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Argumentation techniques - Victor vs. victim?


Instead of overly focusing on formulating arguments based on the superiority and intelligence of Europeans you should primarily focus on indigenous European rights; that the Nordic tribes and the rest of the European tribes are on its stabile course towards extinction because of multiculturalisms facilitation of Islamic demographic warfare. Instead of just presenting arguments, convert arguments into questions. The best arguments ARE often questions.



What will the government do to prevent the ongoing Islamic demographical warfare against European?


What will they do to prevent the Nordic ethnic group in given country from going extinct?


How do they justify the ongoing demographical annihilation of the Europeans?


Why do they continue to allow mass-Muslim immigration in combination with Marxist procreation policies (feminism resulting in a low birth rate) when they know that these policies will result in our extinction?


Why are they so arrogant that they claim that the only solution to our problems, the cultural conservative world view, is an evil Nazi ideology while the cause of all our problems, their cultural Marxist world view, is the only truth?


Why are the Native Americans granted reservations (completely reserved for their ethnic group) while indigenous Europeans aren’t awarded the same basic human rights?


Why are the indigenous Native American tribes treated with more dignity and respect than indigenous European tribes?



These are all good questions we should focus on in the decades to come. A good strategy in Europe is therefore to focus on indigenous rights. Preserving our “tribe”, our culture, traditions, Christendom etc. is in fact the most basic of all human rights that takes absolute precedent before ridiculous Marxist-humanist demands for allowing another 10 million Islamic asylum seekers residence.


Be on the offensive; never argue in a defensive manner. No matter what approach you choose, when f example defending the fallen martyrs of our movements, be smart. Don’t go into specific topics in situations where it isn’t relevant. You will easily lose the discussion if you talk about Islamisation and you suddenly start to discuss the Nordic genotypes. Islam is not a race after all but an ideology. Separate the discussions and stick to each topic instead of cross shifting. These argumentation techniques are all reverse-engineered Marxist arguments and are all very effective. The Marxists have traditionally been the best propagandists and we have a lot to learn from them. NEVER underestimate our enemy!



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