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Solutions for South Africa, Israel and the US

Is ethnocentrism and the defence of your culture an evil concept by default or can it prevent persecution and a gradual cultural and demographical genocide?

I hesitated for several years to write about the South African genocide due to the fear of being labelled as a racist. However, as I became increasingly ideological confident I have grown immune to the cultural Marxist labelling techniques. The Boers and Afrikaners have played and instrumental role in the development of South Africa the last centuries, and for these and other reasons they deserve a safe future for their children in South Africa, and not genocide.

As for the situation in the US, I created several essays about this topic (US cultural Marxism and future solutions for our American brothers). However, I chose not to include it as I believe the American and European struggle should be kept strictly separate for strategic reasons and should therefore not be intertwined. There are simply too many differences. In fact, the Indian struggle and the struggle of Christian minorities in the Middle East are more identical to the European struggle than that of the US due to the “indigenous factor”. This does not in any way mean that I do not support our European American brothers and sister, it simply means that I believe that our two ideological platforms, in which we will build our resistance movements, must be kept separated. The exception is however South Africa, since the Boers and Afrikaners are at a huge disadvantage and will be demographically annihilated within just a few decades unless they receive our support.

It’s difficult to completely avoid the issues relating to ethnocentrism in today’s cultural war whether we would like to or not.

In these illustrations I will cover some aspects of ethnocentrism, cultural defence, defence against Jihad, security fences and its relevance to the current situation in South Africa, the US, Israel and elsewhere.

I would first like to say that I view the propagation and justification of supremacist ethnocentrism as an evil that must and should never be the ultimate long term goal. However, we cannot ignore logic and pragmatism especially when the lack of methods/doctrines involving ethnocentricity and “separation” leads to even bigger evils such as systematic rape, mass killings and even indirect cultural and demographic genocide. We must therefore keep an open mind when we evaluate these issues and we cannot allow political correctness paralyze the debate. Because by allowing political correctness to paralyze and silence the individuals who brings these difficult issues up will in fact further contribute to the magnitude of these ongoing atrocities and genocides.


1. The European Afrikaner/Boer genocide in South Africa


2. The Israeli security fence and other security barriers


3. The demographical annihilation of the European population in the US due to Asian, Mexican and African mass immigration

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