

Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. On the 12th of June, 1992, the first President of Russia was elected.

The 7th of November is the National holiday. In November 7, 1917 the Revolution was in Russia. Many years we celebrated this day as the Day of the Revolution. Now it's called the National Recon­ciliation Day. Different parties have their meetings and manifestation on this day. They express their po­ints of view at the development of the situation in Russia.

Besides this holidays we also celebrate Easter. It is a very popular holiday in Russia in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus. On the Easter day peo­ple greet each other by the words " Christ is risen! " And the expected answer is " He is risen indeed! ". People also paint eggs and give them to one another as a symbol of eternal life.



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