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Britich Parliament, parties, government. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
British Parliament, is the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom, British Crown dependencies and British overseas territories. It alone possesses legislative supremacy and thereby ultimate power over all other political bodies in the UK and its territories. Its head is the Sovereign of the United Kingdom (Queen Elizabeth II) and its seat is the Palace of Westminster in Westminster, London.
The parliament is bicameral, consisting of an upper house (the House of Lords) and a lower house (the House of Commons). The Sovereign forms the third component of the legislature (the Queen-in-Parliament). The House of Lords includes two different types of members: the Lords Spiritual (the senior bishops of the Church of England) and the Lords Temporal (members of the Peerage) whose members are not elected by the population at large, but are appointed by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister. Before the opening of the Supreme Court in October 2009, the House of Lords also performed a judicial role through the Law Lords.
The House of Commons is a democratically elected chamber with elections held at least every five years.
The two Houses meet in separate chambers in the Palace of Westminster (commonly known as the Houses of Parliament) in London. By constitutional convention, all government ministers, including the Prime Minister, are members of the House of Commons – or, less commonly, the House of Lords – and are thereby accountable to the respective branches of the legislature.
British Government, is the central government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The Government is led by the Prime Minister, who selects all the remaining Ministers. The Prime Minister and the other most senior Ministers belong to the supreme decision-making committee, known as the Cabinet.
The Government Ministers are all members of Parliament, and are accountable to it. The Government is dependent on Parliament to make primary legislation, which means that in practice a government must seek re-election at most every five years. The monarch selects as Prime Minister the leader of the party most likely to command a majority in Parliament.
Under the uncodified British constitution, executive authority lies with the monarch, although this authority is exercised only by, or on the advice of, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.The Cabinet members advise the monarch as members of the Privy Council. They also exercise power directly as leaders of the Government Departments.
The current Prime Minister is David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, who was appointed by Queen Elizabeth.The election failed to provide a decisive result, with the Conservatives as the biggest party within a hung parliament. A coalition government was formed between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats
The Conservative Party (the Tories) is the successor to the Tory Party, the party of landowners, the gentry. It has no official date of foundation. It was formed during the 1830s. Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) transformed the Conservative Party and its organization, focusing its political policies to becoming a patriotic potential people's party. Foreign policy was based on uniting the nation in its common interest of maintaining the empire and helping it to flourish, while domestic policy was to focus on introducing a more moderate class system through reform of social laws. Up until 1920 the Liberal Party had been the second largest in British politics and had enjoyed a major role. The Party was founded in 1859 as a successor to the Whigs, the party of landowners and wealthy businessmen. 19th century liberalism was influenced strongly by William Gladstone (1809-1898) and focused mainly on the demand for free trade, in the interests of a growing industrial middle class, and the establishment of autonomy for Ireland which would guarantee it a limited amount of home rule. It also focused on other issues and was at the forefront in extending the right to vote, abolishing slavery, introducing laws to protect children, passing the poor law, the Factories Act, working time law and the reforming regional government.
The Labour Party was founded in 1900 as the " Labour Representation Committee" as the political arm of the trade union movement - it was given its present name in 1906. This explains both its remaining financial dependency on the trade unions and its internal organization. Individual members share a platform with block membership groups from trade unions and socialist organizations. Block memberships are created by organizations such as trade unions levying a contribution to the Labour Party as a part of their other charges. The number of votes allotted to any one trade union is calculated according to the size of its contributions to the Labour Party. These votes can be used at Labour Party conferences to sway decisions (block votes). Until 1981 the party leader was elected by the parliamentary party, but has since been decided by an election committee made up of trade union representatives, party associations and the constituencies to which the MPs belong. The last reform of the party in 1993 gave each of these bodies one third of the total votes.
