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DIALOGUE. Read and translate the following dialogue:

Read and translate the following dialogue:

What is scientific method?

A. Pleased to meet you, Brain. We have started studying sociology as a social science defining a number of techniques used in sociological research. Actually, I guess sociologists must use scientific method in studying society. What are the basic principles and stages of scientific method? Will you clarify the matter for me?
B. Hi, Alex. Sure, I'll try to. Planning is a key element in scientific method and there are five basic steps that researchers follow. The first, of course, is defining the problem.
A. I take your point. The first step in any sociological research project is to state as clearly as possible what you hope to investigate.
B. Oh, definitely. Conducting a review of the literature is necessary for researchers to clarify possible techniques in collecting data and to avoid making unnecessary mistakes. This is the second step.
A. Sure. We must bear in mind that sociological statement about the relationship between two or more factors is called a hypothesis. Is formulating the hypothesis the third step in scientific method?
B. Precisely so. In formulating a hypothesis, we do not mean that it is correct. The hypothesis should be scientifically tested and confirmed. Do you know that in order to test a hypothesis and determine if it is supported or refuted, researchers need to collect information?
A. Yes, of course. I suppose, collecting and analyzing data by creating an appropriate sample for scientific research is the forth step.
B. That's right. To guide researchers in collecting and analyzing data, they employ one of the research designs, the most effective of them is selecting the sample.
A. Are there many kinds of samples?
B. Yes, there are. But the random sample is especially frequently used by social scientists. By using the random sampling techniques, sociologists do not need to question everyone in a population. And this brings me to my last point. You see, developing the conclusion is the final step, but scientific studies do not aim to answer all the questions. Therefore, the conclusion of a research study represents both an end and a beginning.
A. Yes, it's absolutely true. No doubt the conclusion terminates a specific phase of investigation, but it should also generate ideas for the future study. Thank you for clarifying the matter for me.
B. Er, yes, Well, thank you for listening.



Task 1. Report the dialogue. Use the following reporting verbs:

Ø to remind Ø to explain that
Ø to surmise that Ø to find out if/whether
Ø to admit Ø to guess if/whether
Ø to conclude Ø to indicate that
Ø to stress Ø to add
Ø to state Ø to recommend


Task 2. Work with a partner. Look at the dialogue and discuss what A. and B. say about the following subjects.

a. the necessity of using scientific method in studying society

b. defining the problem of a research and reviewing the literature for it

c. formulating the hypothesis and analyzing information

d. the role of conclusion of a study in pointing the way to new research

Task 3. Do it in English:

1. определить методы, используемые в социологическом исследовании

2. основные принципы и стадии научного метода

3. определить проблему

4. ясно определить

5. изучить литературу

6. выявить возможные приемы

7. избегать ошибок

8. сформулировать гипотезу

9. иметь в виду (подразумевать), что что-либо верно

10. подтвердить гипотезу

11. опровергать гипотезу

12. собрать и проанализировать данные

13. провести отбор для исследования

14. случайный отбор

15. конечный результат исследования

16. завершить отдельную фазу исследования

17. создать идеи для будущего изучения

Task 4. Do it in English:

Существует пять основных стадий научного исследования: определение проблемы, обзор литературы по данной проблеме, формулировка гипотезы, выбор плана исследования для сбора данных и подведение итогов. Формулируя гипотезу, социологи не подразумевают, что она обязательно верна; они просто предполагают, что ее следует изучить. В зависимости от конечного результата исследования гипотеза может быть подтверждена, опровергнута или пересмотрена. Существуют различные способы отбора участников для проведения исследования, и случайная выборка является наиболее часто используемым методом. Научные исследования не имеют целью ответить на все вопросы относительно данной проблемы, поэтому очень часто вывод исследования создает идеи для будущих изысканий.

Task 5. Read the following supporting materials and get ready to analyze and discuss the given information.

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