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Market and Command Economies

Economics is a science that analyses what, how, and for whom society produces. The central economic problem is to reconcile the conflict be­tween people's unlimited demands with society's ability to produce goods and services.

In industrial Western countries markets are to allocate resources. The market is the process by which production and consumption are coordinated through prices.

In a command economy, a central planning office makes decisions on what, how, and for whom to produce. Economy cannot rely entirely on com­mand, but there was extensive planning in many Soviet bloc countries.

A free market economy has no government intervention. Resources are allocated entirely through markets.

Modern economies in the West are mixed and rely mainly on the market but with a large dose of government intervention. The optimal level of gov­ernment intervention remains a problem which is of interest to economists.

The degree of government restrictions differs greatly between coun­tries that have command economies and countries that have free market economies. In the former, resources are allocated by central government planning. In the latter, there is not any government regulation of the con­sumption, production, and exchange of goods. Between the two main types lies the mixed economy where market and government are both of importance.


Задание 2. Выпишите из каждого предложения текста грамматическую основу (подлежащее+ сказуемое), определите видовременную форму глагола и залог, определите начальную форму глагола.


Задание 3. Задайте вопросы к первому предложению:

· общий

· специальный

· к подлежащему

· альтернативный



Задание 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях следующими словами и переведите пред­ложения на русский язык: Production, Consumption, To control, Government, To produce, Organization, Command

1. Prices are to regulate … and … in a market econ­omy.

2. The problem with government regulation of markets is … how government restrictions work in real life.

3. The aim of that book is to form a theory of the role of … in economic life.

4. The market is to decide how much ….

5. A building society is a financial … whose purpose is to help people buy houses or flats.

6. Governments are to regulate or plan production and consumption. The former is typical of mixed economies, the latter is typical of … economies.


Задание 5. Найдите в тексте неличные формы глаголов (герундий, причастие настоящего времени, причастие прошедшего времени, отглагольное существительное, инфинитив, сложное подлежащее, сложное дополнение) и выпишите их.





1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст на русский язык.

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