The Labour Party was founded in 1900 as the " Labour Representation Committee" as the political arm of the trade union movement - it was given its present name in 1906. This explains both its remaining financial dependency on the trade unions and its internal organization. Individual members share a platform with block membership groups from trade unions and socialist organizations Economy
Великобритания на сегодняшний день представляет собой страну с высоко развитой, сильной и независимой экономикой. Восстановление экономики после Второй Мировой Войны заняло много времени. Вступление Великобритании в Европейское Сообщество в 1973 году, способствовало подъему конкурентоспособности страны. Теперь Великобритания находится в первых рядах среди развитых стран по уровню прироста производства, производительности и конкурентоспособности. Доля производства и машиностроения за годы после Второй Мировой Войны в то время, как сфера услуг значительно расширилась и стала приносить значительную часть дохода страны. США и Япония - наиболее значительные торговые партнеры Великобритании, а японские компании часто выбирают именно Великобританию в качестве своей базы в Европе. Таким образом, Великобритания активно сотрудничает не только со странами - членами Содружества, но и с Европой, Азией и Северной Америкой. Поднялся средний уровень жизни, хотя по-прежнему осталось деления на более преуспевающие территории юго-восточной части страны, включая Лондон, и менее богатые территории запада и севера. Уровни безработицы и инфляции постепенно были снижены. Страна играла роль мирового финансового лидера, что, наряду с открытием месторождений природного газа и нефти в Северном море снизило зависимость экономики от более традиционных источников энергии и значительно оздоровило внутреннюю экономику страны и экономическую политику правительства.
Главными пунктами экономической политики правительства стали регулирование и частая перемена процентных ставок, снижение прямого налогообложения, поощрение недвижимой собственности среди населения, увеличение держателей акций компаний, повышение уровня образования. Значительные усилия предпринимаются для того, чтобы улучшить производительность труда и конкурентоспособность товаров и услуг. Работоспособное население составляет почти половину всего населения Великобритании. Внутри этой группы доля человек занята собственным делом, другие заняты в военном секторе и правительстве. Большинство работников занято в сфере услуг, причем наибольшее их количество работает в финансовом секторе. Great Britain represents the country with highly developed, strong and independent economy today. An economic recovery after World War II took a lot of time. The entry of Great Britain into the European Community in 1973, promoted rise in competitiveness of the country. Now Great Britain is among the developed countries on the level of a gain of production, productivity and competitiveness in the forefront. The share of production and mechanical engineering in years after World War II while a services sector considerably extended and began to bring in considerable part of the income of the country. The USA and Japan - the most considerable trade partners of Great Britain, and the Japanese companies often choose Great Britain as the base in Europe. Thus, Great Britain actively cooperates not only with member countries of the Commonwealth, but also with Europe, Asia and North America. The average level of life though still remained divisions into more successful territories of southeast part of the country, including London, and less rich territories of the West and North rose. Unemployment rates and inflations were gradually lowered. The country played a role of the world financial leader that, along with opening of natural gas fields and oil in the North Sea reduced dependence of economy on more traditional power sources and considerably revitalized internal national economy and economic policy of the government. Regulation and frequent change of interest rates, decrease in the direct taxation, encouragement of immovable property among the population, increase in holders of the shares of the companies, education level increase became the main points of economic policy of the government. Considerable efforts are made to improve labor productivity and competitiveness of goods and services. The efficient population makes nearly a half of all population of Great Britain. In this group the share of people is occupied with own business, others are occupied in military sector and the government. Most of workers is occupied in a services sector, and their greatest number works in financial sector.
