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Nuclear weapons


Small nuclear devices will prove more or less impossible to obtain until perhaps in Phase 2 or 3 (2030-2070). Much will depend on how close the European cultural conservative forces are to seizing control of a British or French nuclear storage facility or if we manage to negotiate with the Russians, Indians or Israelis. Using nuclear weapons would normally inflict too many civilian casualties and it is therefore hard to imagine how nuclear weapons could benefit our cause. The only alternative would be if the devices were small enough to limit its direct and indirect impact to one or possibly two city blocks. Even then, the radiation would have catastrophic results for the environment. However, cleaning up the fallout of a very small charge (0, 05-0, 1 kt yield) would cost the multiculturalist regime(s) tens, perhaps hundreds of billions of Euros which could result in an earlier collapse (perhaps by even 1-2 decades). An earlier collapse could prevent hundreds of thousands of Europeans from dying depending on the severity of the ongoing civil war or the impending Phase 2 or 3 (a war where 70% of the population are Muslims are obviously much more dramatic than a war where only 40% are Muslims etc.). The Lebanon war is a good reference point. Imagine the following scenario:


The patriotic pan-European resistance movement gain access to 24 small nuclear weapons (0, 05-0, 1 kt charge). We threaten to detonate the charges in a specific European capital (major government buildings only, with minimal civilian casualties) unless the Multicultural establishment capitulate and transfers all military and political mandates to a tribunal lead by Cultural Conservatives. Obviously, each country operates independently so it will be a country by country effort starting with France, the UK or Germany (France is the natural choice due to the advancement of the Islamisation. They will refuse the first time because they assume we will not be willing to detonate. They will however most likely capitulate when we threaten to detonate the second charge.


A strike of this magnitude would not only break the budget. It would jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down. Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change. Even the smallest nuclear detonation would therefore inflict massive ideological, psychological and economical damage on the target Multicultural regime and is likely to result in full surrender and collapse of the system.


The pragmatical approach to this scenario is for Western European and Russian nationalists to come together. A blueprint and prospect for a future European Federation (under Christian cultural conservative leadership) might end up being the needed catalyst to achieve this goal. Many high level Russian politicians, military leaders and a majority of Russians are likely to be interested in this prospect.


The conclusion is; the threat and willingness to use small nuclear devices can end the European civil war faster and thus save up to hundreds of thousands of lives. However, it will prove more or less impossible to obtain in Phase 1. A well organised resistance group with military contacts will however be able to raid either a UK or French cache/facility during phase 2. This operation alone might end the civil war sooner than we anticipated with us as the victors.



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