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Обстоятельство в английском предложении располагается на четвертом месте (после дополнения) или на нулевой позиции (перед подлежащим), а если оно выражено коротким наречием, то может стоять справа или слева от сказуемого

We study English at the University.

Yesterday he got up a little earlier.

He always comes in time.

Обстоятельство может быть выражено:

1) наречием,

2) именем существительным (как правило, с предлогом),

3) герундием с предлогом,

4) инфинитивом,

5) причастием или причастным оборотом,

6) придаточным обстоятельственным предложением.


Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства.

Таблица 1. Особенности перевода инфинитива в функции обстоятельства.

Опознавание в предложении Пример Перевод Способы перевода на русский язык
В середине или в начале предложения. Всегда с частицей to. Может употребляться с союзами in order to, so as, so that, lest (чтобы не/как бы не).     He reads a lot of books in the original to master the language.   Он читает много книг в подлиннике, чтобы овладеть языком. Придаточным предложением (цели или следствия) с союзами чтобы, для того чтобы, с тем чтобы. Отглагольным существительным с предлогом для.
In order to get better results we must work hard.     Для того чтобы получить лучшие результаты, мы должны упорно работать.
He closed the door quietly so as not to disturb anyone. Он тихо закрыл дверь, чтобыникого не побеспокоить.

1.1. Прочтите предложения. Сравните их. Укажите, в каких предложениях инфинитив выполняет функцию обстоятельства и при переводе появится союз «чтобы»?

1. You must use such device to produce output in a human-readable format.

2. To produce output in a human-readable format was our aim.

3. To produce output in a human-readable format you must use such device as a printer.

4. A printer is a device to produce output in a human-readable format.


1.2. Прочтите предложения, найдите в них инфинитивы в функции обстоятельства и переведите предложения:


1. To understand how to use a computer one must fully appreciate its design.

2. Processing is operations on data to convert them into useful information.

3. Computers were designed to perform thousands of computations per second.

4. To make computers more reliable transistors were used. They were applied to reduce computational time.

5. To integrate large numbers of circuit elements into a small chip, transistors should be reduced in size.

6. To use integrated circuit technology new computers were built.

7. Analytical engine was invented to store data.

8. Disk drives are used to read and write data on disks.



1. I had to borrow money from the bank in order to set up the business.

2. In order to demonstrate the effect Table 1 is given.

3. To perform this work one must have all the necessary equipment.

4. Data are processed to become useful information.

5. Should BT or AT& T provide home TV services to replace their declining telephony revenues?

6. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) will tag all goods to make them identifiable at all times throughout the supply chain.

7. Cleverbox is struggling to integrate with your own HR, Sales and Procurement application due to different data formats.



1. Bus fares in the city are being cut so as to encourage people to use public transport.

2. Input devices are used to enter data into primary storage.

3. As a scanner, the Sigma 100 can be used to enter photographs as well as documents into a computer.

4. Instead of a mouse, they have a touchpad built into the keyboard – a sensitive pad that you can touch to move the pointer on the screen.

5. It is designed to be placed on your desk.

6. A laser printer uses a laser beam to fix the ink to the paper.

7. In order to avoid complex calculations in bytes, we use bigger units.

8. Enter is pressed to select options from a menu or to start a new paragraph.

9. It is important for the model to be accurate but simple enough.

10. We need more traffic cameras so as to reduce crimes.

11. Different applications of digital technologies were used lest there be carbon emissions.

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