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Vocabulary. a national system of education -национальная система образования

a national system of education - национальная система образования

educational matters - вопросы образования

funds for education - средства на образования

to come from state sources - исходить из государственных источников

local fund - местный фонд

the federal government - федеральное правительство

public - общественность

free - бесплатный

fee-paying - платный

to be run by churches - управляться церковью

elementary education - начальное образование

to provide secondary education - обеспечивать среднее образо­вание

intermediate school - средние классы школы

grade - класс

senior high school - старшие классы школы

general - общий

vocational - профессиональный

to offer a broad program - предлагать обширную программу

academic education - академическое образование

vocational education - профессиональное образование

to offer a more limited program - предлагать более ограниченную программу

to focus on vocational training - уделять основное внимание профессиональной подготовке

general education subject - общеобразовательный предмет

to be taught under one roof - преподаваться в одном здании, под одной крышей

to attend a college or a university - посещать колледж или универ­ситет

to go through a test - пройти тест

to be given by non-profit, non-gov­ernmental organizations - быть организованным некоммер­ческими, неправительственны­ми организациями

to continue in education - продолжать образование

community college - общий колледж

technical school - техническая школа

vocational school - профессиональная школа

to specialize in a subject area - специализироваться в определён­ной области

college of liberal arts - гуманитарный колледж

college of education - педагогический колледж

business college - бизнес-школа

the Bachelor of Arts or Science degree - степень бакалавра гуманитарных или точных и естественных наук

to leave the university - окончить университет, уйти из университета

to go on for smth - продолжить что-либо

a graduate degree - ученая степень выше бакалавра

a professional degree - профессиональная степень

to be funded from different sources - финансироваться из различных источников

publicly funded university - университет, финансируемый из общественных источников

privately funded university - университет, финансируемый из частных источников

to get money from private sources - получать деньги из частных ис­точников

to have a graduate or professional program - иметь программы, ведущие к степени выше бакалавра или профессиональной степени

to fall into the category - попадать в категорию

the course of study – учебный курс

to lead to a degree - приводить к получению степени

to give courses in smth - предоставлять курсы по какому-либо предмету

non-academic subject - неакадемический предмет

to have a high school diploma - иметь диплом об окончании средней школы

to provide job training - обеспечить профессиональную подготовку

The USA does not have a national system of education. All educational matters are left to states. 50 per cent of funds for education come from stale sources, about 40 from local funds, and only 6 per cent from the federal government. There are two major types of schools in the USA— public which are free, and private, or fee-paying. Four of five private schools are run by churches and other religious groups.

Elementary education starts at the age of 6 and continues till 10—11 years. Secondary education is provided from the age 11-12. Inter­mediate school includes grades 6 through 9 for ages 11 — 12 up to 14—15. A senior high school may include grades 9—10 through 12. A senior high school may be comprehensive, general or vocational. A comprehensive school offers a broad program of academic and vocational education, a general school offers a more limited program. A vocational school fo­cuses on vocational training with some general educational subjects. All such programs — academic, technical, or practical are generally taught under one roof. Nevertheless, many students of high school don't finish it. 1 per cent of American citizens at the age of 14 can neither read, nor write. High school students who wish to attend a college or a university go through one of the two standard tests — SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and ACT (American College Test). They are given by non-profit, non-governmental organizations.

There are several ways to continue in education: universities, colleges, community colleges, and technical and vocational schools. A university in the USA usually consists of several colleges; each college specializes in a subject area. There are colleges of liberal arts, colleges of education and business colleges. A program for undergraduates usually takes four years and leads to the Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. After that, students may leave the university or go on for a graduate or professional degree. The university may be funded from several different sources. A publicly funded university gets some money from the state government. A privately funded university gets money from private sources only. A university may be funded by a religious group.

College students usually spend four years at the college, too, and get the Bachelor's degree. In contrast to universities, colleges don't have graduate or professional programs. Colleges in the USA differ greatly in size — they may include from 100 students to 5000 and more. Most of the larger institutions fall into the category of universities, the largest being the University of California, State university of New York, New York university, Columbia University and others.

The course of study in a community college lasts two years and doesn't lead to any degree. Community colleges may give courses in the regular academic subjects or subject like dental technology, sewing and other non-academic subjects. Not all students of community colleges have high school diplomas.

Technical, or vocational schools have no academic programs and provide only job training. Programs may take from six months to two years and more.


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