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Preventing the European population decline – securing sustainability – future national reproduction policies



“I am opposing to the nation that two children are enough and I have a scientific explanation for that. Today we see that the average number of children per family is below two, and this is a wrong policy that Westerners have adopted. They are paying a heavy price now to preserve their culture and identity. So why must we follow in their path? ”


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, April 18th, 2010



Western European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites are arguing that we need immigration to compensate for our population decline and the dangerously low birth rates of European women. However, they fail to admit and acknowledge that they themselves, and their policies, are the reason for the decline. Secondly, they are reluctant to implement effective measures in order to increase the low fertility rates.


A future cultural conservative regime would be able to ensure sustainable fertility rates without the need for mass immigration from Muslim countries. This can partly be achieved by using Australian or Japanese models. More components to these models can be added if the result isn’t satisfactory. European-Australian fertility rates are increasing and are already among the highest in developed societies. The women in Australia are among the best educated with the highest standards of living.


The goal for Europe should be to reach and stabilise on an average fertility rate of 2, 1 but we may have to compensate for historical losses by aiming for 2, 5 initially and for periods if necessary.


Implementing sustainable reproduction policies will not be possible until we seize political and military power in phase 2 (2030-2070) or phase 3 (2070-2090).


Future national reproduction policies will rely on how we choose to reform women’s rights, media-government-social directives/the Church/drug-alcohol policies/sexual-family ethics and moral. In order for women to be truly liberated, according to hardcore feminists, she must be free from the pressure of carrying offspring. But that is not really possibly or at least acceptable as humanity would be extinct within a generation.


Ensuring sustainable fertility rates does however not necessarily mean that we have to strip away women their rights as there are alternatives.


We need to increase our fertility rate from the European average (non-Muslim) of 1, 5 to 2, 1-2, 3 (2, 1 being a minimum).


This will to a certain degree involve encouraging many 3 child families.



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