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Fenimore Cooper

Вариант 3

1. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

tabby, shoulder, box, life, donkey, child, bird, sheep.

Tabbies, shoulders, boxes, lives, donkeys, children, birds, sheep


2. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и наречий:

good, expensive, boring, far, short, happy, much, dangerous.

Better, the best

More expensive, the most expensive

More boring, the most boring

Farther, the farthest

Shorter, the shortest

Happier, the happiest

More, the most

More dangerous, the most dangerous


Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Her illness was more serious than we at first thought.

Её болезнь оказалась серьёзнее, чем мы сначала думали.

2) There were fewer people at this meeting than at the last one.

На этом митинге было меньше народу, чем на прошлом.

3) It was the most important event in my life.

Это было самое важное событие в моей жизни.

4) There is plenty of food, so eat as much as you like.

Там много еды, поэтому ешь, сколько хочешь.

5) The more she got to know him, the more she liked him.

Чем больше она его узнавала, тем больше он ей нравился.


4. Заполните пропуски глаголами to be или to have в соответствующей форме (по смыслу). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Nick has English lessons on Monday.

У Ника английский язык по понедельникам.

2) Kate is always well dressed.

Катя всегда хорошо одевается.

3) Her nephew is 3 years old.

Её племяннику 3 года.

4) We have many friends abroad.

У нас много друзей за границей.

5) My elder sister is good at foreign languages.

Моя старшая сестра способна к иностранным языкам.

6) I am a final-year student of the Economy department.

Я являюсь студентом последнего курса факультета экономики.


Откройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужное время группы Indefinite (Simple). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Last year Tom bought a new car.

В прошлом году Том купил новую машину.

2) This group will go to the theater next month.

Эта группа идёт в театр в следующем месяце.

3) Tomorrow I will be either at the University or at home.

Завтра я буду либо в университете либо дома.

4) We usually have dinner quite early, at seven o’clock.

Обычно мы ужинаем достаточно рано, в 7 часов.

5) Yesterday Lena received a letter from her friends.

Вчера Лена получила письмо от своих друзей.

6)I always get to work on time.

Я всегда прихожу на работу вовремя.

Переведите текст на русский язык.

Fenimore Cooper

(1789 – 1851)

Fenimore Cooper is the first well-known American novelist. The son of a rich landowner, Fenimore Cooper was brought up on the family estate, Cooperstown, in New Jersey. When he was only 13 years old, he entered Yale University. In his third year, he failed in his examinations and had to leave the university.

At the age of 17 he went to sea and spent six years as a sailor and later as an officer. He left the ship only when he got married.

For several years he lived on his estate, and it was there that he started writing novels. His novel “The Spy” was written during that period. In is a historical novel about the days of the War for Independence.

In 1826 Fenimore Cooper went to Europe. He wanted to give his children a good European education. While his children were studying, he and his wife travelled a lot and visited many countries. He wrote many books about his travels.

When Fenimore Cooper returned to the United States, he began writing his famous Leather-Stocking novels: “The Pioneers”(1823), “The Last of The Mohicans”(1826), “The Pathfinder”(1840) and some others. These novels are his best works; they are all about American Indians, whom the writer describes with much warmth and understanding.

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