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Please note that song lyrics (and any art works) can have different interpretations.

Searching for the very best, we continue our endless journey. Because it must be the proof that we are living life.
最 高 saikō
| highest, supreme
| ...を o
| Particle which indicates the object of a verb
| 求 め て motomete
| to search for, to seek 求 め る motomeru: to search for, to seek, to wish for ⇒ 求 め て motomete (Verb ending [て te] is used to join two sentences)
| 終 わ り の な い owari no nai
| endless, never ending
| 旅 tabi
| travel, journey
| ...を o
| Particle which indicates the object of a verb
| す る の は suru no wa
| doing (endless journey) す る suru: to do + の no: (Particle which nominalizes verbs) +...は wa: (Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence)
| き っ と kitto
| surely, most likely
| 僕 ら bokura
| we (used by a male speaker - the group includes at least one male)
| The lyrics includes both male and female languages. It may be because this song has an universal theme.
| ...が ga
| Particle which indicates sentence subject
| 生 き て い る ikiteiru
| I'm living 生 き る ikiru: to live, to exist + い る iru:...ing (present progressive form)
| 証 拠 shō ko
| proof, evidence
| だ か ら dakara
| because
| There can be two kinds of interpretations; 1. Keep trying to reach the highest goal is the proof that we are really living our life. 2. It is the human nature to desire the highest goal. We are destined to search for that as long as we live.

Oh! yeh! Even when being knocked out by harsh realities and nearly fall down, we just look straight ahead and walk on - the dream fighters.
現 実 genjitsu
| reality
| に ni
| by
| 打 ち の め さ れ uchinomesare
| be knocked down 打 ち の め す uchinomesu: to knock down, to beat (someone) up ⇒ 打 ち の め さ れ る uchinomesareru (passive voice) ⇒ 打 ち の め さ れ uchinomesare (Ending of the first verb can be omitted instead of using [て te] to join two sentences.)
| た お れ そ う taoresō
| nearly fall た お れ る taoreru: to fall, to collapse +...そ う sō: nearly, about to
| ...に ni
| Particle which indicates the outcome of changes or transformation
| な っ て も nattemo
| even if I become... な る naru: to become + て も temo: even if
| き っ と kitto
| surely, most likely
| 前 mae
| front, ahead
| ...を o
| Particle which indicates the object of a verb
| 見 て mite
| to look 見 る miru: to look, to see ⇒ 見 て mite (Verb ending [て te] is used when it is followed by another verb.)
| 歩 く aruku
| to walk
| Dream Fighter
| Probably, a person who fights against difficulties and hardships in order to make one's dream come true

Hey, what they call " ordinary" can be this and that. But in reality, it probably is not in the middle but is close to an ideal.
ね ぇ nē
| hey (used to draw attention of the listener. used more by a female speaker)
| み ん な minna
| everyone
| ...が ga
| Particle which indicates sentence subject
| 言 う yū (iu)
| to call, to say (usually pronounced " iu" but " yū " is also commonly used.)
| 普 通 futsū
| ordinary, usual
| ...っ て さ ttesa
| "....."...っ て tte: (Particle which indicates quoting in casual situation) + さ sa: (Sentence end suffix used in casual situation)
| な ん だ か ん だ っ で nan dakandadde
| this and that な ん だ か ん だ nandakanda: this or that, something or other
| " な ん だ か ん だ で nandakanda de" is the proper spelling.
| 実 際 jissai
| reality, actual conditions
| ...は wa
| Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence
| た ぶ ん tabun
| probably
| 真 ん 中 じ ゃ な く mannaka janaku
| not in the middle 真 ん 中 mannaka: middle, center + じ ゃ な い janai: not
| 理 想 risō
| ideal
| ...に ni
| to
| ち か い chikai
| near, close

However, being just ordinary is still not enough.
だ け ど dakedo
| however, though
| 普 通 futsū
| ordinary, usual
| じ ゃ ja
| じ ゃ...な い ja...nai: not じ ゃ も の 足 り な い ja monotarinai: is not enough
| ま だ mada
| still, yet
| も の 足 り な い monotarinai
| unsatisfactory, not enough
| の no
| Sentence end suffix used in casual situation. Mostly used by a female speaker.

Untill the moment when we feel " I wish if it could stay just like this". Towards that far distant destination.
こ の ま ま konomama
| as (it) is
| ...で de
| Particle which indicates state or condition
| い れ た ら iretara
| if it can be い る iru: to be ⇒ い れ る ireru: can be +...た ら tara: if
| っ て tte
| "....." (Particle which indicates quoting in casual situation)
| 思 う omou
| to think, to feel
| 瞬 間 shunkan
| moment, instant
| ま で made
| until, till
| 遠 い tō i
| far, distant
| は る か haruka
| far away, far off
| こ の kono
| this
| 先 saki
| front, ahead, destination
| ま で made
| until, till

Searching for the very best, we continue our endless journey. Because it must be the proof that we are living life.

