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Q: Do you consider yourself as an optimist as for the future of Europe?


A: I’m very optimistic. The question we must ask ourselves is; how do we defeat a self-defeating ideology? It’s rather self explanatory; cultural Marxism/ multiculturalism, especially in combination with Islam, will defeat itself. The reasoning behind this claim is that the cultural Marxist and Islamic alliance will not last. As soon as Islam reaches a few percent it begins to show signs of chauvinism which is the essence of any fascist, racist and imperialistic ideology. Muslims who follow the Quran are simply too aggressive and impatient and they will simply be unable to keep the peace for long. Ghettofication in combination with demographical warfare (which is in fact the very definition of indirect ethnic cleansing) will go hand in hand with systematical rape, ravaging, brutalisation and killing of us non-Muslims. One point in the future a window of opportunity will arise for us. Until that day comes, we must prepare, plan, recruit, arm ourselves through self education but also by acquiring weapons and armour. We must educate and enlighten as many Europeans as possible but most importantly continue the armed resistance. When that window of opportunity comes, we must be ready to seize political and military control using all means necessary. When the time comes, we must not hesitate, we must risk everything for the chance to gain our freedom and secure the freedom for our kinsmen once more.


I know I will die fighting the overwhelming cultural Marxists/multiculturalist forces in phase 1 and that’s not a problem for me at all. I have prepared mentally for a very long time and I will gladly sacrifice my life for the benefit of my European brothers and sisters. My love for them exceeds my own self serving interests. That’s not the kind of person I used to be, but it’s the type of person I have become. My hate and contempt for the cultural Marxists/multiculturalist doctrines is definitely there. However, as with most individuals, love and hate fuels us. Passion and motivation is converted into action. Some people are overwhelmed with hate or love. It’s essential that we don’t allow the passion to control us. It’s critical that we are cool and act rationally with a long term perspective. Our day will come, have no doubt about it. Just act rationally in the mean time and don’t sell your life cheaply. Make sure you have many children or fight for the armed resistance movement. You may fight with the pen or with the sword, every effort counts!


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