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Додаток М
Лістинг програми «Голосовий блокнот»
package edu.cmu.sphinx.demo.helloworld; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Frame; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.JTextField; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.awt.*; import edu.cmu.sphinx.frontend.util.Microphone; import edu.cmu.sphinx.recognizer.Recognizer; import edu.cmu.sphinx.result.Result; import edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.ConfigurationManager; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class NotePade extends JFrame { //Объект класса потока, в котором слушается микрофон public static Changer k; public static String[] args1; public static JTextField answer; Clipboard clip = getToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); String sVal; static String sText; public static JLabel yousaid, mntmExit; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Frame modalBlocker = null; private JPanel contentPane; public static JTextArea textArea; public static JMenuItem OpenI; public static String word; public static String str=" "; public static String str1=" ", str2=" ", str3=" "; public static String str4=" "; public static String str6=" "; public static String str7=" ", str8=" ", str9=" "; static int len1; static int i=0; int pos1; int len; static Font f; static String months[]={ " Jan", " Feb", " Mar", " Apr", " May", " Jun", " Jul", " Aug", " Sep", " Oct", " Nov", " Dec" }; static GregorianCalendar gcalendar; public NotePade() { setTitle(" Voice NotePade"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setBounds(100, 100, 450, 300); contentPane = new JPanel(); contentPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); setContentPane(contentPane); contentPane.setLayout(null); JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); menuBar.setBounds(0, 0, 424, 21); contentPane.add(menuBar); JMenu mnFile = new JMenu(" File"); menuBar.add(mnFile); JMenuItem OpenI = new JMenuItem(" Open"); OpenI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { try { openI(); } catch (IOException e) {} }}); mnFile.add(OpenI); JMenuItem mntmSaveAs = new JMenuItem(" Save as "); mntmSaveAs.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { try { saveI(); } catch (IOException e) {} }}); mnFile.add(mntmSaveAs); final JMenuItem mntmExit = new JMenuItem(" Exit"); mntmExit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { exitI(); }}); mnFile.add(mntmExit); JMenu mnEdit = new JMenu(" Edit"); menuBar.add(mnEdit); JMenuItem mntmCopy = new JMenuItem(" Copy Say: \" Copy\" "); mntmCopy.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { copyI(); }}); mnEdit.add(mntmCopy); JMenuItem mntmCut = new JMenuItem(" Cut Say: \" Cut\" "); mntmCut.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {try { cutI(); } catch (IOException e1) {} }}); mnEdit.add(mntmCut); JMenuItem mntmPast = new JMenuItem(" Past Say: \" Past\" "); mntmPast.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {pastI(); }}); mnEdit.add(mntmPast); JMenuItem mntmTimeday = new JMenuItem(" Time/Day.......Say: \" Time\" "); mntmTimeday.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { td(); }}); JMenuItem mntmSelectsayselect = new JMenuItem(" Select Say: \" Select\" "); mntmSelectsayselect.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { iS(); } catch (BadLocationException e1) {}} }); mnEdit.add(mntmSelectsayselect); JMenuItem mntmNewMenuItem = new JMenuItem(" Time/Day Say: \" Time\" "); mntmNewMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { td(); }}); mnEdit.add(mntmNewMenuItem); JMenu mnFormat = new JMenu(" Format"); menuBar.add(mnFormat); JMenu mnColor = new JMenu(" Font Color"); mnFormat.add(mnColor); JMenuItem mntmBlack = new JMenuItem(" Black"); mntmBlack.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { colorBlack(); } catch (IOException e1) {} }}); mnColor.add(mntmBlack); JMenuItem mntmRed = new JMenuItem(" Red"); mntmRed.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { colorRed(); } catch (IOException e1) {} }}); mnColor.add(mntmRed); JMenu mnStyleFont = new JMenu(" Style Font"); mnFormat.add(mnStyleFont); JMenuItem mntmRegulary = new JMenuItem(" Regulary"); mntmRegulary.