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Justiciar Knights, Martyrdom vs. Suicide
There is normally absolutely no justification or excuse to commit suicide. It is a shameful, selfish and cowardly act which normally can and should never be justified. According to the canon laws of the Catholic Church; any individual who commits suicide will forever burn in hell as suicide is considered the gravest of sins, similar to that of murder. The definition of suicide by the Christian faith is explained in the following manner; to commit suicide is to “throw away Gods most divine gift”, the gift of life. And anyone who willingly throws this gift away will forever burn in hell without any chance for redemption.
Then you have other Christian denominations like Protestantism who literally propagates a view which nullifies the meaning of hell, good deeds, martyrdom and sainthood altogether. According to Protestant laws (for a majority of denominations), you will not go to hell regardless of the fact that you have committed suicide for any imaginable reason. As long as you turn to Jesus before death occurs, all will be forgiven… Not only have the Protestant views made a mockery of every Christian historical codex, it has also severely undermined the practice and glorification of good deeds, martyrdom and sainthood. Who will willingly walk a saint’s path involving pain, sacrifice and martyrdom if there is no distinction between a paedophile rapist murderer and Saint George of Lydda? I usually refer to Protestantism as the Marxism of Christianity. As long as you ask forgiveness before you die you can literally live a life as the most despicable character imaginable.
So, in regards to Catholic canon law, the question is; will Justiciar Knights be rejected in heaven as they martyr themselves for the cause or have to “self terminate” during or after an operation, for various reasons?
There are several distinctions that have to be made in this regard:
1. A Justiciar Knight martyring himself for the cause and dies from wounds inflicted by system protectors (police/regime agents)
2. A Justiciar Knight martyring himself for the cause and dies non-intentionally from wounds inflicted by his own actions (explosion etc.)
3. A Justiciar Knight martyring himself for the cause and dies intentionally from wounds inflicted by his own actions (explosion etc.) in order to prevent capture. Capture, by the system protectors working for the multiculturalist regime, could lead to torture and may result in a scenario where information is extracted involuntarily leading to the apprehension, and even the murder, of other Justiciar Knights
4. A Justiciar Knight self terminates after apprehension to escape torture and murder/execution
Points 1-3 are considered standard martyrdom deaths, under canon law, which guarantee an abundance of grace and the entry to heaven. Point 4, however, is not a clear case of a martyrdom death but must be seen in perspective to the circumstances. In point 4, a Justiciar Knight would have fulfilled his pact with God (in which he made during the initiation rite) which will lead to him acquiring an abundance of grace regardless of outcome of the operation, as long as he did his best. Because in light of the Knights Templar initiation rite; the candidate has already forfeited/surrendered his life to God and the struggle for the preservation of European Christendom. As such, life – God’s gift, has already been “spent” on the struggle. You cannot “take/kill” something that has already been voluntarily sacrificed. Therefore, in reference to point 4, God’s gift of life is not wasted but has instead more or less fully been used in a manner which pleases God. An individual who receives a life sentence in prison, as a result of his actions relating to the European Resistance Movement and the liberation of Western Europe from the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist dictatorships, is not in a position to take away something that has already been given away. As such, if he chooses to self terminate (not suicide) for logical reasons, or to prevent torture and certain death (this is a likely scenario in many Western European prisons as Muslims dominate a majority of them), it is not considered suicide but will nevertheless take a toll on the amount of grace already acquired. Because a perfect man, in Gods eyes, should be willing to withstand inhuman suffering for the duration of his natural life, if required. However, man is flawed by default and will often be unwilling to face a lifetime of torture in a multiculturalist prison, locked up together with Jihadists.
Justiciar Knights and martyrdom
To take an illustration; Saint George of Lydda, perhaps THE most celebrated saint, martyred himself for the Christian faith, for his country and for his people. He knew that his action would lead to his death, yet he continued down that path well knowing what would eventually await him. I guess this illustrates the primary distinction between suicide and martyrdom. Suicide is a selfish act while martyrdom is a selfless act. When someone commits suicide, they want their pain to end and offer few thoughts for his family, friends and his people. When a Justiciar Knight martyrs himself for the cause he walks down a path well knowing what is likely to await him. He chooses this path of sacrifice, not for his own self serving needs, but for his family, friends, his people, his culture, his nation and for the preservation of Christendom. As such, he is sacrificing the most divine gift, life itself, in service of others and in service of God. This is considered to be the most noble and glories act a human being can ever hope to achieve. This is why such acts of any Justiciar Knight are directly comparable to that of our guardian saint; Saint George of Lydda, one of the most celebrated heroes in Christianity.
Any Justiciar Knight, in light of his initiation pledge, has fully committed his life to our cause. He is therefore standing with one leg thoroughly planted in heaven already as he has already surrendered his life to God. His remaining service, regardless of outcome is merely a formality; providing he does the best he can to benefit the cause.
A Justiciar Knight for the Knights Templar, who for tactical reasons, chose to self terminate during or after an operation is not considered to have “thrown God’s gift away” as he is a martyr for the Church. He has sacrificed his freedom and his life to secure the existence of his family, friends, his people, country and the European Church and has such contributed to prevent European Christendom from being gradually deconstructed by the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes of Western Europe.
As God knows everything, he is well aware of the intentions and deeds of every Justiciar Knight. Therefore, to self terminate for strategic or logical reasons (to prevent information extraction by the enemy which will lead to the apprehension of other Justiciar Knights), is not considered suicide but an extension of the sacrifice made to our cause. As such, this final act of sacrifice is added to the amount of good deeds and grace generated by the individual.
Future considerations for possible veneration of Justiciar Knights
A Justiciar Knight who martyrs himself for the cause, and/or self terminates during or after an operation for tactical reasons, should be celebrated as martyrs for the Church. It is expected that the Catholic Church and other denominations of Church authorities in Europe (and independent canon law experts) acknowledges our sacrifices and defines our deeds as acts of martyrdom for the Church, according to canon law. The Church should not have second thoughts on the matter as they are fully aware of the fact that European Christendom is gradually being deconstructed. It is time that the Pope and his cardinals begin to resist the deliberate deconstruction of European Christendom. The process would, however, be quite challenging, but worth the effort as all Justiciar Knights who dies for their faith will be a great source of inspiration for generations to come. They will be role models. Certain, exceptionally brave and selfless, Justiciar Knights in the coming decades should even be considered as candidates for official veneration.