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Initalize the objects

Const variable

________contains function prototype for rand?

< cstdlib>

" a" in line //1 equal to?

This code does not compile it has a syntax error.

Absolute value of x:


Array of characters is __________.


A function can make

As many throws of as many types as necessary

A value-returning function can be used ____.

All of the above

An array is not:

Made up of different data types.

An uninitialized local variable contains:

The value last stored in the memory location reserved for that variable.

Antonym of increment:


Сommand " \t" means:

Move the screen cursor to the next tab stop.

Cycle with postcondition?

Do while

Choose true statement:

Vector can change the length, array can't

class student {string name, surname} Aibar;

What is underlined?

Object of class student

Constructors are used to:

initalize the objects

Determine the value of x after executing series of commands:


Determine the value of x after executing series of commands:


Determine the value of x after executing a series of commands:


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