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A) Match the idioms with their definitions.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 17 из 17
III. LANGUAGE EXERCISES Study the following words and word-combinations of the Active Vocabulary looking up for their definitions in the dictionary. Find the sentences with these words in the story, read and translate them. Make up your own sentences. Active Vocabulary a) Words: To groan, to bristle, malicious, shrewd, to indulge, to sublet, to worship, swarthy; b) Word-combinations: To be bound, to be worth smth (doing smth), to throw light upon smth, to make inquiries, to keep an eye on, to cover one's tracks, to take a stroll, to make a getaway.
Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases. a) to force smb to accept smth or deal with smth/smb he doesn't want; to suggest an idea or explanation of smth for people to consider; a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job, situation; a sudden wish to do or have smth, esp. when it is unusual or unnecessary; to make smb or yourself comfortable in a particular place or position; in a way that does not sound very confident, or that does not persuade other people; to press smth against smth; relating to or connected with money. b) той, хто розгадує таємниці; бігти риссю; ручатися за щось; полегшити душу; так собі; дешевше не буває.
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the correct word or word-combination from the box. To install to indulge to groan to throw light upon to bristle malicious shrewd a whim to flatten against to vouch for to thrust upon lamely to be worth to make inquiries novice
a) Match the idioms with their definitions. 1. to be in the market a) to be on an organisation's list, for example of people who are available for a particular type of work; 2. on hand b) to be at the back of a line of people, or last in a race; 3. to come to smb's ears c) available for people to buy; 4. bag and baggage; d) available, esp. to help; 5. to be on smb's books e) smb hears about smth, esp. when other people already know about it; 6. to bring up the rear f) with all your possessions, esp. secretly or suddenly; 7. to escape by the skin of one's teeth g) to only just escape