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Transport Aviation

Современные Летательные


(Modern Aircraft)

Методические указания по английскому языку.


Самара 2007


Составитель: М.Н. Пигарёва, О.Б. Салманова.

ББК III 143.24-93


«Современные Летательные Аппараты»

Методические указания по английскому языку.

Самарский Государственный Аэрокосмический Университет.

Самара, 2007 г.


Составлены в соответствии с требованиями программы по английскому языку а также в рамках программы «English for Specific Purposes».Содержат тексты для чтения, пересказа, реферирования и аннотирования, лексико-грамматические упражнения, тестовые задания. Использована оригинальная литература по авиации и космонавтике.

Методические указания разработаны на кафедре иностранных языков и предназначены для студентов 2 курса факультета самолетостроения.

Печатаются по решению редакционно-издательского совета Самарского государственного университета имени академика С. П. Королева.


Рецензент С.М. Ермишина


An - 70 - New Step in the Development of

Transport Aviation.

Preparing to read.

1. Here is the title of the text “An-70 New Step in the Development of Transport Aviation”. Try to predict how the text begins. The two first sentences will be displayed on the blackboard.

2. Write down three important facts related to the topic 'An -70-New Step in the Development of Transport Aviation'. Share the information and discuss it.

Match the keywords with their translations............

................................... 1) to be intended for a)географическая широта

2) long-haul b) короткий пробег

3) short take-off run c) тельфер

4) latitude d) дальнемагистральный

5) multiplexed data e) лебедка

exchange channel f) высаживать десант

6) telpher g) уплотнённый канал

7) winch обмена данными

8) to airdrop the h) соосные вентиляторы

paratroops i) предназначаться

9) coaxial fans j) хитроумное приспособление

10) contraption k) годность к полёту

11) container handling l) погрузка и разгрузка контейнеров

12) airworthiness


Read the text and check if your answers in ex. 2 p.1 are correct.

2. Read the text and complete the table below.

  Data on aircraft An-70 Advantages (in comparison with other types of aircraft)
Types of engines    
Cargo capacity    
Control systems    

An - 70 - New Step in the Development of

Transport Aviation

A. An - 70is a long - haul short take - off military transport plane intended for airlifting military cargo of total mass of up to47t.

B. The plane can airlift 20 - 35t of cargo on3800 - 7400kmdistance at 750kmph cruising speed, airdrop the paratroops and hardware, including single pieces weighing up to 20t, from either high or low altitude, bring in 300 troops with their small arms, evacuate 206 sick and wounded.

C. Depending on the operational mode and cargo mass, An –70 can take off from the average - strength concrete runways 1800m long, or the loosely - bound ground airstrips 600 - 900m long. In the latter case it carries 20-35t of cargo on 1450 - 3000km distance.

D. FourD - 27 engines with coaxial fans ensure high cruising speed at 20 - 30% lower fuel consumption, comparing with other modern turbojets.

E. The integrated digital avionics provide for steady operation of the plane by day or night, at every latitude in any weather, flights over the blank terrain, air-defence penetration, formation flights, take-offs from and landings on the unprepared ground airstrips. The use of multiplexed data exchange channels makes for an easy adaptation of avionics to any mission profile.

F. In-built load - carrying contraptions enable the plane to load and unload the cargo, as well as airdrop it. They include four electric telphers of total carrying capacity of 12t, two electric winches having the pull of 1.5 t each. On customers demand the plane can be equipped with the second easily demountable deck or roll-ways for container-handling.

G. On - board control & diagnostic systems allow An -70 to operate autonomously without any special ground infrastructure. All maintenance is done when the conditions so require.

H. An – 70’s high technical and operational potential makes it possible to built upon its base a whole range of models, both military and civil: early warning aircraft, flying command post, patrol aircraft, refuel aircraft and many various An-70T commercial transports.

I. In 1998 the International Consortium of Medium Transport Aircraft has been set up which founders, beside Antonov Aeronautical Scientific Technical Complex, include the Russian and Ukrainian aviation factories, scientific Consortium conducts joint R & D, production, export. Its prime objective is the long- term pooling of the financial, industrial and human resources for the successful certification, production, sale, and leasing and after-sale support of An-70. Consortium is the sole legal entity having the right to built An-70 and alter its design. At present An - 70 is undergoing flight and certification tests for its compliance with the Air force’s requirements and AP-25 (FAR-25, JAR-25) airworthiness criteria.

Comprehension Check

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