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { reg(); } catch (IOException e1) {} }}); mnStyleFont.add(mntmRegulary); JMenuItem mntmBold = new JMenuItem(" Bold"); mntmBold.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { boldI(); } catch (IOException e1) {} }}); mnStyleFont.add(mntmBold); JMenuItem mntmItalic = new JMenuItem(" Italic"); mntmItalic.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { italicI(); } catch (IOException e1) {} }}); mnStyleFont.add(mntmItalic); JMenu mnSize = new JMenu(" Font Size"); mnFormat.add(mnSize); JMenuItem mntmNormal = new JMenuItem(" Normal"); mntmNormal.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { try { normI(); } catch (IOException e) {}} }); mnSize.add(mntmNormal); JMenuItem mntmBig = new JMenuItem(" Big"); mntmBig.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { twentyI(); } catch (IOException e1) {} }}); mnSize.add(mntmBig); JMenu mnHelp = new JMenu(" Help"); menuBar.add(mnHelp); JMenuItem mntmHelpsayhelp = new JMenuItem(" Help"); mntmHelpsayhelp.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { helpI(); }}); mnHelp.add(mntmHelpsayhelp); JMenuItem mntmAbout = new JMenuItem(" About"); mntmAbout.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mntmExit, " (c)Ryabchenko Alyona"); } }); mnHelp.add(mntmAbout); JLabel lblYouSaid = new JLabel(" You said: "); lblYouSaid.setForeground(Color.RED); lblYouSaid.setFont(new Font(" Segoe Print", Font.BOLD, 11)); menuBar.add(lblYouSaid); yousaid = new JLabel("....................."); yousaid.setFont(new Font(" Segoe Print", Font.PLAIN, 11)); yousaid.setForeground(Color.RED); menuBar.add(yousaid); textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setLineWrap(true); textArea.setBounds(10, 32, 414, 219); contentPane.add(textArea); f=new Font(" Serif", Font.PLAIN, 14); textArea.setFont(f); } public static void main(final String[] args) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() {try { //Создание и запуск потока-слушателя микрофона k = new Changer(); k.start(); args1 =args; NotePade frame = new NotePade(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //закрывает всю программу frame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) {} }}); } //Класс для потока-прослушивателя микрофона public static class Changer extends Thread { private static final String String = null; public void run() { String[] args=args1; //Инициализация послушивания микрофона ConfigurationManager cm; if (args.length > 0) { cm = new ConfigurationManager(args[0]); } else { cm = new ConfigurationManager(NotePade.class.getResource(" helloworld.config.xml")); } Recognizer recognizer = (Recognizer) cm.lookup(" recognizer"); recognizer.allocate(); // start the microphone or exit if the programm if this is not possible Microphone microphone = (Microphone) cm.lookup(" microphone"); if (! microphone.startRecording()) { System.out.println(" Cannot start microphone."); recognizer.deallocate(); System.exit(1); } //Цикл идентификации чисел и их добвления в текстовое поле while (true) {System.out.println(" Start speaking. Press Ctrl-C to quit.\n"); Result result = recognizer.recognize(); if (result! = null) { String resultText = result.getBestFinalResultNoFiller(); System.out.println(resultText); addNum(getStringNumber(resultText)); //отображение команд if(resultText.equalsIgnoreCase(" select")) try {iS(); } catch (BadLocationException e) {} if(resultText.equalsIgnoreCase(" cut")) textArea.cut(); if(resultText.equalsIgnoreCase(" past")) textArea.paste(); if(resultText.equalsIgnoreCase(" copy")) textArea.copy(); if(resultText.equalsIgnoreCase(" time")) td(); //перевод в слова и цифры public static String getStringNumber(String sText) { String sResult = " "; if (sText.equalsIgnoreCase(" copy")) sResult = " copy"; if (sText.equalsIgnoreCase(" cut")) sResult = " cut"; if (sText.equalsIgnoreCase(" past")) sResult = " past"; if (sText.equalsIgnoreCase(" select")) sResult = " select"; if (sText.equalsIgnoreCase(" time")) sResult = " time"; return sResult; } //отображение распознаных команд public static void addNum(String sVal){ String sText=yousaid.getText(); sText=sVal; yousaid.setText(sText); } //находит последнее слово public static boolean isWitespace(char ch){ return ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r'; } public static void iS() throws