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Vocabulary. to keep fit; to be in good shape — быть в форме

to keep fit; to be in good shape — быть в форме

stamina — выносливость, запас жизненных сил

injury, to injury — вред, повреждение; ранить, повредить

mountaineering — альпинизм

in high spirits — в хорошем настроении

patient — терпеливый

I can call myself a couch potato. " Couch potato" means a person who spends time lying on the sofa and watching TV. It's difficult to say, what better is — to watch or participate. If you go in for some kinds of sport, you keep fit, make your body more flexible, increase your strength, stamina. Sport also unites people and helps them to become good friends. It teaches you about life. It makes men out

of boys.

But on the other hand, sport takes a lot of energy and time. You have to work very hard. You don't have too much time for something else. And, of course, sport causes a lot of injuries. Sportsmen break their legs and arms, people die from sporting injuries.

Some kinds of sports are very dangerous, for exam­ple mountaineering and air sports, racing, boxing etc. These kind of sport are of extreme character, they are very risky. But some people enjoy these sport activities, as they would like to be famous and known all over the world.

As for me I can't say that sport is a very important part of my life, though I try to do morning exercises every day and twice a week I go to the swimming pool. In our school we have two gyms and a sports ground. We play different sport games, such as football, hockey, tennis, etc. Also we have two PT lessons a week. And I like our teacher very much. He is always in good shape and in high spirits. He is very patient and teaches us many things. Looking at him I always think that if you want to have a healthy mind, you must have a healthy body.

I also like to watch some sports events and TV pro­grammes about famous sportsmen, how they became champions, what difficulties they had, their success and plans for future.

What is better to watch or participate?. To my mind it should be the combination of these both com­ponents. Sports help people to keep in good health and health is above wealth.


Answer the following questions:

1. What kinds of sport are popular in Russia? 2. Are you against or for sports? 3. What are the advantages of going in for sports? 4. What are the disadvantages of going in for sports? 5. Is sport important to you? Why? 6. Do you go in for sports? Why? 7. What is your favourite kind of sport? 8. Do you like to watch sports competitions? What competitions do you like to watch? 9. When outstanding sportsmen/women do you know? 10. Which do you prefer, to take part in sports or to watch it on TV? Why? 11. Why do some people prefer to watch sports competition and not to god for sports?


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