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Unit 12



Переведите и выучите слова.

Demand (n, v) supply (n, v) sales (n) consume (v) purchase (n, v) satisfy (v) promote (v) deliver (v) distribute (v) define (v) identify (v) relate (to) (v) find out (v) recognize (v) estimate (v) evaluate (v) distin­guish (v) gather = collect (v) protect (v) take into account income (n) trend (n) target (n, v) brand (n) trademark (n) label (n) dimension (n) pattern (n) effort (n) convenient (a) vital (a) thorough (a)
purchasing power target market  

Обратите внимание на суффиксы и переведите слова.


Supply — supplier; consume — consumer — consumption; promote — promoter — promotion; distribute — distributor — distribution; protect — protector — protection — protective; define — definition; determine — determination; evaluate — evaluation; identify — identification.



Text 1

Marketing is the determination of the customers' needs and wants, the development of goods and services to satisfy those needs and wants, and the delivery of those goods and services to the customer at a convenient time and place. Marketing activities really begin with understanding the customer.

For a firm to prepare an effective marketing strategy, it must first define its markets. In a broad sense we can speak of consumer markets, industrial markets, and international markets. Consumer markets consist of individuals and households that purchase goods and services for their own use. Industrial markets are composed of firms that buy goods for resale and firms or institutions that buy goods and services to use in performing their operations. These goods include raw materials, fab­ricated materials, equipment, tools, office supplies, etc. International markets are buyers of goods and services from other countries. The available natural resources and the status of economic development in a particular country or geographical region determine the dimension of the market for inter­national products.

To be most effective, marketing managers need to understand the characteristics of the markets they are trying to serve. Market characteristics include population, age, income, and regional patterns that affect marketing strategies. The major factor determining consumer demand is the number and type of people with purchasing power to buy a given product or service. This factor is important to the business owner / manager who should ask the ques­tion: " Are there enough potential customers to justify my going into business here? "

Other important demographic characteristics are family status and education. Different age groups have different consumption patterns, and marketing managers form their marketing strategies accor­dingly. For example, young children need baby food, toys, and clothing. School-aged children purchase clothing, sports equipment, records and CDs, cosme­tics, and used cars.

The most important source of consumer purcha­sing power is personal income. In the USA, for examp­le, the total personal income has increased more than twelve times form 1940 to the present. Regional differences in income, tastes, buying habits are also to be taken into account.

No business can satisfy all the customers. Most marketing managers therefore try to attract the part of the market that matches their product or service. This is called target market — the specific group of customers towards which a firm directs its marketing efforts. The way marketers find out in­formation about their target market's characteristics is through marketing research, the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about prob­lems related to the marketing of goods and services.

Once a target market has been defined and a thorough marketing research has been conducted, it's the job of marketing managers to work out marketing strategy: the overall plan for developing the marketing process to reach a firm's objectives. Usually marketing strategy revolves around product, pricing, promotion, and placement of goods and serv­ices — the four Ps of a marketing mix.


Закончите предложения, используя текст.


1. The first aim of marketing is to determine____.

2. Marketing is also concerned with the deve­lopment of____.

3. Finally the those products or services must be_____.

4. We can distinguish between the following kinds of markets: ___.

5. Individuals and households buy goods and services for___.

6. The typical goods sold in industrial markets are_____.

7. Population, age, education, income, etc. are important___.

8. Marketing mix includes activities in four areas: _____.

9. Consumer purchasing power is determined by the_____.

10. Marketing managers direct their efforts towards a chosen___.

11. Consumption patterns depend on___.

12. In the course of marketing research marketers gather, record and analyze the___.

13. Marketing strategy is worked out after the marketing research ___.



Переведите весь текст на английский язык.

Marketing concept включает в себя различные элементы, такие как planning, research, разработка новой продукции, сбыт, communications, advertising, etc. Таким образом, маркетинг embraces stages before, during and after production и даже после продажи.

The primary information that should be provided рыночным исследованием следующая: whether there is спрос на товары, каков потенциал рынка, what sort of competition might be expected, какие сезонные факторы должны быть приняты во внимание, what are local conditions and preferences, local trading factors and the like.

Marketing mix is а сочетание маркетинговых планов и стратегий that are employed by a company для того, чтобы достигнуть своих целей. In its simplest form, ее можно представить by policies adopted in four areas, the four Ps: (1) Планирование и разработка продукции; (2) Promotion (advertising, trade fairs, public relations); (3) Установление цены; (4) Placement (каналы сбыта, доставка, транспорт и т.п.).



Text 2

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