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Практика. V. Приведите в соответствие слова и их перевод sidewalk Очередь solicitor Стирательная резинка

V. Приведите в соответствие слова и их перевод

sidewalk Очередь
solicitor Стирательная резинка







stalls мусор
queue юрист
candy пуль
rubber чек
mail почта
nought вокзал
garbage тротуар
bill шоссе
depot партер
freeway занавеси
drapes конфеты

VI. Дайте британский эквивалент следующих слов.


Водительские права  
Кредитный счет  
Почтовый индекс  
Подземный переход  
Телефонная будка  
Клерк в приемной  
Начальная школа  

VII. Дайте американский эквивалент следующих слов.


Брючный костюм  
Вечернее платье  
Пиджачный костюм  
Начальная школа  
Книжный магазин  

VIII. Переведите следующий отрывок и решите, в каком ва­рианте английского языка он написан.

With hierarchies in organizations it is often impossible to give a precise answer to the question 'What is the equivalent of a — in BrE/ AmE? '


because there is no one-to-one correspondence between the different ranks, or at best only a partial correspondence. A good example is the hierarchy of university teaching, shown below.

A British professor is not exactly equivalent to a US professor, because the latter category is divided into three levels: full professor (the most senior), associate professor, and assistant professor (the most junior). In the UK, the ranks below professor are reader, then senior lecturer (though some universities treat these grades as equivalent in salary, but different in function), then lecturer. An associate professor is roughly equivalent to a reader, and lower grades of lecturer can be equated with an assistant professor. But it is not possible to identify the AmE equivalent of a senior lecturer, and in the days when tenured positions were serious academic options, there was even less equivalence, as a BrE lecturing post was usually tenured, whereas an AmE assistant professorial position was usually not.


Professor <................................. > Full Professor

Reader/ <................................. > Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer
Lecturer <................................ > AssistantProfessor

IX. Прочитав текст, ответьте на следующие вопросы.

In 1807 Noah Webster began his greatest work, An American Dictionary of the English Language. In preparing the manuscript, he devoted ten years to the study of English and its relationship to hear other languages, and seven more years to the writing itself. Published in two volumes in 1828, An American Dictionary of the English Language has become the recognized authority for usage in the United States. Webster's purpose in writing it was to demonstrate that the American language was developing distinct meanings, pronunciations, and spellings from those of British English. He is responsible for advancing simplified spelling forms: develop instead of the British form develope; theater and center instead of theatre and centre; color and honor instead of colour and honour.

1. When was An American Dictionaiy of the English Language published?

(A) 1817 (C) 1828

(B) 1807 (D) 1824.


2. According to the passage, which one of the following spellings would
Webster have approved in his dictionaries?

(A) develop (C) colour

(B) theatre (D) honour.

3. According to the author, V/ebster's purpose in writing An American
Dictionary of the English Language
was to

(A) respond to the need for new schoolbooks

(B) promote spelling forms based upon British models

(C) demonstrate the distinct development of the English language in America

(D) influence the pronunciation of the English language.

4. In how many volumes was An American Dictionary of the English

(A) one volume (C) three volumes

(B) two volumes (D) four volumes.

X. Некоторые авторы описывают различия между англичана­ми и американцами следующим образом:


English American
Focus on group Focus on individual
Focus on consensus Focus on compromise
Formal Informal
Passive speakers Assertive speakers
Quiet & reserved Outgoing & talkative
" Yes" is for understanding " Yes" is for agreement
Saying nothing is preferred over " no" Saying " no" is preferred over noth­ing
Status is respected Status is downplayed

Согласны ли Вы с этими оценками? Обоснуйте свое мнение.

XI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Различия между британским и американским вариантами официального английского языка незначительны. 2. Однако раз­личия в разговорном языке довольно существенны. 3. В последние десятилетия взаимное влияние языков усилилось. 4. Особенно существенно усилилось влияние американского варианта на бри­танский. 5. Существует много региональных диалектов английс-

кого языка. 6. Различают вариации в правописании, грамматике и пунктуации. 7. Некоторые вариации в правописании носят ста­бильный характер. 8. Существует также ряд лексических различий между британским и американским вариантами английского язы­ка. 9. Они обусловлены влиянием на язык американских фильмов и телевидения. 10. В большинстве европейских стран пользуются британским вариантом английского языка.


XII. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите един­ственно правильный.

1. Without …sleep, you won't be able to do well at the exam.

A. enough the

B. enough of

C. enough a

D. enough

2. It is not …that he has to leave.

A. the surprise

B. surprised
С surprising
D. surprise

3. She had no... of spending the rest of her life working as a waitress.

A. intent

B. intentness
С intention
D. intentional

4. We are going to take our vacation... the coast.

A. in

B. on
С at
D. over

5. It is... the money but the principle that makes him angry.

A. no

B. not

С. not only

D. neither

6. Customs…one country to another.

A. differ

B. differ than


C. differ from

D. different

7. The plane is expected to arrive... because of bad weather.

A. lately

B. lateness
С. latest
D. late

8. We thought she… today.

A. comes

B. is coming

C. was coming

D. will come

9. There is still a wide-spread... that the elderly have much to

A. accept

B. acceptable

C. accepted

D. acceptance

10. We can leave... Mike is ready.

A. when

B. whenever
С ever

D. there ever

11. Iron... for weapon and tools in the Bronze Age.

A. is generally used

B. generally used

С was generally used D. used generally

12. The duties of the secretary are to answer the phone, to type letters,

A. bookkeeping

B. to bookkeep

C. to do the bookkeeping

D. to do bookkeeping

13.1 entered one... and won a prize.

A. compete

B. competitor
С competition

D. competitiveness

14. Jean…that she would call us.

A. said

B. had said

С. told

D. had

15. Kevin and I have to compete... each other for good job opportunities.

A. with

B. to

С among

D. between

16. It has no... the agenda.

A. relation with

B. relation to

С relationship with D. relationship to

17. Vendors must have a license.

A. everyone employed in food service

B. everyone who drives a car

C. everyone engaged in selling

D. everyone who works in a hospital

18. Americans have been criticized for placing too much emphasis on
being on time.

A. importance

B. activity
С bother
D. assistance

19. In his biography, Thomas Hardy is described as a very industrious

A. sensible

B. pessimistic

C. optimistic

D. diligent

20. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he must have an adequate
opportunity to change his mind.

A. an informal

B. a belated
С. an ample
D. a gracious.


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