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Домашняя контрольная работа №1


Грамматический комментарий

Предлоги (Prepositions)

Предлоги служат для связи существительных или местоимений с другими словами в фразах и предложениях.

Основные предлоги:

простые – on (на, в), in (в, через), to (к, в), from (от), about (о), with (с), till (до), of (из, о), at (за, у, в), by (около), for (для);

сложные – inside (внутри), outside (снаружи), upon (на), into (в), throughout (через);

составные – because of (из-за), instead of (вместо), by means of (посредством), as far as (до), by force of (в силу), in spite of (несмотря на), in front of (перед), contrary to (против).

Большинство предлогов имеет по нескольку значений.

Предлог by может употребляться в значении у, около, возле, мимо.

Предлог in имеет значение времени, места, области действия: in winter, in an hour (через час), in the room, to be in the army.

Предлоги at, in, on употребляются в выражениях времени и дат:

at – для выражения конкретного времени: at half past six, at night, at nine o’clock, at Christmas; для обозначения пригородов, сел, деревень, автостоянок, мостов: I met him at London bridge;

in – для недель, месяцев, лет: in 2006, in summer, in the morning; для обозначения стран, больших городов, областей: He lives in England. The delegation will arrive in Moscow on Sunday.;

on – для обозначения дней недели, месяцев: on Sunday, on August.

Имя существительное с предлогом by означает действующее лицо, существительное с предлогом with – орудие действия: The clouds were driven by the wind.

The coat was cut with the scissors.


Степени сравнения


Форма Прилагательное Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
Одно- и Nice Nicer The nicest
двусложные Brave Braver The bravest
прилага- Happy Happier The happiest
тельные с Clever Cleverer The cleverest
окончаниями Simple Simpler The simplest
-у, -ow, Fat Fatter The fattest
-er, - le Easy Easier The easiest


Прилагат. из трех и более слогов (с суффиксами) и двусложные прилаг. не оканчивающ. на -у, -ow, -er, - le Interesting Beautiful Comfortable Tired Serious More interesting More beautiful More comfortable More tired More serious The most interesting The most beautiful The most comfortable The most tired The most serious


Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных не по общим правилам

Прилагательное Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
Good Better The best
Bad Worse The worst
Many, much More The most
Little Less The least
Far Farther (further) The farthest (the furthest)

Вариант 1

I. a) Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания и составьте с ними 5 предложений:


Nouns Существительные
Excellence Превосходное качество
Topic Тема
Length Продолжительность
Emphasis Большое внимание
Degree Научная степень
Term Семестр
Arts Гуманитарные науки
Science Естественные науки
Verbs Глаголы
Account for Достигать
Present Представлять
Encourage Поощрять, побуждать
Extend Расширять(ся), продлевать(ся)
Adjectives& Adverbs Прилагательные и наречия
Major Главный
Academic Учебный
Private Частный, индивидуальный
One-to-one Один к одному


b) Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино­нимом из правой колонки.

split beforehand
equal all in all
top question
research similar
in advance best
reserve study
in total divide
matter occupy


II. Найдите антонимы:


Mixed schools, part-time education, compulsory, to ace a test, to move up to the next form, optional, single-sex schools, obligatory, full-time education, to blow a test, to repeat the year.


III. Соотнесите понятие из левой колонки с его толкованием из правой колонки (одно понятие – лишнее):


  1. a final 2. a pop-quiz 3. to cram 4. a make-up 5. a killer   · an extremely difficult test. · to study very hard in a short period of time. · a surprise test (for which students are not able to study in advance). · a test that can be taken again at a later time. · the test which covers everything learned during the term.


IV. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Сделайте полный письменный перевод 10, 11 и 12 абзацев.


University Education in Great Britain.


1. There are 46 universities in Britain. But not all universities are equal. They differ from one another in history, traditions, academic organizations. Not all British universities are backed by a well-known reputation.

2. Oxford and Cambridge, the oldest universities, are world-known for their academic excellence. The University of London has the size and breadth to rank among the UK’s top universities.

3. A university usually consists of colleges. The department of the colleges are organized into faculties. University teaching in the UK differs greatly at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels from that in many other countries.

4. An undergraduate programme consists of a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes which in total account for about 15 hours per week.

5. Following a particular programme students take series of lectures courses which may last one academic term or the whole year. Associated with each lecture course are seminars, tutorials, laboratory classes which illustrate the topics presented in the lectures.

6. Lectures are given to large groups of students (from 20 to 200). Seminars and tutorials are much smaller than lecture classes and in some departments can be on a one-to-one basis (one member of staff and one student).

7. Students prepare work in advance for seminars and tutorials. And this can take the form of researching a topic for discussion by writing essays or by solving problems.

8. Lectures, seminars and tutorials are all one hour in length, laboratory classes last two or three hours. Much emphasis is put on the private study nature of a UK degree.

9. Each student has a tutor whom he can consult on any matter academic or personal.

10. The academic year is split into three terms. Formal teaching takes place in the first two terms which last for twenty four weeks in total. The third term reserved for classes and examinations lasts for six weeks.

11. Universities teach in all major subject areas: arts, science, law, engineering, medicine, social sciences. University staff are at the foreground of knowledge in their subject. The teaching encourages students to learn in the most effective way.

12. University degree courses extend from three to four years. After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science. He can continue to take his Master’s Degree and then the Doctor’s.


V. Определите верно или неверно утверждение.


  1. All British universities have a well-known reputation.
  2. The university of London is one of the UK’s top universities.
  3. In some departments tutorials can be on a one-to-one basis.
  4. Both lecture and seminar last for one hour.
  5. British students take examinations in the second term.



VI. Прочитайте текст и выберите подходящий заголовок:

· US education.

· US higher education.

· University education in the UK and US.


There is no National University in the USA. Each state controls and support at least one University. The National government gives no direct financial aid to these state schools. The students do not go to the University free of charge. Everyone must pay a tuition fee. Though each University offers a number of scholarships many of the students have to work to pay their expenses.

Most of the US Universities have a central campus. Colleges of Law, Business, Medicine, Engineering, Music, Journalism can be found one campus. Thus a student can attend courses at various colleges. The students do not take the same courses. During the first two years they follow a basic programme. It means that every student must select at least one course from each of the basic fields of study: English, science, modern languages, history of physical education.

After the first two years every student majors in one subject and minors in an other. A student can major in history and minor in sociality. In addition to these major and minor courses he can select other subjects according to his professional interest. After completing four years of study the students receive a Bachelor Degree (either B.A. or B.S.), with an additional year of study he may receive a Master’s Degree and after two on he receives a Doctorate Degree.

Over four years at the end of each year students have a final written examination. They take oral exams and write a dissertation only for advanced degrees.


VII. Подберите к реплике из левой колонки подходящий ответ из правой колонки:


1. Help yourself, please. A. Well done! I failed.
2. Hurry up, or we’ll miss the classes. B. Same to you. I hope we both pass.
3. Good luck in your exam! C. Thanks, but I’m really full.
4. I passed! D. That’s right. What about you?
5. I hear you are going to take a post-graduate course! E. All right. Let’s go for a drink.
6. See you later, after the exam. F. OK.


VIII. Составьте диалог, расположив реплики в нужном порядке:

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