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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


1. Have you heard about the latest speech of the president addressed to the coloured community? 2. No matter how much effort they take, the authorities are inclined to hamper them whatever dangers there may be. 3. The defendant asked the jury to have mercy for him. 4. As soon as the killed in action were buried, the squadron moved ahead. 5. He is a man to face any ordeal and to satisfy himself with the little. 6. He was abashed being asked to give a piece of advice to such a respectful expert. 7. We tried to use all sound arguments to make her believe to our data. 8. If you are through, it’s a good time to enjoy yourselves as much as you like. 9. Dangerous ideas, as a rule, are entrusted to those who either succeed implementing them or die. 10. You can bring the horse to water but you can’t make it drink. 11. Having abruptly turned to the right he nearly collided with the upcoming car. 12. He is a person of a smart wit able to make precise observations and free from any silly prejudice. 13. If you have a self-imposed duty it’s hard to get rid of it staying unscathed. 14. It is no use asking her to apply the common sense. She wouldn’t listen. 15. Is it possible to entrust him with our property? 16. Hardly had she stepped over the porch after hospital the children started hinting at the necessity to put her in the asylum. 17. The nose of a dog is much better then that of a cat. 18. There is an incomparable sense of peace in this nook. 19. Persons over 50 cannot hope to get a permanent job in Great Britain. 20. Her facial features are so clear-cut that create almost unpleasant effect. 21. A long-lasting love is never guaranteed whatever the beginning may be.


3. Choose among the synonyms:

a. sharp/ acute

1. Hazarding a _________ remark one should always consider the consequences. 2. In her smart car and new tailored dress she hoped to produce a smashing effect looking as _______ as her acquaintances. 3. If she has such an __________ hearing why didn’t she notice that there had been someone in the garden? 4. With the diagnosis of ___________ inflammation he was sent to hospital. 5. The ________ gust of wind twitched the papers out of her hands. 6. When she met him in private she felt nothing but __________ disappointment. He was just a middle-of-the-road writer. 7. A watcher should have ________ eyes for details.


b. address/appeal/approach/apply/consult

1. It is to you, young man, who I __________ myself. 2. His ardent ___________ was lost upon them. 3. What if _________ (gerund) to her feelings work? 4. When you __________ you chief in the United States you may use the first name. 5. Under the circumstances you’d better ____________ a good lawyer. 6. He felt really puzzled and had to ___________ the peers for help. 7. I am not able to complete my report unless I _____________ for information to the archive.

c. safe/sheltered/secure

1. I hope the cot is _______ and it will endure the captain’s weight. 2. The life of the manager is far from being ____________. 3. Is it __________ to eat the cream with shrimps? 4. To have a _________ return they had to pay a ridiculous price. 5. Check all you gear before climbing. Better _______ that sorry. 6. To rest in the mountings one should find a __________ place. 7. Will you feel ___________ if I lock you here?

4. Fill in the gaps.

1. He is the person with a(n) ___________ sense of duty.
2. The remark was so ____________ that the audience resented it loudly.
3. Doesn’t she look _____________ in this dress?
4. It’s quite a task to _______________ him to go with us since he is a ____________ detractor of sports.
5. Don’t turn at a(n) ___________ angle. It’s dangerous.
6. What if the shelf is not ____________ enough and the books turn out too heavy for it?
7. The paper edges were as __________ as razor.
8. Will you go or are ______________ to stay with us?
9. Now that you are their only hope you will have to ___________ yourselves to support them.
10. Before presenting the initial __________ of work for the year I would like to make a short introduction.
11. He was a man with gallant manners and _________ facial features.
12. The feeling of great ______________ should not endure long. Otherwise it hazards further development.
13. New digital cameras yield incredibly __________ images.
14. If one __________ an error there is no use reprimanding him. Amending it is more important now.
15. He took a mouthful and immediately felt a ____________ taste of garlic.
16. This job is designed only for the most ____________ professionals.
17. She cut herself with a(n) ___________ knife.
18. Her tone and her previous promises made a(n) ___________ contrast.
19. It took the police two months to expose the __________ of the robbers.
20. The violinists have such a(n) ____________ hearing that they may differ the eighths of the tone deviations.
21. You will have to _____________ what you have now.
22. The furnishing ____________ of the room was awful.
23. The crocodile’s meat has a(n) __________ taste of fish.
24. I can’t ____________ his guts. I don’t know how I will stand all this dinner.
25. This patient’s case is _____________.
26. _____________ (gerund) his fortune to this scoundrel he was doomed to poverty.
27. Harry sent the ball with a _____________ swoosh.
28. Oscar Wild is famous as a(n) ________ observer of human nature.
29. He ___________ all the letters from her to the flames.
30. A(n) ________ price rise caused panic in the exchange.


