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D. ZeroHello World
51. What is required to avoid falling through from one case to the next? A. end; B. break; C. Stop; D. A semicolon.
52. Which is not a proper prototype? A. int funct(char x, char y); B. double funct(char x) C. void funct(); D. char x();
53. What is the return type of the function with prototype: " int func(char x, float v, double t); " A. char B. int C. float D. double
54. Which of the following is a complete function? A. int funct(); B. int funct(int x) {return x=x+1; } C. void funct(int) {cout& tl; < " Hello" } D. void funct(x) {cout< < " Hello" }
55. Which of the following shows the correct syntax for an if statement? A. if expression B. if { expression C. if (expression) D. expression if 56. What is the correct value to return to the operating system upon the successful completion of a program? A. -1 B. 1 C. 0 D. Programs do not return a value.
57. Which of the following is the correct operator to compare two variables? A.: = B. = C. equal D. = = 58. Which conversion is not possible? A. int to float B. float to int C. char to float D. All are possible 59. Which of the following is a valid inline for function foo? A. inline void foo() {} B. void foo() inline {} C. inline: void foo() {} D. None of the above
60. What is the output of this program?
A) execute b) not execute c) none of the mentioned d) both a & b
61. What is the correct way to print integer sum to the screen? a) cout< < sum< < endl; b) cout" sum" < < endl; c) cout> > sum> > endl; d) cout< sum< endl;
62. Where does the object is created?