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Deceitfulness is the most basic concept in warfare and in politics



“War is deceit”





Muhammad himself made this statement more than 1000 years ago. Politics is war. If you are unable to understand this concept then you have already lost. The Marxists, like the Muslims, are masters of deception.


The Muslims understand this very well and have institutionalised deceit through the concept of “al-Taqiyya”. The multiculturalists or cultural Marxists have institutionalised deceit through advanced concepts. They want to destroy Western Civilisation and the European identities.


Multiculturalism is an anti-Western hate ideology aimed at undermining the indigenous peoples of Europe and destroying European civilisation and culture. However, they have created an illusion that the ideology is all about tolerance. Multiculturalism has never been about tolerance. It is an evil ideology bent on an entire culture's eradication.


We have to give both the Muslims and the cultural Marxists credit though. I respect their ingenuity if anything.


They have systematically ideologically coerced/brainwashed two generations of Europeans in the attempt to modify people’s social and political philosophy and instilling certain attitudes or beliefs in a person. The aim has been to affect individual value systems and subsequent thought-patterns and behaviours. And they have succeeded to a large degree.


This has been done by the use of falsified or biased statistics, falsified or biased sources, biased/unbalanced coverage, labelling opponents as bigots/racists/Nazis - using propaganda, manipulation and other forms of trickery in order to lay the foundation for a new society based on multiculturalism and emotionalism/extreme egalitarianism. They have therefore managed to limit opposition/resistance towards themselves and towards mass-Muslim immigration/Islamic demographic warfare.


As a result we are under the current Islamic invasion/colonisation. In 1955 there were less than 50 000 Muslims in Western Europe. Today there are more than 25 million.



What have the NS movement achieved in this period?


Not as much as they could have, they have spent much of their time defending an already “exposed” ideology that has no popular support whatsoever. An ideology which started as a “deceitful” ideology but who has been completely exposed for what it is. The most popular NS party has received a maximum of 5% support in any election the last 50 years. I can’t really find the words to describe how counter-productive the NS ideology is in today’s society. It serves as the primary catalyst and reason why multiculturalism has been so successful.


I’m going to try to cover many aspects of NS in order to describe why I think the current NS’s should reject this ideology and support the new Western European right wing movement (pro-Jewish, anti-Islamic stance).



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