Translate the following.


1. Його життя було дуже складним та небезпечним, але ж він не благав долю про милосердя.

2. Вони запевнили його, що, втілюючи цей план, він ризикує спокоєм фірми.

3. Ти будеш змушений зробити це за будь-яких умов.

4. Усі були переконані, що він ризикував, але ж треба було покластися на долю.

5. Він отримав постійну роботу.

6. Наважитися на таке зауваження означало повністю себе скомпрометувати.

7. Він насолоджувався безтурботним життям, хоча й знав, що з цією родиною мати справи небезпечно.

8. Чи можна залишити тут валізи? (Їх не поцуплять?)

9. Дізнавшись, що спільника віддали до с уду, він вирішив сховатися десь у тихому місці та перечекати.

10. Не намагайтеся переконати мене, що ваш проект – найкращий.

11. Після довгих вмовлянь він погодився ризикнути та поговорити з босом.

12. Тривалий стрес призвів до хвороби. Він був змушений звернутися до лікаря.

13. Марно закликати до його здорового глузду. Ти не зможеш умовити його піти з цієї роботи.

14. Переконаний холостяк, він на відріз відмовився брати на себе обов’язки допомагати небозі.

15. На його натхненний заклик ніхто не відгукнувся.

16. Тобі до вподоби активний відпочинок? – Я б так не сказав. Ризикувати – це не для мене.

17. Коли змову було викрито, злочинці постали перед судом.

18. Палітра цього художника вражає різноманітністю.

19. Розташування парт та стільців у класі наводило на думку, що тут буде іспит.

20. Не варто довіряти паперу свої таємні думки, ти ризикуєш репутацією.

21. Він відчув гостре розчарування, коли отримав відмову на прохання про дозвіл поїхати.

22. Між сестрами відчувалася різка відмінність. Одна вела ризиковане життя, іншу влаштовувало безтурботне існування.

23. За надійними дверима вона почувалася як за кам’яною стіною.

24. Хоча полиця (berth) вважалася досить міцною, вона не витримала ваги боцмана (boatswain).

25. Звернувшись до людей з промовою, він і не сподівався переконати їх змінити ставлення до ситуації.

26. Він подав заяву на роботу, але йому прийшлося довіритися людям, які були не варті цього ризику.

27. Після гострого запалення він погано почувався.

28. Щоб уникнути зіткнення, він різко повернув наліво та зупинився.

29. Гостро відчуваючи присутність суперника, він помовкував.

30. Різке зауваження її образило.

31. Різкий зліт цін змарнував усі плани розвитку фірми.

32. Маючи гострий нюх та неперевершену спостережливість до деталей, собака міг знайти контрабанду будь-де.

33. Дивлячись на поверхню під гострим кутом, можна було помітити подряпини.

34. Він завжди задовольнявся дуже малим.

35. Благаючи суддю про милосердя, вони не знали, що закликати до його почуттів марно. Він був дуже жорсткою людиною.

36. Не можна не визнати, що гострий розум – важливий фактор, коли намагаєшся когось в чомусь упевнити

Translate orally the following.


1. Ваші докази непереконливі.

2. Безтурботне дитинство швидке закінчиться.

3. Займатися хоббі скільки душі завгодно – привілей тільки дуже багатих людей.

4. Я б не ризикнув сперечатися з ним.

5. Якщо ж ви зважилися звернутися до нього за допомогою, то не скаржтеся потім на гірке розчарування.

6. Його життя було повно достатку і щастя.

7. Можна (чи це безпечно) нам залишити тут речі?

8. Він почував гостре розчарування, що так нерозумно видав себе.

9. Волати до його совісті не має сенсу.

10. Їм довелося задовольнятися малим.

