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Further discussion
(https://www.fox8.com/videobeta/7b40be6c-4b2c-4582-a44c-6c97ac0865f5/News/I-Team- Human-Trafficking)
Share the statistics below with students. Make sure you realize that human trafficking and slavery exists everywhere: Poor countries, wealthy countries, the USA, and Ohio. Part 2 1. Who is the Secretary-General of UN? 2. When is Human Rights Day? 3. Are you aware of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Secretary-General's Message for 2014 (https://www.un.org/en/events/humanrightsday/2014/sgmessage.shtml)
Discussion It is said in the Article 4 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights that “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”. What is your point of view towards this article? FOCUS ON SPEAKING Part 1 Amnesty International Discussion 1) What is Amnesty’s primary function? 2) How important is Amnesty compared to charities such as Save The Children or Help The Aged? 3) Do you think Amnesty International is a good name? 4) Who is Amnesty International’s most famous prisoner of conscience? 5) Why do many governments, including that of the USA, refuse to believe many of Amnesty’s reports? 6) Do you think Amnesty International is effective? 7) How do you think Amnesty gets information about “closed” countries and despotic regimes? 8) How can we help protect and promote human rights? 9) Do you think there are many countries that do not commit human rights violations? 10) Do you think working for Amnesty International can be dangerous? Part 2
a.Everyone is born with equal rights. b. The state’s role is to ensure that people have equal rights. c. Many states exploit and abuse their people. d. The law and international treaties are the only way to protect people. e. Human rights enable people to live life to the full.