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I. Participle II and its Functions

An Attribute(какой?)
1. noun + Participle II or noun+Participle II+by (with) 2. Participle II + noun 1. The air heated is lighter than the cold air. – Нагретый воздух легче, чем холодный. The air heatedby fuel combustion has a high temperature.- Воздух, нагретый (который нагревается) в результате сгорания топлива, … 2. a heated unit – нагретый агрегат this intensively heated unit - этот сильно нагретый агрегат
Remember! Participle II в функции определения (левого или правого) переводится причастиями страдательного залога совершенного и несовершенного вида с суффиксами -емый, -нный, -имый, -тый

Exercise 7. Name the initial form of the Participle II.

broken, cost, led, meant, overcome, sought, set, split, begun, brought, built, done, found, flown, gone, heard, known, left, lain, made, paid, taken, told, understood, won


Exercise 8. Translate the word-combinations with the Participle II as an Attribute (Participle II + noun).

a. a solved problem; a utilized design; a launched spaceship; a determined step; an ignited gasoline; a mentioned ratio; an obtained output; a demanded flexibility

b. the reduced number; the increased temperature; the advanced stage; the divided particle; the suggested source, the received weight; the loaded vehicle; the reduced heat; the operated unit; the accomplished mission; the increased velocity; the required payload

c. any simulated process; any developed concept; any revealed substance; any recovered rocket; any heated mixture; any mentioned performance; any received thrust; any driven vehicle; any mentioned mission; any completed exhaust

d. a required velocity; a supplied fuel; an improved reliability; an expressed reason


Exercise 9. Translate the word-combinations with the Participle II as an Attribute (noun + Participle II + by(with).

e.g. The problem solved by an engineer – проблема решаемая инженером (проблема, которая решается инженером)

a. the problem solved by an engineer; the design utilized by an experimentor; the spaceship launched by the cosmic centre; the equip­ment changed by the research workers

b. any error discovered by the scientist; any particle divided by a cyclotron; any concept suggested by the scientist; any process simulated with the help of; any device developed by means of


Exercise 10. Translate the word-combinations with the Participle II as an Attribute. Pay attention to the place of the adverbs.


a properly measured distance; a generally applied concept; an artificially accelerated particle; an easily changed path; a success­fully applied design; a relatively increased acceleration; highly developed industry; a gradually reduced frequency.


Exercise 11. Translate the word-combinations with the Participle II. Pay attention to the order of the words.


1. The overhaul mentioned by the engineer was... The overhaul mentioned was...

2. The reliability obtained by means of a control system is... The reliability obtained is...

3. The gasoline ignited by compression has... The gasoline ignited has...

4. The flexibility demanded by the structure is... The flexibility demanded is...

5. The vehicle loaded with equipment is... The vehicle loaded is...

6. The heat reduced with a device is... The heat reduced is...

7. The velocity required by the vehicle is... The velocity required is...

8. The reliability supplied with a new device... The reliability supplied is...

9. The mission accomplished with tanks was... The mission accomplished was...


Exercise 12. The Participle II as an Attribute or the verb in the Past Simple?

1. The device produced great power.

The device produced was powerful.

The device produced at our plant was of a new type.

2. The equipment used high voltage.

The equipment used was of a new type.

The equipment used at our laboratory provides high voltage.

3. The engine required high energy fuel.

The engine required in space must be able to produce...

The engine required must have...



Participle II as an Adverbial Modifier
If heated, the air expands.   If properlyinstalled, the instrument gives correct indications.   При нагревании воздух расширяется. Если воздух нагреть, он расширяется. Нагреваясь, воздух расширяется. При правильной установке прибор дает точные показания. Если прибор правильно установлен, он дает точные показания
Remember! Признаком причастия II в функции обстоятельства является наличие перед причастием II союзов: when (когда), if (если), although (хотя) и переводится: - сочетанием «при + существительное»; - придаточным обстоятельственным предложением; - деепричастием в страдательном залоге. Перед причастием II, выполняющим функцию обстоятельства, может стоять наречие, отвечающее на вопрос «как?».  


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