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Pests plants ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Plant louse In a small amount a plant louse will not inflict large harm to the tree, however, at favourable terms the population of plant louse can grow very quickly and to result in the serious damage of citrus trees in the period of vegetation. A plant louse attacks a tree sucking out juice from leaves. Symptoms are very noticeable: leaves become wrinkled, turn yellow and convolve, is all specifies on the damage of leaves. At the increase of population of plant louse it is possible to look after опадение of leaves and dying off of branches. Often during the invasion of plant louse juice drops from the downside of leaves. Actually this selection of plant lice, that is a sticky liquid. Often she drops on other leaves, other plants and on earth. This sticky liquid attracts ants that her feed on. In most cases ants are only the index of appearance of this liquid and does not harm to the tree. A plant louse can be controlled through new more safe insecticides, but not old harmful chemicals. Necessarily process the downside of leaves and other areas of concentration of insects. For control above a plant louse one or two treatments of спреем are usually needed only. At less heavy infections or as a prophylaxis sprinkle leaves insecticide soap at the beginning of summer and further on the measure of necessity. Whitefly citrus A whitefly citrus is this tiny white winged insect. Most often she meets on the downside of leaves of tree. If to rock the branches of tree, whiteflies the citrus instantly will fly up and round a tree it will be possible to see a whole white cloud. Not only a whitefly feeds on citrus trees, so she yet and oviposits on the downside of leaves. Small oval almost transparent larvae that register to the downside of leaves and begin to suck juice from them hatch from eggs. As a result leaves begin to convolve and on them appears sticky pleocytosis raids. This raid actually the nectar distinguished from the organism of whitefly, because they are unable to master everything sugar, contained in juice of foliage. Nectar often drops from the leaves of tree and thus attracts other insects, for example, of ants. A few generations of whitefly can appear during the period of vegetation. It is difficult to obtain complete control above adult whiteflies, but a few treatments the special facilities will allow considerably to shorten the population of young individuals and here general quantity of population. Caterpillar Papilio cresphontes (Sailing-vessel of Cresfontes) It large worm about 4-5 centimetres in length. Body of worm of brown color. They attack citrus trees eating up leaves. By a faithful sign that on a tree these wreckers settled there is the partly eaten or chewed foliage.This worm is the larval stage of black-yellow butterfly under the name Sailing-vessel of cresfontes. An adult butterfly oviposits on the young leaves of citrus trees and with hatching young worms can destroy the vegetation of whole tree only for a few days. For control above worms simply physically delete them and destroy by hand. It is important to mark that гусеницы, when you them will disturb, will stick out two red as a horn tendrils after a head a strong unpleasant smell comes from that. If an infection is large or you do not can and does not want to delete caterpillars by hand, can use insecticides. Only apply those that will be safe for the use of house and on a summer residence and made out of bacteria of natural origin. Necessarily process a tree fully. The repeated treatment can be required on occasion, probably approximately in 7-10 days or in 3-4 weeks depending on weight of infection.
4.Protective measures: 1)collection and incineration of the mummified garden-stuffs an autumn. In a summer period systematic collection and moving away are from the garden of windfall. Fight against wreckers, damaging garden-stuffs. Bookmark on storage of healthy garden-stuffs (without the damages of the cutaneous covering), observance of cleanness and mode of storage. Prophylactic treatment of trees on blossoming out leaves and before flowering by 1% bordoss liquid. 2) Against wintering eggs trees are sprinkled to blooming of buds 2, 5-3% solution of nitrafen. The whipping tops and branches, populated by eggs, cut, штамбы and skeletal branches clean. Buds in the period of isolation sprinkle hlorofos, by a karbofos or one of vegetable poisons. 3) Collection and incineration of winter nests. Sprinkling of trees a spring during blooming of buds 0, 2% solution of hlorofos, 0, 3% emulsion of karbofos or suspension of entobacterna.