BadLocationException { String sText = textArea.getText(); textArea.getCaretPosition(); int offs = textArea.getCaretPosition(); char ch = sText.charAt(0); String text = textArea.getText(0, offs); int firstIndexOfSpace = text.lastIndexOf(" ")+1; int firstIndexOfTab = text.lastIndexOf(" \t")+1; int firstIndexOfNewLine = text.lastIndexOf(" \n")+1; int firstIndexOfWord = firstIndexOfSpace; if (firstIndexOfTab > firstIndexOfWord) firstIndexOfWord = firstIndexOfTab; if (firstIndexOfNewLine > firstIndexOfWord) firstIndexOfWord = firstIndexOfNewLine; word = text.substring(firstIndexOfWord, offs); textArea.grabFocus(); textArea.select(firstIndexOfWord, offs); } //открыть файл public static void openI() throws IOException{ FileDialog dialog=new FileDialog(modalBlocker, str4); dialog.setVisible(true); str4=" "; str1 = dialog.getDirectory(); str2 = dialog.getFile(); str3 = str1+str2; File f=new File(str3); FileInputStream fobj = null; fobj = new FileInputStream(f); int len=(int)f.length(); for(int j=0; j< len; j++) { char str5 = 0; str5 = (char)fobj.read(); str4=str4 + str5; } textArea.setText(str4); } //сохранить файл public static void saveI() throws IOException{ FileDialog dialog1=new FileDialog(modalBlocker, " Save As", FileDialog.SAVE); dialog1.setVisible(true); str7=dialog1.getDirectory(); str8=dialog1.getFile(); str9=str7+str8; str6=textArea.getText(); len1=str6.length(); byte buf[]=str6.getBytes(); File f1=new File(str9); FileOutputStream fobj1=new FileOutputStream(f1); for(int k=0; k< len1; k++) { fobj1.write(buf[k]); } fobj1.close(); } //выйти public void exitI(){ System.exit(0); } //вырезать public static void cutI()throws IOException{ str=textArea.getSelectedText(); i=textArea.getText().indexOf(str); textArea.replaceRange(" ", i, i+str.length()); } //copy public static void copyI(){ str=textArea.getSelectedText(); } //past public static void pastI(){ int pos1=textArea.getCaretPosition(); textArea.insert(str, pos1); } //time and day public static void td(){ gcalendar=new GregorianCalendar(); String h=String.valueOf(gcalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR)); String m=String.valueOf(gcalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); String s=String.valueOf(gcalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)); String date=String.valueOf(gcalendar.get(Calendar.DATE)); String mon=months[gcalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)]; String year=String.valueOf(gcalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); String hms=" Time" +" - " +h+": " +m+": " +s+" Date" +" - " +date+"." +mon+"." +year; int loc=textArea.getCaretPosition(); textArea.insert(hms, loc); } //14 public static void normI()throws IOException{ String fontName=f.getName(); String fontFamily=f.getFamily(); int fontSize=f.getSize(); int fontStyle=f.getStyle(); f=new Font(fontName, fontStyle, 14); textArea.setFont(f); } //20 public static void twentyI()throws IOException{ String fontName=f.getName(); String fontFamily=f.getFamily(); int fontSize=f.getSize(); int fontStyle=f.getStyle(); f=new Font(fontName, fontStyle, 20); textArea.setFont(f); } //обычный шрифт public static void reg()throws IOException{ String fontName=f.getName(); String fontFamily=f.getFamily(); int fontSize=f.getSize(); int fontStyle=f.getStyle(); f=new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fontSize); textArea.setFont(f); } // меняем шрифт на bold public static void boldI()throws IOException{ String fontName=f.getName(); String fontFamily=f.getFamily(); int fontSize=f.getSize(); int fontStyle=f.getStyle(); f=new Font(fontName, Font.BOLD, fontSize); textArea.setFont(f); } // меняем шрифт на italic public static void italicI()throws IOException { String fontName=f.getName(); String fontFamily=f.getFamily(); int fontSize=f.getSize(); int fontStyle=f.getStyle(); f=new Font(fontName, Font.ITALIC, fontSize); textArea.setFont(f); } //цвет меняем red public static void colorRed() throws IOException{ textArea.setForeground(Color.red); } //цвет меняем black public static void colorBlack() throws IOException{ textArea.setForeground(Color.black); } public static void helpI(){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mntmExit, " This program contains next voice command: \n" + " Cut\n" + " Copy\n" + " Past\n" + " Select\n"); }}