11. Не турбуйтеся, двері досить надійні.

12. Не треба переконувати його, що ви маєте рацію, адже він упевнений у власній правоті.

13. Не запитуй мене увесь час, подивися в словнику.

14. Програма роботи здавалася цікавою, і він вирішив реалізувати її будь-якою ціною.

15. Звертаючись до боса в Німеччині, потрібно неодмінно називати його на прізвище.

16. Постійна робота обіцяє спокій, але не достаток.

17. Палітра імпресіоністів відрізняється акварельною прозорістю і простотою.

18. Депутатський запит залишився без відповіді.

19. Гостра спостережливість письменника знайшла яскраве відображення в його роботах.

20. Не смій цього робити, ти ставиш під удар усю команду. Як би потім не пошкодувати, адже береженого Бог береже!

21. Тепер, коли вони залишилися одні без підтримки, Рей розумів, що зобов'язаний їм допомогти.


  1. Fill in the gaps using active vocabulary:
  1. Don’t even try to ______(your thoughts) ____________ since someone may read it, then the scandal is inevitable.
  2. It is to you, dear lady, I ___________ myself.
  3. There is a new ___________ in our city for recycling plastic bottles.
  4. His __________ mind and ability to observe things admired everyone.
  5. The case is not at all simple. Why don’t you ___________ a lawyer?
  6. If you fail to _______________ him to participate in the project, at least try to ____________ him that you are the right person for this.
  7. They can’t _____________ each other. So you’d better keep them at a distance.
  8. Would you ____________ your reputation to cash on such business?
  9. They present such a(n) __________ contrast that it is hard to believe they are relatives.
  10. The ____________ inherent in this trend of art is really significant. It is bright and diverse.
  11. Trying to _____________ his best feelings he just wasted his breath.
  12. Being a __________ detractor of homosexual marriages, the Governor declined the bill.
  13. Possessing a(n) ___________ sense of smell the dog is able to follow an old trace.
  14. __________ (Participle 1) your colleague in Germany you can’t call him/her by the first name.
  15. Is this door ____________ enough to protect us against burglary?
  16. Despite all the _______________ he still decided to leave the city.
  17. There was no choice, so he had to _______________ the conditions he was facing.
  18. Can you still hope to get a(n) ___________ job with such record?
  19. Being a(n) _______________ professional she made this business her first consideration.
  20. Only looking back into the past she realized what a smart ___________ her aunt was.
  21. The Rada Deputy __________ this information ____ the Attorney, who never answered to this request.
  22. In no way did he consider this proposal ___________, and it was logical enough that he declined it.
  23. This garden seems to be a ________ play-area for children.
  24. Your arguments do not look ______________, since there is no corroborative evidence of his guilt.
  25. If you __________ for a job in a big and respectful company you have to provide letters of reference.
  26. The diagnosis was _________ tansilitis, nothing serious, as it seemed.
  27. He had to ____________ not only his teasing, but also his good spirits, which was even worse.


2. Translate the following using active vocabulary:

1.Мене влаштовує залишатися на посаді, яку я обіймаю зараз, хоча до деякого ступеня цим я ставлю під загрозустабільну діяльність нашої фірми.

2. Заколот був швидко розкритий й злочинники постали перед судом. Їм було конче складно упевнити суддів, що вони не причетні до зради.

3. Сьогодні президент звернувся до народу. Він апелював до здорового глузду та пояснював, які зобов’язання візьме на себе влада.

4. Різкий зліт цін на ринку став переконливим доказом того, що зростання економіки та постійні звертання до закордонних банків за позиками у наших умовах несумісні.

5. Його безтурботне існування закінчилося тоді, коли однією задовільною посмішкою він зміг переконати комітет змінити стратегію.


Fill in the gaps using active vocabulary:

1. Under Mr Robinson’s auspices she could enjoy ________________ life free of worries, toils and hazards of the world.

2. A ____________ gust of wind twitched the hat from his hand and carried it far away.

3. He was ________________ that the project had been made out skillfully, however, it was impossible to ______________ him to participate in it.

