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Vocabulary. to vary from state to state –изменяться от штата к штату

to vary from state to state – изменяться от штата к штату

Easter – Пасха

to celebrate smth – Праздновать что-либо

a Christian country – христианская страна

a specifically American holiday – типично американский праздник

Memorial Day – День поминовения погибших в войнах

to be observed – праздноваться, соблюдаться

tо be introduced for the purpose of – быть введенным с целью

decorating the graves of Civil War veterans – украшать могилы ветеранов гражданской войны

to commemorate war dead – чтить память погибших в войнах

Independence Day – День независимости

the adoption of the Declaration of Independence – принятие Декларации независимости

to emerge – возникать, появляться

to be the most important patriotic holiday - быть самым важным патриотическим праздником

the firing of guns – стрельба из ружей

a firework – фейерверк

an open air meeting – митинг под открытым небом

to prevent much of the former display of fireworks – не разрешать устраивать фейерверки в прежнем количестве

use of firearms – использование огнестрельного оружия

Veterans' Day – День ветеранов

Armistice Day – День перемирия

to comemmorate the signing of the Armisitce – отмечать подписание перемирия

to be set aside in honour of smb – устраиваться в честь кого-либо

to fight in defense of smth – сражаться за что-либо

Midsummer Day – Иванов день (24 июня)
feast – пир

Nativity – рождение

to be associated with solar ceremo­nies – быть связанным с ритуалами в честь солнца

Christianity – христианство

a relic of a ceremony – остаток ритуала, церемонии

the bright bonfires and the mer­rymaking – яркие костры и веселье

Labour Day – День труда

to honour the labourer – чествовать рабочего человека

Columbus Day – День Колумба

Thanksgiving Day – День благодарения

to commemorate the harvest – увековечить урожай

a winter of starvation and priva­tion – зима голода и лишений

to be proclaimed by smb – провозглашаться кем-либо

church services – службы в церкви

family reunion – встреча семьи

a customary turkey dinner – обед с традиционной индейкой

The list of holidays in the United States varies from state to State but generally includes the major holidays. Besides Christmas, Easter and St. Valentine's Day celebrated in Christian countries, May Day and Halloween, the celebration of which is very much the same as in Great Britain, there are some specifically American holidays.

Memorial Day is observed in late May. It was introduced in 1868 for the purpose of decorating the graves of Civil War veterans and has since become a day on which all war dead are commemorated. Independence Day, or July Fourth commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. II emerged during the American Revolution and has been the most important patriotic holiday ever since. Traditionally it has been celebrated with the firing of guns and fireworks, parades, open-air meetings, and patriotic speeches. Today local authorities prevent much of the former display of fireworks and use of firearms. Veterans' Day is celebrated on November, 11. It is the holiday formerly observed in the United States as Armistice Day and commemorates the signing of the Armistice ending World War I. The day is set aside in honour of all those who have fought in defense of the United States.

Midsummer day and Midsummer night, names given to the feast of the nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24) and the preceding night (St. John's Eve, June 23), have been associated with solar ceremonies since long before Christianity. Relics of such ceremonies are the bright bonfires and the mer­rymaking of midsummer night. Labour Day, the holiday celebrated in Un­united States and Canada on the first Monday in September to honour the labourer. Columbus Day is a holiday commemorating Christopher Columbus's discovery of America, celebrated on the Monday nearest to October, 12.

Thanksgiving Day commemorates the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621, after a winter of great starvation and privation. The first na­tional Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by George Washington in 1789. N ow Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November. The day is observed by church services and family reunions with the customary turkey dinner remind ing of the four wild turkeys served at the Pilgrims' first thanksgiving feast.

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