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Tight on letter
...which is head: Date Of Execution."
Paul is at the kitchen table in the wee hours of the morning, drinking buttermilk and listening to SOFT MUSIC on the radio. JANICE EDGECOMB appears, shuffling sleepily downstairs.
JAN Paul?
PAUL Hey, you. Music too loud?
JAN No. There's just this big empty spot in the bed where my husband usually sleeps.
PAUL He said to tell you he's having a little trouble with that tonight.
She comes into the kitchen, strokes his hair. There's an easy familiarity and a deep love between these two.
JAN Worried about Melinda and Hal? Is that what's got you up?
PAUL Yeah, that. Things.
JAN Things.
She sits on his lap and gives him a crooked smile--you're not getting off that easily.
PAUL Got a new inmate today. Big, simple-minded fella.
JAN Do I want to hear what he did?
PAUL No. One sleepless member of this family's enough. (softly) The things that happen in this world. It's a wonder God allows it.
She gives him a tiny kiss above his left eyebrow, in that special spot that makes him prickle.
JAN Why don't you come to bed? I've got something to help you sleep, and you can have all you want.
PAUL Don't I wish. I've still got something wrong with my waterworks, I don't want to pass it on.
JAN You see Doc Sadler yet?
PAUL No, because he'll want me to take sulfa tablets and I'll spend the rest of the week puking in every corner of my office. It'll run its course all by itself, thank you very much for your concern.
She kisses that spot above his eyebrow again. He smiles.
JAN Poor old guy...
IN TIGHT ANGLES: Copper plugs are cleaned, switches are oiled, circuits are tested...
...as maintenance is performed on Old Sparky by JACK VAN HAY and a small crew. Paul is carefully sanding a connector plug. Dean is waxing Old Sparky's wooden arms to a gleam.
Paul and Dean pause, thinking they hear a LAUGH drifting in from E Block...and then Brutal calls softly to them:
BRUTAL (O.S.) Paul? Dean?
Paul and Dean enter to find Brutal trying not to wake the cons in their cells by laughing too loudly. They follows his gaze down the Mile, see nothing, turn to him like he's crazy.
BRUTAL I guess the legislature loosened those purse-strings enough to hire on a new guard. (off their looks) Look again. He's right there.
Paul and Dean look again and this time they see it:
A tiny brown mouse is coming up the Mile. It trots a short distance, peers right and left as if checking the snoring inmates in their cells, then makes another forward spurt.
PAUL He's doing a cell check.
This gets them all trying not to laugh. The mouse draws ever closer. Dean starts to look worried.
DEAN It ain't normal for a mouse to come up on people that way. Maybe it's rabid.
BRUTAL Oh, my Christ. The big mouse expert. The Mouse Man. You see it foaming at the mouth, Mouse Man?
DEAN (dubious) I don't see its mouth at all.
That does it--Paul and Brutal burst out laughing. The mouse stops before them and peers up, curling its tail primly around its paws as if to wait. The guards fall silent, fascinated. Bitterbuck stirs in his cell, sits up to watch.
Brutal tears off a piece of his half-eaten corned beef sandwich, holds it delicately out with two fingers. The mouse rises up, appraising the morsel with shiny black eyes.
DEAN Aw, Brutal, no! We'll be hip-deep in mice around here...
BRUTAL (to Paul) I just wanna see what he'll do. In the interests of science, like.
Paul shrugs. Brutal drops the scrap. The mouse grabs it and eats, sitting up like a dog doing a trick.
The mouse turns and scurries back down the Mile, vanishing under the restraint room door at the far end. Dean throws Paul an " I told you so" look.
DEAN He's in the damn restraint room. You know he's gonna be chewing the padding out of walls and making himself a nice little nest.
Brutal give Paul a sheepish look--well? Paul sighs.
PAUL All right. Let's get the damn mouse.
They stride grimly down the Mile to the restraint room door, men on a mission. Coffey's awake now, peering from his cot.
COFFEY Saw me a mouse go by.
PAUL It was a dream. Go back to sleep.
COFFEY Weren't no dream. It was a mouse all right.
PAUL Can't put anything over on you.
Paul unlocks the door, revealing a padded room filled with storage: cleaning supplies, buckets of paint, mops and ladders, you name it. Brutal shrugs off his jacket. Paul grabs a mop from a steel bucket, hands it to Dean.
PAUL Dean, watch the door. He tries to get past you, whack him.
DEAN Brutal or the mouse?
BRUTAL Har har, Mouse Man.
Brutal and Paul start doing the heavy lifting, muscling an unused filing cabinet out the door...
...and they finally relay the last few heavy buckets of paint onto the Mile. Paul and Brutal catch their breath, scanning the empty restraint room. Their eyes go glaringly to Dean.
PAUL You let him get past you.
DEAN No I didn't, I was here all the time!
BRUTAL Then where the hell is he?
They move slowly into the room, peering into every nook and cranny, utterly mystified. Brutal shakes his head.
BRUTAL Three grown men. Outsmarted by a mouse.
DEAN Well, bright side is, all this commotion probably scared him off for good.
PAUL Yeah, that's right. That's the last we'll see of him...