If you encounter hardships, that's because you have the strength for never giving up.
も し moshi
| if
| つ ら い こ と と か tsuraikoto toka
| painful thing or something like that つ ら い tsurai: painful, heart-breaking + こ と koto: thing, matter + と か toka: such things as, or something like that
| ...が ga
| Particle which indicates sentence subject
| あ っ た と し て も atta toshitemo
| even if there is... あ る aru: to be, to exist, to happen ⇒ あ っ た atta (past tense form) + と し て も toshitemo: even if...
| そ れ sore
| that, it
| ...は wa
| Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence
| キ ミ kimi
| you (usually used by male speaker but female often uses it in Perfume songs)
| ...が ga
| Particle which indicates sentence subject
| き っ と kitto
| surely, most likely
| ず っ と zutto
| continuously, all along, the whole time
| あ き ら め な い akiramenai
| not to give up あ き ら め る akirameru: to give up + な い nai: not (verb-negating suffix)
| 強 さ tsuyosa
| strength, power
| ...を o
| Particle which indicates the object of a verb
| 持 っ て い る motteiru
| to have 持 つ motsu: to have, to possess ⇒ 持 っ て い る motteiru (continuous state)
| か ら kara
| because
| This part is not easy to understand. Possible interpretation is that as long as you never give up and keep moving forward, you will inevitably encounter difficulties along the way.

We've got to keep on running too. Yeh! Falling tears are all our treasures.
僕 ら bokura
| we (used by a male speaker - the group includes at least one male)
| も mo
| also, too
| 走 り 続 け る ん だ hashiritsuzukerunda
| to keep running 走 り 続 け る hashiritsuzukeru: to keep running = 走 る hashiru: to run + 続 け る hashiru: to continue, to keep on ⇒ 走 り 続 け る ん だ hashiritsuzukerunda: (indicates light imperative)
| こ ぼ れ 落 ち る koboreochiru
| to spill over and fall こ ぼ れ る koboreru: to spill, to fall out of + 落 ち る ochiru: to fall, to drop
| 涙 namida
| tears
| も mo
| also, too
| 全 部 zenbu
| all, entire, whole
| 宝 物 takaramono
| treasure

Oh! yeh! Even when being knocked out by harsh realities and nearly fall down, we just look straight ahead and walk on - the dream fighters.

Hey, what they call " future" can be this and that. But in reality, it probably is not a pitch dark but is with the light.
ね ぇ nē
| hey (used to draw attention of the listener. used more by a female speaker)
| み ん な minna
| everyone
| ...が ga
| Particle which indicates sentence subject
| 言 う yū (iu)
| to call, to say (usually pronounced " iu" but " yū " is also commonly used.)
| 未 来 mirai
| the future
| っ て さ ttesa
| "....." っ て...tte: (Particle which indicates quoting in casual situation) + さ sa: (Sentence end suffix used in casual situation)
| な ん だ か ん だ っ で nan dakandadde
| this and that な ん だ か ん だ nandakanda: this or that, something or other
| 実 際 jissai
| reality, actual conditions
| ...は wa
| Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence
| た ぶ ん tabun
| probably
| 真 っ 暗 じ ゃ な く makkura janaku
| not a pitch dark 真 っ 暗 makkura: pitch dark, total darkness + じ ゃ な い janai: not
| 光 hikari
| light
| ...が ga
| Particle which indicates sentence subject
| さ し て sashite
| to shine さ す sasu: to shine
However, being just ordinary is still not enough.

Untill the moment when we feel " I wish if it could stay just like this". Towards that far distant destination.

Searching for the very best, we continue our endless journey. Because it must be the proof that we are living life.

If you encounter hardships, that's because you have the strength for never giving up.

We've got to keep on running too. Yeh! Falling tears are all our treasures.

Oh! yeh! Even when being knocked out by harsh realities and nearly fall down, we just look straight ahead and walk on - the dream fighters.
English lyrics:
Reaching for the top on an endless journey I'm sure that will prove that we're alive oh! YEH! Even if reality beats you up and almost knocks you down I'm sure you'll look straight ahead and walk forward, Dream Fighter
Hey, the " ordinary" that everyone talks about I feel is actually not in the middle But probably closer to their ideals Anyhow, the ordinary still isn't enough
Until the moment you can say you're satisfied You must journey far, far into the distance from here
*Reaching for the top on an endless journey I'm sure that will prove that we're alive Even if you run into some difficulties I'm sure you'll always have the strength to never give up We'll keep on running too, YEH! All the tears we spill Are treasures, oh! YEH! Even if reality beats you up and almost knocks you down I'm sure you'll look straight ahead and walk forward, Dream Fighter
Hey, the " future" that everyone talks about I feel is actually not completely dark But probably shining bright Anyhow, the ordinary still isn't enough
Until the moment you can say you're satisfied You must journey far, far into the distance from here