Открытие залежей нефти в Северном море привело к стремительному развитию нефтедобывающей промышленности. Запасы нефти в Великобритании достигают цифры 770 миллионов тонн. С началом добычи природного газа в 1967 году уголь в городах постепенно заменили на газ, а по всей стране построили газопровод. Great Britain possesses large supplies of resources of energy, including oil, natural gas and coal, than any of the countries European Opening of deposits of oil in the North Sea led to prompt development of the oil-extracting industry. Oil reserves in Great Britain reach figure of 770 million tons. From the beginning of production of natural gas in 1967 coal in the cities gradually was replaced with gas, and over all country constructed the gas pipeline
Ядерное топливо незначительно повысило уровень вырабатываемой в стране энергии, в то время как гидроэлектростанции сохранили свои позиции, а кое-где, например, в Шотландии, остались главным источником энергии. Подавляющее большинство энергии производится на обычных электростанциях. В целом сфера производства продолжает сокращаться как в плане работников, занятых в этой области, так и в плане доли (теперь менее одной четверти) в валовом национальном продукте (ВНП). Этот сектор экономики был главной причиной стремительного увеличения уровня безработицы в начале 80-х годов. Наиболее важными секторами промышленности являются машиностроение, пищевая промышленность (включая производство безалкогольных и спиртных напитков), табачная и химическая промышленности, бумажная и печатная промышленности, легкая промышленности. Наиболее быстро развивающимися секторами промышленности стали химическая, лесная, мебельная, производство пластика. Внутри химической промышленности особенно активно стала развиваться фармацевтическая индустрия. Nuclear fuel slightly increased the level of the energy developed in the country while hydroelectric power stations kept the positions, and here and there, for example, in Scotland, remained the main power source. The vast majority of energy is made at usual power plants. In general the sphere of production continues to be reduced as in respect of the workers occupied in this area and in respect of a share (now less than one quarter) in the gross national product (GNP). This sector of economy was the main cause of prompt increase in unemployment rate in the early eighties. The most important sectors of the industry are the mechanical engineering, the food industry (including production of soft and alcoholic drinks), the tobacco and chemical industries, the paper and printing industries, easy for the industry. The most quickly developing sectors of the industry became chemical, forest, furniture, production of plastic. In chemical industry the pharmaceutical industry especially actively began to develop.
. Государственная политика по отношению к сельскому хозяйству предполагает повышение уровня производительности и уровня жизни занятых в агропромышленном комплексе людей, в то же время сохраняя разумные цены на товары. Чтобы этого достичь, была создана система минимальных цен на внутренние товары и пошлин на импорт. Производителям говядины и баранины специально доплачивается, чтобы сделать их товар конкурентоспособным на европейском рынке. Наиболее важными злаками являются пшеница, овес, рожь. Значительная часть злаков идет на прокорм скота, однако остальное идет на производство хлеба, крупы и т.д. В животноводстве наиболее важными является рогатый скот. В сельском хозяйстве стараются поддерживать высокий уровень самодостаточности, за исключением производства сахара и сыра, которые импортируются
The most important cereals are wheat, oats, a rye. The considerable part of cereals goes on a cattle pro-forage, however the rest goes for production of bread, grain, etc. In animal husbandry the cattle is the most important. In agriculture try to support the high level of self-sufficiency, except for production of sugar and cheese which are imported
сектора сферы услуг, на которые повысился спрос, включают отели, туризм, розничную торговлю, финансы и отдых. Множество других секторов, ранее занимающих незначительную долю рынка или не существовавших вовсе, стали гораздо более значительными. Они включают производство компьютеров и программного обеспечения, рекламу, исследование рынка, проведение выставок, презентаций и конференций. В последнее время Великобритания также активно развивает сектор обучения иностранным языкам, в особенности английскому, среднего и высшего образования, привлекая иностранных студентов.
Опросы общественного мнения показали изменения экономического климата с 1979 года со всеми взлетами и падениями экономики в этот период. В целом люди довольны правительство, когда экономика находится на подъеме, и не довольны, когда она в относительном упадке. Экономическая ситуация в стране беспокоит большое количество британцев, особенно же их волнуют безработица, закрытие фабрик, снижение объемов промышленного производства, инфляция, цены и налоги. Некоторые считают, что достояние страны распределено несправедливо, страдают бедные наемные работники, а собственники богатеют. Постоянно растет число людей, которые поддерживают идею о том, что наемным работникам надо предоставлят Критики считают что экономика Великобритании страдает от того, что квалифицированные люди не идут работать в производство и торговлю, а рабочейсилы мало. Также не достаточно развивается наука.
Polls showed changes of economic climate since 1979 with all take-off and falling of economy during this period. In general people are happy the government when the economy is on rise, and aren't happy, when it in relative decline. The economic situation in the country disturbs a large number of British, especially they are excited by unemployment, closing of factories, decrease in industrial outputs, inflation, the prices and taxes. Some consider that the property of the country is distributed unfairly, poor hired workers suffer, and owners grow rich. Constantly the number of people who support idea that is necessary to hired workers grows predostavlitCritics consider that the economy of Great Britain suffers from that the qualified people don't go to work in production and trade, and it isn't enough rabocheysila. Also not enough the science develops.