4. Their reasoning doesn’t look __________ at all. They just operate with the facts but do not give conclusions.

5. The furnishing ___________ of the hall admired the guests and aroused a(n) ____________ pleasure.

6. They got the flat in the ground floor and now a big problem were _____________ doors and windows.

7. His biggest ambition was to get this promotion ________________, he was even ready to stake his life on it.

8. The Hunsons were ________________ to sit at home all evenings enjoying a modest family atmosphere, they simply didn’t need anything else.

9. There is no sense in _______________ his mercy when he himself left his own children for good.

10. As you _____________ the superior in the US you may also use his first name.

11. Finally they managed to ____________ him that they are the best staff for the project.

12. The efficient actions of the politicians have become a token of a(n) ______________ peace in the region.

13. The family kept a lion in their flat, which ended tragically since they forgot that a wild animal is never ___________ people.

14. Bond still drove fast but because of a(n) __________ pain in the shoulder he was not able to control the car completely.

15. They had enough heart to _______________ an argument against an ambitious but hardly realistic plan of the Board.

16. Everybody knows that matrimonial chains for _____________ bachelors are much more unbearable than for anybody else.

17. Aware of the chase inevitably approaching he took a _________ right and got a dozen of seconds handicap.

18. Does this picture _______________ you? - Not at all. It’s just the artist who is fashionable.

19. Now that her children stayed alone he felt _______________ to give them a helping hand.

20. The pictures by Aivazovskiy have always been appreciated for their original colour __________ the artist applied depicting water.

21. This a romantic hero is sure to __________________ the hearts of the feminine half of humanity.

22. When you have graduated from the University you may enjoy your hobby _____________ but now all you time should be dedicated to your study.

23. After a short investigation the murderer was __________________ trial to be sentenced to death.

24. If you have difficulties with this work why don’t you ___________ your chief __________ changing it?

25. I can’t _______________ hip-hop, so this party is not my cup of tea.

26. The feeling of _______________ was so overwhelming that nothing seemed to exist except this everlasting satisfaction and peace.

27. In her tailored suit ornamented with natural mother of pearl Candy looked really ____________.

Translate the following using active vocabulary:

1. Він був переконаний, що її благаючий погляд змусив його зробити те, що поставило під погрозу благополуччя його родини.

2. Маугли (Mowgly) цілком влаштовував його спосіб життя, котрий ніяк не можна було назвати безтурботним й у якому витривалість вола, інтриганство лисиці і гострий розум змії сполучалися в гармонії, цілком привабливої для нього.

3. З моїми продуктами нічого не трапиться, якщо я їх залишу тут? – Ні, залишайте їх тут, хоча можете попросити в начальника містечка для продуктів у холодильнику.

4. Ніщо і ніколи не переконає мене, що обережність – кращий порадник. - А все ж таки береженого Бог береже.

5. Немає сенсу закликати до її здорового глузду. Вона – відданий фахівець: діло для неї – перш за все.

Correct mistakes, where necessary, using active vocabulary of the Unit.

At the beginning of the road he suddenly took an acute turn left and disappeared in the dark. There he realized with acute disappointment that he took hazards at his car and he would better be more cautious. Otherwise they may commit him to trial. This argument was so persuading that content mood evaporated from him without a trace. They truly say: better secure than sorry.

This type of music is not very appealing at me. I have always wondered what people find in it. An enduring interest to it may be explained only by the fact that this music addresses for the best feelings in the human. Anyway, I agree to satisfy myself with something simpler, however, not making an acute contrast with it.

Possessing an acute eye with details, he was always able to detect the most typical and significant in the painting and describe it very precisely. Any coloured scheme in his essay would play an unusual role in the description, so that any persuaded detractor of the art would be suddenly touched by the acute analysis of the painter’s God’s endowment.

Being born with a silver spoon in the mouth, he was expected to have secure life, with lots of governors in the childhood and enduring job in adulthood. However, the absence of hazards and safe existence seemed quite boring to him. He started looking for trouble and finally found it, committing oneself for supporting the league of schemes, who were soon revealed.

Jim’s acute remarks rattle the chief immensely, what shall we do to amend the situation? - I would rather find a secure place for Jim and hide him there for a while to work alone. Let him commit his brilliant thoughts for paper, though it is not always safe. To all hazards we should save him from dismissal. – Do you think it is secure to put him in my residence in the country?

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